The Dungeon Shop
by Chris Ford
Gay Witchcraft
by Christopher Penczak
Pagans and the Law
by Dana D. Eilers
Witchcraft for Tomorrow
by Doreen Valiente
Bud, Blossom, & Leaf
by Dorothy Morrison
The Craft
by Dorothy Morrison and Raymond Buckland
Spells for the Solitary Witch
by Eileen Holland
by Eirik Gumeny
Garden Witch's Herbal
by Ellen Dugan and Jennifer L. Meyer
The Sun Also Rises
by Ernest Hemingway
Just Call Me Frank!
by Frank Hamrick
Witchcraft Today
by Gerald B. Gardner
Herbal Magick
by Gerina Dunwich
The Wicca Garden
by Gerina Dunwich
Impossible to Love
by Heena Patwa
The Fellowship of the Ring
by J R R Tolkien
The Return of the King
by J R R Tolkien
The Two Towers
by J R R Tolkien
Behind the Badge
by J.D. Cunegan
Amber in the World of Shades
by J.K. Riya
Deutsche Mythologie
by Jacob Grimm
A Witches' Bible
by Janet Farrar and Stewart Farrar
A History of Witchcraft, Sorcerers, Heretics, and Pagans
by Jeffrey Burton Russell
Back To Eden
by Jethro Kloss and Promise K. Moffet
The Herb Book
by John B. Lust
Of Mice and Men
by John Steinbeck
grapes of wrath
by John Steinbeck
by Joseph Heller
American Household Botany
by Judith Sumner
All Darling Children
by Katrina Monroe
The Blind Girl's Sword
by Kimberly Coleman
A Modern Herbal
by Margaret Grieve
The Book of Magical Herbs
by Margaret Picton and Michelle Pickering
Drawing Down the Moon
by Margot Adler
Body into Balance
by Maria Noel Groves
Druan Episode 1 - Dawn
by Mark Robson
Karmic Tribunal, A Political & Metaphysical Satire
by May Sinclair
Culpeper's Complete Herbal
by Nicholas Culpeper
The Master Book of Herbalism
by Paul Beyerl and Diana S. Greene
Wayfarers Highway
by Peter Petrack
Fahrenheit 451
by Ray Bradbury
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft
by Raymond Buckland
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Treasure Island
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Our Young Guardians
by Rodi Szoke
The Triumph of the Moon
by Ronald Hutton
Cunningham's Book of Shadows
by Scott Cunningham
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic
by Scott Cunningham
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen
by Scott Cunningham
Cunningham's Guide to Hawaiian Magic & Spirituality
by Scott Cunningham
Divination for Beginners
by Scott Cunningham
Earth, Air, Fire & Water
by Scott Cunningham
Hawaiian Religion & Magic
by Scott Cunningham
Living Wicca
by Scott Cunningham
Magic of Food
by Scott Cunningham
Magical Aromatherapy
by Scott Cunningham
Magical Herbalism
by Scott Cunningham
Pocket Guide to Fortune Telling
by Scott Cunningham
Sacred Sleep
by Scott Cunningham
Scott Cunningham's Herb Magic
by Scott Cunningham
The Art of Divination
by Scott Cunningham
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews
by Scott Cunningham
The Magical Power of Herbs
by Scott Cunningham
The Scott Cunningham Kitchen Witches Companion
by Scott Cunningham
The Truth About Witchcraft Today
by Scott Cunningham
The Truth about Herb Magic the Truth about Herb Magic
by Scott Cunningham
by Scott Cunningham
Dreaming the Divine
by Scott Cunningham and Connie Hill
The Magical Household
by Scott Cunningham and David B. Harrington
Spell Crafts
by Scott Cunningham and David B. Harrington and Scott Harri
Earth Power
by Scott Cunningham and Greg Guler and Bill Fugate
Cunningham's Magical Sampler
by Scott Cunningham and Raymond Buckland and Donald Michael Kraig
by Sir Walter Scott
The Sacred Mountain
by Stan Huncilman
The Spiral Dance
by Starhawk
Gwendy's Button Box
by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar and Keith Minnion
A Witch's Runes
by Susan A. Sheppard
The Lion and the Fox
by Sylvia Prince
The Once and Future King
by T.H. White
The Devil's Blessing
by Tony Hernandez
A Marble Heart
by Travis Gulbrandson
The Jungle
by Upton Sinclair