God is my Superhero
by A.K.Kronicles
by Alex Fayman
We Don't Just Eat Lettuce!
by Allyn Raifstanger
Loukas and the Game of Chance
by Anthony L. Manna
The Message?
by Avam Hale
The Story of the Torah
by Beryl Lavender
The Second Eve
by Bette Boersma
Homecoming: The Unari Experiment Book 1
by Brian L. Harad
Pilgrimage of a pugilist
by Brian Sheetz
Back to Serve
by CW3 Cesare Giannetti U.S. Army (Ret.)
by Calix Leigh-Reign
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
Registered Trademark
by Cheryl Hodgson J.D.
How to Define Yourself
by Chuck Clifton
Invasion of the Cults
by Dale A. Scadron with Brian Maurseth
The Monkey and the Rhino
by Daniel Murray
The Assignment
by Don Chance
Cynthia and Dan
by Dorothy May Mercer
E M P Honeymoon
by Dorothy May Mercer
Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
Onkere- An African Boy's Story of Struggle, Resilience, and Determination
by Dr. Blanchard Onanga Ndjila
Code Name: Dodger
by Eric Auxier
Redeem Region versus Strife State
by Faith S. Wells
World Railway Accidents 1811-1880
by Francis Voisey
Escape Clause
by GA VanDruff
The Sword Swallower and a Chico Kid
by Gary Robinson
Geoff Lawson
by Geoff Lawson
Sheep Wasps and the king
by Graham Williams
The Jug and Hare Bathhouse
by Graham Williams
Skills of the Warramunga
by Greg Kater
The Warramunga's Aftermath of War
by Greg Kater
The Warramunga's War
by Greg Kater
The Wicked Wives
by Gus Pelagatti
To Kill a Mockingbird
by Harper Lee
Taking Charge: Collected Stories on Aging Boldly
by Herb Weiss
Mark of the Remaker
by Ian Yamagata
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
by J.K. Rowling
Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them
by J.K. Rowling and Newt Scamander
East Wind, 2nd Edition
by Jack Winnick
The Date Farm
by Jack Winnick
Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen
GRIT: A Family Memoir on Adversity and Triumph
by Jeff Moyer
The Adults in the Room
by Jeffrey D. Mechling
Ironbark Hill
by Jennie Linnane
Gideon: The Sound and The Glory
by Joseph Ganci
House of Eire
by June Gillam
Stock Investing For Everyone
by Kevin J. Davey
Kite Runner
by Khaled Hosseini
The Writer's Roadmap
by Leigh Shulman
Apollo's Raven
by Linnea Tanner
Dagger's Destiny
by Linnea Tanner
Chancing Hope
by Lisa Slater
The Brass Rail
by Luther Robison
Kindred Journeys
by Marjorie Tapley-Olson
by Mark Guerin
30th Century: Contact
by Mark Kingston Levin PhD
30th Century: Escape (First Edition)
by Mark Kingston Levin, PhD
How Slime Came to Be
by Mark Luers
Betrayal of Faith
by Mark M. Bello
Three Wishes
by Mary J. Williams
We are Voulhire: Someone Else's End
by Matthew Tysz
Killing Abel
by Michael Tieman
Candma Goes to Heaven
by Monica Burch
The Chauvinist's Guide to Modern Romance
by Morris Rollins
Remembering Joseph Chickadee
by Nancy Peek Youngdahl
Cancer Was Not a Gift & It Didn't Make Me a Better Person
by Nancy Stordahl
Mirrors of Life
by Neal Owens
Something Happened Today
by Paul E. Kotz
A Trail of Blood
by Peter Goldman with Nicola Malatesta, PI
Deadly Waters: The Vietnam Naval War And Its Aftermath
by Randy Miller
Selling with Presence
by Reggie Pearse
The Winter
by Robert Spielman
by Robin Zeller and Cindy Ziperman
A Mystery of Grace
by S Lee FIsher
Little Bird
by Seth Chambers
Holding Fire
by Ten Awesome Writers!
King Here
by Trish Porter Topmiller
It Strikes Again
by Tristen O Treal
I'm Not Glowing, I'm Going to Poke You in the Eye
by V. Paul
End of the Last Great Kingdom
by Victor Rose
Immortals' Requiem
by Vincent Bobbe
Spirituality for REAL
by WakunDaMa
by William H. Coles
murdering the macho managers
by ben reuben