by Alex Fayman
Beyond The Headlights
by Allan Davis
Mirrored Sword Part One
by Allan Hands
Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops
by Allison Hong Merrill
No More Dodging Bullets
by Amy Herrig
The Eye of Ra & The Children of Isis
by Andrea Franks
The Bridge
by Andrew Palmer
by Andrew Slac
January 6th and the Millenial Horde
by Andy lazris
Shadow Song
by Anita Morrish
Women Behaving Courageously
by Ann Andrews
Why They Stay
by Anne Michaud
The Despicable Missionary
by Annie Bradley with Julie Dass
Good Sexual Hygiene & Spiritual Attitude
by Anthony A. Morris
The Date of Christ's Return
by Arnold V Page
The Message?
by Avam Hale
Thorn of Secrets
by B. Truly
Jenny's Heroes
by Barry Litherland
Shifting Sands
by Barry Litherland
Alpaca In The Backa’ My Car
by Ben Farber
Jack London and Racism in America
by Ben Goldstein
The Proximity of Stars
by Benedict Stuart
My Enemy in Vietnam
by Billy Springer
What Makes America Great
by Bob Dowell
Fishing for Dr Richard
by Bob Kimmerling
Keys to Healthy Communication
by Bobby R Patton, Rusalyn H Andrews, Jennifer Page Daily
by Booth Milovnik
Mysteries you can't put down
by Brad Bennett
by Brian Josepher
Spirit of the Season
by Brian Lamont
Individual Influence
by Brian Smith and Mary Smith
The Child Development and Positive Parenting Master Class 2-in-1 Bundle
by Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana
The Making of Evil
by C. Ross Dutton
Plans that Made God Laugh
by CAPT Jim “Bluto” Allen
Noonday Flower
by Carla C. Ohse
Eating Bull
by Carrie Rubin
The Spiritual Treasure Trove
by Charles R Smith
To God Be The Glory! We Must Never Give Up
by Charles Wiley
A Shield in the Shadows
by Cheryl Bristow
Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature, second edition
by Chet Shupe
The Silence of Children
by Chris Lewando
Hemingway's Daughter
by Christine M. Whitehead
Collits' Inn: Uncovering the Past
by Christine Stewart
Whole Lot of Hullabaloo
by Christopher Fried
Mary J community
by Clyde Edmond Fisher
winter branches
by Coda Plain
Summer of the Second Coming
by Colin Hayward
Terms of Service
by Craig W. Stanfill
Tales from the Gray Area
by Curtis Stephen Burdick
The Rock at the Bottom
by Cynthia Hilston
The Legacy of Job's Wife
by Cynthia Koelker
Odyssey of High Hopes
by Cyrus A. Ansary
The Socratic Contract
by D C Russell
Brandy, Ballad of a Pirate Princess
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Last Enemy
by Dan E. Hendrickson
Fair Game Foul Play
by Daniel Pascoe
The Love , Heartache, and Devotion of a Mom and Grandma
by Darcie Joy Miller
The Residue of Our Desires
by Darcy Green
Speedy Hurled Through Havoc
by Dave Letterfly Knoderer
He Goes Out Weeping
by David A. Fiensy
Sister B
by David Charles Hart
And Man Made God In His Image
by David Done
Drone Child
by David H. Rothman
The Diary Of An Immortal (1945-1959)
by David J Castello
Break the Chains of Dieting
by David Medansky
Fire and Earth
by David West
Mike Canada: Coldblooded
by Demetric Canada
Skullduggery at Quanah
by Dennis Boyd Call
Unremembered Victory
by Dennis H. Klein
Takes More Than Heart
by Dennis Mellen
Beyond the Clouds, the Sky is Blue
by Dennis Santos
Bawdy Jokes & Patter Songs
by Denny Hatch
Thin Places
by Diane Owens Prettyman
Functional Dysfunction
by Dr C. Errol Ball
Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
OUCH! The Pain of Modern Civilization
by Dr. Ajay Issar & Alka Issar
Once Upon a Scare
by Dr. Bon Blossman
The Pro-Achievement Principle
by Dr. Deborah Bright
If Your Water Cooler Could Talk
by Dr. Jim Bohn
What The Pet Food Industry is Not Telling You
by Dr. Stephanie Krol
Prints In the Snow
by E. F. Townsend
by E.W. Johnson M.D.
