by Ben Goldstein and Phillip Namanworth
In the Land of Myth
by Bernard Kuckuck
Utopia Project
by Billy Dering
Poems About Things That Mattered Most
by Bob Dowell
Mysteries you can't put down
by Brad Bennett
Beyond Dreams
by Carlotta Amerio
Eating Bull
by Carrie Rubin
by Charles Williams
The Expansion
by Christoph Martin
The Court of Capricorn
by Christopher Range
Terms of Service
by Craig W. Stanfill
Tales from the Gray Area
by Curtis Stephen Burdick
The Eclipsed
by Dara Kent
The Residue of Our Desires
by Darcy Green
Molly's New Pony, Sir Wallace McGee
by David Casentini
A World Diverse lll
by David Edmond CD
Mirror, Mirror...? A Modern Day Fairy Tale
by Dodie Meister
Commitment to Courage
by Donald L. Redden PhD
Matchbox Dreams
by Douglas Schwartz
Emilia Rose and the rainbow adventure
by Dr. Debra Ford
Will's Adventure to the Candy Mountain
by Dr.Gerry Haller
Tactile Therapy: Volume One
by Durell Arrington
Harvard Heart of Gold
by Dustin Aguilar
The Mirrors
by E F Townsend
The Kahler Files #1--More or Less than Human
by Eric Safflind
The Kahler Files #5 -- Maxwell's Silver Hammer
by Eric Safflind
Sophia Violet and the Fiery Orb
by Evangeline Greene
Nightlord: Sunset
by Garon Whited
The Wicked Wives
by Gus Pelagatti
The Haunted House
by IB Gumnut
The Curious Spell of Madam Genova
by J.G. Schwartz
Thunder and Lightning, They're Not So Frightening
by JD Schmith
by Jack Winnick
The Adventures of Sweet Pickles McGillicuddy
by James C Wright
Russia's Biggest Hack
by James E. Doucette
by Jeannie Nicholas
The Tale of Tikky, the Quail
by Jenny Zhengyu Lin
My Special Day in Jasper,Texas USA
by Jermaine Kenyatta
A Brush with Death
by Jody Summers
by Jude Austin
Project Tau
by Jude Austin
Diamond and Pearls
by Julien Ayotte
by Kadon Landon Peterson
Farmer Beau's Farm
by Kathleen Geiger
Shadow's Adventure Home
by Kathy Kovar
High Flying
by Kaylin McFarren
Soul Seeker
by Kaylin McFarren
Shepherds of Destiny
by Kiel Barnekov
The Lost Identity Casualties
by Kim Ekemar
The Adventures of Dressy Jessie and LC Jones
by Kimberly Cortes
Bonnie’s Adventures in a Storybook World
by Kristie Schubert
by Lauren Grabois Fischer
The Light Within Me
by Lauren Grabois Fischer
The Last Consort
by Lauren Schultz
The Girl With The Flat Tire
by Leon Loy
The Newton Code
by Liam Fialkov
Raven's Peak
by Lincoln Cole
Days of Future Found
by M. K. Wark
Quincas Borba
by Machado de Assis
Whale of Wonder
by Marie-Paule Mahoney
Acid Dreams
by Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain and Andrei Codrescu and William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg and A
The Darkness at Decker Lake
by Martin H. Zuckerman
by Martin Wyatt
The Decision
by Michael D. Komeshak
Sock Lobsters
by Michelle Bulriss
Please Don't Tell Cooper He's A Dog
by Michelle Lander Feinberg
The Greater Understanding
by Nanna Pete
Animal Village
by Nelda LaTeef
The Talking Baobab Tree
by Nelda LaTeef
Unknown Vengeance
by Patrick O'Brien
by Pattie Palmer-Baker
by Paul Steven Stone
Penelopes Purple Passions
by Penelope Chaisson
The Man in the High Castle
by Philip K. Dick
Death Inside Diamond Head
by Randolph Mase
Short Poems, Long Tales
by Rashid Osmani
Pearl River Mansion
by Richard Schwartz
The Wrong Side of the Glass
by Rick Incorvia
The Aftermath Of The King
by Robert Murray
Make Grandma Great Again
by Robin R. Rabii
Strange Stories II
by Roger Mannon
Seditious Behavior
by Roland Rosado
Lily's Quest
by S.J. Savage
The Millionaire's Cross
by Sal Nudo
A Few Trivial Felonies
by Sandra Sperling
by Shira Shiloah
The Host
by Stephenie Meyer
Surviving Anstey
by Susan Hancock
Pivotal Moments
by Susanne Birgersdotter
The Three Little Monsters and the Cranky King
by Teydon Rae
World, Incorporated
by Tom Gariffo
On the Steps of St. Dymphna
by Tony Rocco
Immortals' Requiem
by Vincent Bobbe
by W. D. County
The Bird Ride
by Wade W. Bergner
Spirituality for REAL
by WakunDaMa
by William H. Coles
Preppers Medical Handbook
by William W Forgey
21 Lessons for the 21rst Century
by Yuval Noah Harari
by Yuval Noah Harari