by Amy Lou Jenkins
The Hobble
by Andrea Marino
According to my Father
by Andrew Grof
Standing Out
by Angela Lee Chen
Mother Love, Willow Lane, Book Two
by Ann McCauley
Ark Angel
by Anthony Horowitz
Eagle Strike
by Anthony Horowitz
The Message?
by Avam Hale
Temptation Trials Rebellion
by B. Truly
by Barbara Sala
The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci
by Belle Ami
The Girl Who Loved Caravaggio
by Belle Ami
Pursuing a Better Tomorrow
by Blanca M De La Rosa
What Makes America Great
by Bob Dowell
Individual Advantages
by Brian S Smith
Osteoporosis & Osteopenia: Vitamin Therapy for Stronger Bones
by Bryant Lusk
Hippocrates and The Hobgoblin
by C.S. Colvin
Island Games
by Caleb J. Boyer
by Calix Leigh-Reign
Fossil Detectives and the Mysterious Skull
by Caren Bonds Hanson
Without a Trace
by Carissa Ann Lynch
Tales of Davy Jones
by Carl Gundestrup
Down the Monster Hole
by Carmela Tal Baron
Hippie Woman Wild
by Carol Schlanger
Planet I.A. 2068
by Chan Neled
It's All Good: Times and Events I'd Never Want to Change
by Charles Sacchetti
Knowing He's There
by Charles Sacchetti
by Charlie Sheldon
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
Hallowed Ground
by Cindy Ziperman
The Christmas Cats Care for the Bear
by Constance Corcoran Wilson
by Craig B. Whelden
Massacre at Agua Caliente
by Craig Rainey
The Legacy of Job's Wife
by Cynthia Koelker
Highway to Love
by Dani Burke
The Biblical Clock
by Daniel Friedmann and Dania Sheldon
The Monkey and the Rhino
by Daniel Murray
Twisted But True
by Darren Burch
A World Diverse 111
by David Edmond CD
The Diary Of An Immortal (1945-1959)
by David J Castello
The Altitude Journals
by David J Mauro
Idiots to Monsters
by David Kerr, Luke Strockis, Harrison Lebowitz
The High Sign
by David S. Heeren
Lincoln's Hat and the TEA Movement's Anger
by David Selcer
The Book of Life
by Deborah Harkness
The Sparrow
by Denna M. Davis
The Grand
by Dennis D. Wilson
The Crystilleries of Echoland
by Dew Pellucid
Cynthia and Dan
by Dorothy May Mercer
Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
Too Many Secrets
by EB Corbin
The Kings' Assassin
by Ed Cannon
The Cult Next Door
by Elizabeth R. Burchard, Judith L. Carlone
The Last Bush Pilots
by Eric Auxier
The Way of the Dog
by Eva A MacDonnell
Man Mission
by Eytan Uliel
The Magdalene Malediction
by F. Scott Kimmich
Gonzo Station
by Fernando Ochoa
Kat Tales
by Fernando Ochoa
Good Not Hate
by Finn Bell
Snow Flower and the Panther
by Fleurie Leclercq
God Revealed
by Fred Sievert
The Attuned
by Gary B. Haley
Saving the Karamazovs
by Gary Goldstick
The Sword Swallower and a Chico Kid
by Gary Robinson
Geoff Lawson
by Geoff Lawson
Arsenic and Old Men
by Glenn Ickler
Conflict on the Yangtze
by Greg Kater
The Warramunga's Aftermath of War
by Greg Kater
The Warramunga's War
by Greg Kater
To Kill a Mockingbird
by Harper Lee
The Three Witches and the Three Headed Dagger
by Henry Regnault
Painting with Words
by Ian Prattis
Elephants and Chopping Blocks Retain Their Natural Color
by J. Hawki
Alone on Pasture Ridge
by J. R. Hightower
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
by J.K. Rowling
Mixed Blessings
by J.M. Muse
The Copyist
by Jack Karasch
The Date Farm
by Jack Winnick
by Jackie Goldman
No Pit So Deep
by James Nathaniel Miller II
Managing With Respect
by James P DuBreuil
Unspeakable Acts (New Edition)
by Janet Leigh Green
Solaris Seethes (Solaris Saga book 1)
by Janet McNulty
The FBI Inspector
by Jay Dubya
Do the Gods Hear Our Prayers?