In It Together
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Down Heartbreak Boulevard
by Efren O'Brien
Carrasco '67
by Elaine Broun
Michelangelo, the Byzantines, and Plato
by Elena Ene D-Vasilescu
Jesus, Prosperity Gospel and Poverty in Africa
by Elijah Oladimeji
by Ellen Dee Davidson
Wild Path to the Sacred Heart
by Ellen Dee Davidson
The Presence of Justice
by Elvis Bray
Higher Connections
by Eric Right and Alexandra Right
Nell's West
by Erin Eldridge
Covet Not
by Errin P. Stowell
Breaking the Mold
by Fabian Videla
Spirituality in the 21st Century
by Frank P. Daversa
America's Top 30 Idioms and Their Origins
by Fred Engh
Caspar: Last of the Magi
by Fred Fraikor
by Fred Witzgall
You Are Designed to be Successful
by Freddie Floyd Jr
The Exfiltrator
by Garner Simmons
Stone of Gabriel
by Gary A. Pattillo
The Attunist
by Gary B. Haley
The Machine
by Gary Green
Beyond Balancing The Books
by George Marino, CPA, CFP
When Time Stood Still
by Gisela Roediger
Think Like A Wall Street Analyst
by Glenn Engel
Loneliness in the Pocket
by Graeme Stuckings
Either Peace or War
by Graydon McWilliams
by Great-aunt Rita(and she really is GREAT!) with lots of help from Jake and Elina Farber
Skills of the Warramunga
by Greg Kater
The Warramunga's War
by Greg Kater
Dark Vanity
by Gregory E Seller
A Distinguished Ghanaian Ahuma Bosco Ocansey
by Gurinder Abrol
The Wicked Wives
by Gus Pelagatti
A Song on the Road Home
by H.N. Lawrence
Surviving Chaos
by Harold Phifer
Taking Charge: Vol. 2 More Stories on Aging Boldly
by Herb Weiss
Provocative Catholic
by Hilary L. Hunt M.D.
Care and Feeding of the Aging Human Male Species
by Irene Shere
White Smoke
by Itamar S.N
Silent retribution man
by J sato
Overcoming Systemic Prejudice and Discrimination
by J. Dawson Williams, D. Min.
Slave to King
by J.E. Hibpshman
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
by J.K. Rowling
Consciousness Unbundled
by Jack Veffer
Devil Among Us
by Jack Winnick
Devil in False Colors
by Jack Winnick
East Wind, 2nd Edition
by Jack Winnick
The Date Farm
by Jack Winnick
by Jack Winnick
Life Lessons From a Late Bloomer
by Jackie Ewing
Mountain of Life
by Jackson Gakonga
Natural Born Guilt
by Jacqueline Mendelson
Sonora Pass
by Jaime Olmos
The Demon of the Well
by James B. Hendricks
The Adventures of Sweet Pickles McGillicuddy
by James C Wright
The Not So Great American Novel
by James E. Doucette
The Unlikely Cowboy
by James E. Doucette
Fact Check and More Probing Tales
by James Hanna
The Ping-Pong Champion of Chinatown
by James Hanna
These Sacred Lands
by James Harold Kelly
Nakhon Phanom
by James I. Jouppi
Findin9 H2OM3
by Jameson B Grant
His Sunrise My Sunset
by Jan Hurst
by Janet Stegman
The Maltese Attack
by Jay Perin
The Part That Burns
by Jeannine Ouellette
The Dream Primer
by Jeff Meyer
Speaks for Itself
by Jeffrey Paul Bailey.
Intensive Therapy
by Jeffrey Deitz
Squeeze Plays
by Jeffrey Marshall
Operation Olive Tree
by Jemil Metti
Refugee On a Pendulum
by Jemil Metti
Snatched Up to Heaven!
by Jemima Paul and Arvind Paul
Snatched Up to Heaven for Kids
by Jemima Paul, Arvind Paul
The Ironbark Hill Saga
by Jennie Linnane
Tea Break Poems
by Jennifer Proxenos
Sophistries of Summer Days
by Jenny Lofters
The Tale of Tikky, the Quail
by Jenny Zhengyu Lin
The Inner CEO
by Jeremy Blain
Everyone Needs a Companion
by Jerry A Greenberg
by Jerry A Greenberg
Chasing the Rabbit
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Dreams Are to Be Lived
by Jerry A. Greenberg
They Leave As Boys And They Return As Men
by Jerry Anthony Fulkerson
Cruising Through The Teens, Easier Than It Seems
by Jerry Schaefer
Proud to Be Me Rosalinda Part 2
by Jesse Moreno
Insights for Coaching Leaders beyond 2021
by Jill Flynn
The Solution is Political Revolution
by Jillion R Rising
SALES FIRST!: Growing Our Company the Old-Fashioned Way
by John Haugh and Michael Shaughnessy
Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise
by John K Danenbarger
This Our Faith
by John Leslie Hart
Musings of an old American during the Pandemic
by John Martin Ramsay
Low Flying
by John Reynolds
Always Before Me
by John Servant
The Origin
by Joseph DiPierro
by Joseph Eidelberg
Malino: The Orphan Road
by Joseph R. Barry
by Jude Austin
Project Tau
by Jude Austin
Magna Carta R.I.P?
