by Calix Leigh-Reign
Victoria's War
by Catherine A. Hamilton
The Secrets of Ivy Garden
by Catherine Ferguson
Followers of Lightning
by Charles Bentley
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
The Court of Capricorn
by Christopher Range
The Mistress
by Danielle Steele
Massacre Rocks
by Dave Lundgren
by David Samuelson
Seeds of Hope
by Debbie Tremel
Shame Off You
by Denise Pass
The Crystilleries of Echoland
by Dew Pellucid
Matchbox Dreams
by Douglas Schwartz
The Secrets To Living A Fantastic Life...
by Dr. Allen Lycka & Harriet Tinka
Chronic Heavy Metal Poisoning vs. Your Health
by Dr. David Maloney
Emilia Rose and the rainbow adventure
by Dr. Debra Ford
Tactile Therapy: Volume One
by Durell Arrington
The Mirrors
by E F Townsend
The Lion King: The Novelization
by Elizabeth Rudnick
Highlight Real
by Emily Lynn Paulson
The Kahler Files #5 -- Maxwell's Silver Hammer
by Eric Safflind
The Intelligence Factor
by Erik Fisher
Sophia Violet and the Fiery Orb
by Evangeline Greene
Man Mission
by Eytan Uliel
The Memoir Man
by Frances Webb
Lena's Secret War
by Fred G. Baker
Zona: The Forbidden Land
by Fred G. Baker
Nightlord: Sunset
by Garon Whited
What’s Forever For? A Physician’s Guide To Everlasting Love And Success In Marriage
by George P “Jeep” Naum, III
The Privileged Bride Heads West
by Grace Weston
The Scandalous Bride Heads West
by Grace Weston
The Secretive Bride Heads West
by Grace Weston
Marrying a Playboy Billionaire
by H M Irwing
Noble Traitor
by J R Tomlin
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
by J.K. Rowling
Thunder and Lightning, They're Not So Frightening
by JD Schmith
The Date Farm
by Jack Winnick
The Last Assassination
by James E Doucette
The Not So Great American Novel
by James E. Doucette
Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen
by Jayme A. Oliveira Filho and Jayme S. Alencar
Behind the Barbed Wire Fence
by Jennie Linnane
Put Comfortable Shoes in my Coffin
by Jennifer Girardi McCloskey
At Day's End, I'll Always Be Me
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Reluctant Heiress
by Jessica Jones
A Roadmap To Career Success
by John G Bendt
Solstice Series
by John J Blenkush
The Healer
by John Thomas Tuft
Burn Zones
by Jorge P. Newbery
by Jude Austin
Project Tau
by Jude Austin
Diamond and Pearls
by Julien Ayotte
by Julien Ayotte
House of Cuts
by June Gillam
Love Me, Always
by KT Elizabeth
The Silence of Ray
by Karen Fletcher
No Time for Surprises
by Karen McCullough
Divided World
by Kenneth Pickering
Summer in the City
by Kevin Phelps
Callaghan, vol. 1 & 2
by Kim Ekemar
Deceitful Survival
by LC Lee
Santa's Smelly Socks!
by Len Foley
Story of Lord Leon and the Gaffer Above. Observed By the Boy In the Tin Bath
by Leon Parrish
The Newton Code
by Liam Fialkov
Apollo's Raven
by Linnea Tanner
The Prodigy Slave, Book One: Journey to Winter Garden
by Londyn Skye
Days of Future Found
by M. K. Wark
Inside Incest
by Madeline A.Garner
We Got This: Solo Mom Stories of Grit, Heart, and Humor
by Marika Lindholm, Cheryl Dumesnil, Domenica Ruta, and Katherine Shonk
The Freedom Building
by Martin Kendall
Your Adventurous Life Awaits
by Maryann Remsberg and Brian Remsberg
Damaged Goods
by Maurice L Martin Jr
The Senator's Suitcase
by Mitch Engel
The North Wind Descends
by N.L. Holmes
Tears and Trombones
by Nanci Lee Woody
The Talking Baobab Tree
by Nelda LaTeef
Mug the Wumph the Dancing Wizard
by Nicola J Rowley
No Good Doctor
by Nicole Snow
Black Beach
by Olivia Rana
Profiles in Kindness
by Paul E. Kotz
Deape Woods
by Prudence O'Haire
Don't Re 'Tire', Re 'Fresh'!
by Rafiq
Death Inside Diamond Head
by Randolph Mase
Tsalix Silverthorn and the Scepter of Destiny
by Richard Siddoway
The Wrong Side of the Glass
by Rick Incorvia
by Roger A Glasgow
Make The Dirt Fly
by Rosina VanHardeveld
Unfaltering Trust
by Roy Ziegler
by Sarah Biglow and Molly Zenk
A Wedding in December
by Sarah Morgan
In Hindsight
by Sharon Bonanno and Lisa Scott
The Mountain and The Goat
by Siamak Taghaddos
Avenging Angel: A Pilot's Story
by Spencer Anderson
In the Time of the Feathered Serpent
by Stanley Struble
by Stefanie Jacob
Last Dance
by Stephen Manning
"How to Kill in Comedy"
by Steve North
Surviving Anstey
by Susan Hancock
Christmas On 4th Street
by Susan Mallery
Life, Loss and Love
by Susan Nicholson
Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
What If They Knew
by T.R.Hendrick
Honesty is Key
by Tayma Tameem
Ark of the Apocalypse
by Tobin Marks
Two Hunters
by Tony Scott, MD
Killing Your Best Friend
by Valda Taurus
Final Act
by Van Fleisher
The Fear Doctor
by Vincent Stevenson
The Scent of Distant Worlds
by W. D. County
Private Lives of Orchids
by Walter Fitzgerald
by William H. Coles
Contagion Domination
by William Nisol
Opposites Attract
by Zahra Habib