by Jeff Henrikson
Blue Sky Lightning
by Jeff Kuhn
Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute
by Jeff Meyer
Last Words from Above
by Jeremy Brown
The Comeback Coach
by Jesse Braverman with Gordon F. Sander
Before We Died
by Joan Schweighardt
Dear American Brother
by Joe J. Elder
Executive Hoodlum
by John Costello
The Thundering Herd
by John E. Peltier
Coached to Greatness
by John M. Hawkins
Debt Cleanse
by Jorge P. Newbery
You Can Totally Do This
by Joy Tonbara Ikumoinein
The Optimal Dose
by Judson Somerville MD
House of Eire
by June Gillam
Facing the Darkness Within You
by KH Robertson
Treasure of the Magical Mine Moppets
by KJ Blocker
Pressing Flowers
by Katie Blanchard
The Lost Identity Casualties
by Kim Ekemar
Breaking Sandcastles
by Kirk Burris
Why Can't Johnny Just Quit?
by Kyle Oh
The Red Light
by L. H. Roberts
Tales from the Riverside
by Larry Landgraf
The Engine Woman's Light
by Laurel Anne Hill
Four Funny Potatoes!
by Len Foley
Texas Summer
by Leslie Hachtel
Men, Wars and Sex in the 60s
by Lowell Hamilton
Blade Forged In Darkness
by M.A.N.
The German-Australian Called Holtermann
by Malcolm Drinkwater
The Handmaid's Tale
by Margaret Atwood
The Ordinary Doll
by Mario Kiefer
30th Century: Escape (First Edition)
by Mark Kingston Levin, PhD
Best Evidence
by Mark S. Osaki
One Way or Another
by Mary J. Williams
Formatting Your Fantastic Book
by Mary Korte
The Last City of America
by Matthew Tysz
The Sins of a Master Race
by Matthew Tysz
Control Room
by Mike Miller Jr.
Tears and Trombones
by Nanci Lee Woody
A Witch in Time Saves Nine
by Nikki Broadwell
Why Me: Trash Collector, Mental Issues
by Nikolay N Bey
The Blacksmith's Daughter
by Patrick John Donahoe
Something Happened Today
by Paul E. Kotz
Prison Torture in America
by Paul Singh
A Fresh Hell: A Novel
by Pauline B Rogers
That Guy What Kill Topsy
by Peter Wood Cotterill
The Five Musketeers
by Pierre Chevalier
Toni the Superhero
by R.D. Base
Cat Detectives in the Korean Peninsula
by R.F. Kristi
A Loaf Of Bread
by Rana Bitar
Inspirience: Meditation Unbound
by Richard L Haight
Perfect Fairways... Hidden Lies
by Robert Marier
Misreading Judas
by Robert Wahler
Tighten The Lug Nuts
by Rocky Romanella
Triple Cross Killer (second edition)
by Rosemarie Aquilina
The 19th Bladesman
by S.J. Hartland
Dolphins Don’t Run Marathons
by Sam Brand
Ten Directions
by Samuel Winburn
Dino's World
by Shawn Taverner
A Woman's Prerogative
by Steven C. Brandt
The Golden Window
by Steven C. Brandt
The Kiddush Ladies
by Susan Sofayov
Seven at Two Past Five
by Tara Basi
Finding My Why
by Tasha Y. Berry
Holding Fire
by Ten Awesome Writers!
The God Debate - Dawkins in Denial
by Terry Higham
Blue Valentine
by Thomas Cummings
Bluewater Walkabout
by Tina Dreffin
Jane Grace: Library of Light
by Trace Sonnleitner
It Strikes Again
by Tristen O Treal
I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation
by Val D. Greenwood
Awaken You Wonderful We
by Van Duy Dao
by Veronica Roth
End of the Last Great Kingdom
by Victor Rose
It's Hard to Be a Vampire
by Viktoria Faust
Immortals' Requiem
by Vincent Bobbe
From Savagery to Civilization
by Vincent Hannity
Astounding Memories in Developing Countries
by Waddah Chehadeh
Forensic Foraging
by William C. Crawford and Jim Provencher
Who Told You That You Were Naked?
by William Combs
by William H. Coles
Three Graves
by Zack Kaplan
The World's First Tooth Fairy...Ever
by Zane Carson Carruth
Of Zots and Xoodles
by Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Detective Ann Morgan and The Boxer College Murder: second edition
by john tomikel