by Jude Meritus
Nettie Boo
by Judy Adams Brown
At the End of the Day
by Judy Condon
Just Give Me a Soft Place to Land
by Judy Condon
Bone Necklace
by Julia Sullivan
Twice a Daughter
by Julie Ryan McGue
House of Eire
by June Gillam
Silverheels Mountain of Love
by Karen Ann Gibson
Diamond in the Desert
by Karen Gilleland
Power Glass
by Katherine Cooper
Grit & Granite
by Katherine Lee Johnson
Becoming Athena
by Katherine Lore
Farmer Beau's Farm
by Kathleen Geiger
Saving Superman
by Kathleen Sales
Love Yourself & Lose Weight: The Success Story of Self Love
by Katie Lips
by Kaylin McFarren
Rough Way to the High Way
by Kelly Mack McCoy
by Ken Hannaman
Blue Collar Cash
by Ken Rusk
Culture Jock
by Kenny Noble Cortes
by Kevin Vodden
Callaghan, vol. 1 & 2
by Kim Ekemar
The Lost Identity Casualties
by Kim Ekemar
Travels Into Discomfort
by Kim Kieler
On Becoming Me: Memoir of an 80's Teenager
by Kirsten Pursell
Chief Among Us
by L. A. Noble
The M&M Boys
by Lara Reznik
Affliction: Growing Up With a Closeted Gay Dad
by Laura Hall
One Daughter's Quest
by Laura Smail Sims
The Light Within Me
by Lauren Grabois Fischer
Free Fish Friday
by Lee Stone
The life of Tony MARCEANO
by Leon Mason
Flunking first grade and shooting trout
by Lester D. Flake
The Eagle and the Dragon, a Novel of Rome and China
by Lewis F. McIntyre
The Cat Who Blew the Whistle
by Lilian Jackson Braun
Raven's Peak
by Lincoln Cole
Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualisation for Therapists and Clients
by Linda Gregory Ph.D.
The Dream Keepers
by Linda Keen
Apollo's Raven
by Linnea Tanner
Skull's Vengeance
by Linnea Tanner
Two Faces of Janus
by Linnea Tanner
Lingering Poets
by Logan Lamech
Where's Hare's Tooth?
by Lois Solverud
Distorted Days
by Louise Worthington
The House of Spark
by Luminita Laflash
The Blackest Blue
by Luna Wright
The Maple Seed Helicopter
by Marco Collina
30th Century: Escape (First Edition)
by Mark Kingston Levin, PhD
If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your But's
by Mark L. Wdowiak
Sword of the Spirit
by Mark Norris
Fragile Courage
by Martha E. Casazza
Acts of Hope
by Martin Elsant
The Freedom Building
by Martin Kendall
3 Magic Dreams
by Matt Bolton Art
We are Voulhire: The Fires of Virko
by Matthew Tysz
by McKinley Aspen
Butterfly Awakens
by Meg Nocero
The God Food Diet
by Miami Mike
Gateways to Psychotherapy
by Michael Hegarty
The Viewfinder
by Michael J. Bowen
A Mechanic's Handbook To The God Of The Bible
by Michael O Borthwick
Sebastian and the Invisible Island
by Michael William Hogan
by Mike J.B.
Your Money and Your Life
by Mike LeGassick
We Never Knew Just What it Was ... the Story of the Chad Mitchell Trio
by Mike Murphey
Living in Color
by Mike Murphy
Wolf Hunter Inquisition
by Miller Thomas
Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless
by Mitzi Perdue
America Dies - When Based Upon Lies
by Moswee M. Peach
Bird in a Snare
by N.L. Holmes
The North Wind Descends
by N.L. Holmes
The Mercury Mind
by Nathan Lancry
Pandora's Lockbox
by Nico Griffith
After Dark
by Noel Hankin
Stubborn Children
by Norio Ando
An Open Wound
by O Persaud
Trapped in Glass
by Pam Records
Casino Chronicle
by Pascale Batieufaye
License To Loot!
by Pascale Batieufaye
The Last Stop
by Patricia Street
Dad in a Cheer Bow
by Patrick Riccards
by Pattie Palmer-Baker
The Importance of Now
by Paul Schumacher
by Paul Steven Stone
Penelopes Purple Passions
by Penelope Chaisson
by Peter J. Boni
"LOGJAM of a Beauteous MIND"
by Peter Simon Karp
Free and Fearless
by Phil Moser
The Shadow Walker
by Rabbi Yehuda Fine
I Hate Campaign Hats
by Randall Stevens
Deadly Waters: The Vietnam Naval War And Its Aftermath
by Randy Miller
Short Poems, Long Tales
by Rashid Osmani
The Atheist and the Afterlife - an Autobiography
by Ray Catania
the REMF, Hurry Up and Wait
by Ray Dyer
Hard Knocks: Memoir of a Small Moment
by Ray Lopez
The Road to Management
by Rene Medina
My Infinite Self
by Rev. Lisa Rae Brooks
Making Sense of Poetry
by Rex W Last
Wolfgang's Castle
by Rex W Last
The Unbound Soul
by Richard L. Haight
Emotional Intelligence At Work
by Richard M Contino & Penelope J Holt
Dear Abigail
by Richard Rees
Diabolus In Musica
by Richard Rees
Somebody Wants To Kill Me
by Richard Rees
The Reikel Conspiracy
by Richard Rees
And Then I Met Margaret
by Rob White
How to Survive the Coming Retirement Storm
by Robert Margetic
The Lion of Camelot
by Robert Murray
Home Again 2020
by Roberta M Roy
Strange Stories II
by Roger Mannon
Seditious Behavior
by Roland Rosado
Letter from Galapagos
by Rolf Richardson
When No One Else Believed
by Ron Tripodo
Dancing on Bones
by Ross Gordon
Loss and Discovery
by Russell M. Linden
True Teryn
by S.G. Blaise
One Hand Two Hearts
by S.K. Alfstad
by Samuel J Murray
A New Way Of Life
by Samy Barnat
Now I See
by Sandra Leon Gonzalez
Lizzy Baby
by Sarah P Blanchard
And Throw Away The Skins
by Scott Archer Jones
Achieve Your Dreams
by Scott Hughes
A Frame For Flowers
by Sean Storin
Life Lessons of Wayne
by Shawn Wayne
The Story Of...
by Shirley B Novack
The Last Raider
by Spencer Anderson
“The Dogs of Brownsville”
by Stan Weisleder
by Stanley Michelsen
Discovering Twins
by Stella Claire ter Hart
Mirror Mirror
by Stephanie Hart
The Great Migration
by Steve Ramirez
by Strobe Witherspoon
No One Must Know
by Susan Frances
by Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Rebirth in Acadi
by Susan Swanson
Silent Voices-A Mother’s and Teacher’s Perspective of Autism
by Suzy Dell (Pseudo name)
Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
The Sojourners
by T. L. Hughes
"Shirley" Goodness & Mercy
by Tanya L Holland
Seven at Two Past Five
by Tara Basi
by Tayma Tameem
In the Year of the Rabbit
by Terence A. Harkin
The Three Little Monsters and the Cranky King
by Teydon Rae
The Impossible Mock Orange Trial
by Thad G. Long
One Jesus, One Way
by The Proving Jesus Group
Damaged People
by Thomas Avant
Chasing Time
by Thomas Reilly
Endeavor’s Run
by Tobin Marks
Self-Help Sucks!
by Tony Blankenship
Go Forth from Where You Are
by Tova Herman
There's a Rooster in My Bathroom!
by Trish Ostroski
It Strikes Again
by Tristen O Treal
I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation
by Val D. Greenwood
Killing Your Best Friend
by Valda Taurus
Final Chance
by Van Fleisher
Final Notice
by Van Fleisher
God’s Victorious Army
by Vicki Troup
End of the Last Great Kingdom
by Victor Rose
Merlin's Rings: Book One: Young Crusaders
by Virginia Hoyt
About Spiritual Energy
by Walter E Broach
by William H. Coles
Contagion Domination
by William Nisol
Father's Gold Secret
by Wu, Sing-yung, MD, PhD
Apotheosis Now
by Yanhao Huang
Warrior Entrepreneur
by Zachary L Green
From Muddy WATER
by allan davis
by mark lunde