The National Trust
by Adrian Tinniswood
catlettsm's rating: 4
Years of Dust
by Albert Marrin
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Federalist Papers
by Alexander Hamilton and John Jay and James Madison
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Count of Monte Cristo
by Alexandre Dumas
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Last Coach
by Allen Barra
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dear Peter Rabbit
by Alma Flor Ada and Leslie Tryon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Robin Hood/the Sheriff Speaks
by Alvin Granowsky
catlettsm's rating: 4
Peter Pan/Grow Up, Peter Pan!
by Alvin Granowsky and J.M. Barrie
catlettsm's rating: 4
Cinderella/That Awful Cinderella
by Alvin Granowsky and Rhonda Childress and Barbara Kiwak
catlettsm's rating: 4
Snow White/the Unfairest of Them All
by Alvin Granowsky and Rhonda Childress and Mike Krone
catlettsm's rating: 4
Rumpelstiltskin/a Deal Is a Deal
by Alvin Granowsky and Tom Newbury and Jacob Grimm and Linda Graves
catlettsm's rating: 4
Rip Van Winkle/Wake Up, Rip Van Winkle
by Alvin Granowsky and Washington Irving
catlettsm's rating: 4
In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories
by Alvin Schwartz and Dirk Zimmer
catlettsm's rating: 4
Atlantis Rising
by Alyssa Day
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 4
How to Trace Your Family Tree
by American Genealogy Institute and American Genealogical Research
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
catlettsm's rating: 4
One Came Home
by Amy Timberlake
catlettsm's rating: 4
Etched in Clay
by Andrea Cheng
catlettsm's rating: 4
Mission Control, This is Apollo
by Andrew Chaikin and Alan Bean
catlettsm's rating: 4
History News
by Andrew Langley and Philip de Souza
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Tale of Three Trees
by Angela Elwell Hunt and Tim Jonke
catlettsm's rating: 4
All Different Now
by Angela Johnson and E.B. Lewis
catlettsm's rating: 4
Master of the Night
by Angela Knight
catlettsm's rating: 4
Children's Books and Their Creators
by Anita Silvey
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Essential Guide to Children's Books and Their Creators
by Anita Silvey
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Ann Aguirre
catlettsm's rating: 4
Stubby the War Dog
by Ann Bausum
catlettsm's rating: 4
Ten Thousand Children
by Anne Fox and Eva Abraham-Podietz
catlettsm's rating: 4
My Name is Anne, Too
by Anne Friedman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Swamp Angel
by Anne Isaacs and Paul O. Zelinsky
catlettsm's rating: 4
Virginia Cemeteries
by Anne M. Hogg
catlettsm's rating: 4
Interview with the Vampire
by Anne Rice
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Mummy or Ramses The Damned
by Anne Rice
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Vampire Lestat
by Anne Rice
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Witching Hour
by Anne Rice
catlettsm's rating: 4
Holy Bible
by Anonymous
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Holy Bible
by Anonymous
catlettsm's rating: 4
History News
by Anton Powell and Philip Steele
catlettsm's rating: 4
Mary Queen of Scots
by Antonia Fraser
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Politics
by Aristotle and T.A. Sinclair and Trevor J. Saunders
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Organization of Information
by Arlene G. Taylor
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Arline Baum and Joseph Baum
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Arnold Lobel
catlettsm's rating: 4
Finding the Foundations
by Arthur G. Haas and Douglas John Thom
catlettsm's rating: 4
How the Scots Invented the Modern World
by Arthur Herman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Tobacco Coast
by Arthur Pierce Middleton and Gregory A. Stiverson
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Kissing Hand
by Audrey Penn and Ruth E. Harper and Nancy M. Leak
catlettsm's rating: 4
Those Rebels, John and Tom
by Barbara Kerley and Edwin Fotheringham
catlettsm's rating: 4
Running a School Library Media Center
by Barbara L. Stein and Risa W. Brown
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Little House Cookbook
by Barbara M. Walker and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
Cook It Right!
by Barbara Nowak
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Distant Mirror
by Barbara W. Tuchman
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Stuart Age
by Barry Coward
catlettsm's rating: 4
Peter Rabbit Tales
by Beatrix Potter
catlettsm's rating: 4
Comix Economix
by Bentley Boyd
catlettsm's rating: 4
Revolutionary rumblings
by Bentley Boyd
catlettsm's rating: 4
Slavery's Storm
by Bentley Boyd
catlettsm's rating: 4
War for Independence
by Bentley Boyd
catlettsm's rating: 4
Wonder Women
by Bentley Boyd
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Newbery Award Winners
by Bertha Woolman
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Caldecott Award
by Bertha Woolman and Patricia Litsey
catlettsm's rating: 4
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?
by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle
catlettsm's rating: 4
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle
catlettsm's rating: 4
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault
catlettsm's rating: 4
Children's Christmas Stories and Poems
by Bob Blaisdell and Pat Ronson Stewart
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Wolf Who Cried Boy
by Bob Hartman and Tim Raglin
catlettsm's rating: 4
25 Great Grammar Poems with Activities
by Bobbi Katz
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Girls of Gettysburg
by Bobbi Miller
catlettsm's rating: 4
19th Century Clothing
by Bobbie Kalman
catlettsm's rating: 4
I am Albert Einstein
by Brad Meltzer
catlettsm's rating: 4
I am Amelia Earhart
by Brad Meltzer
catlettsm's rating: 4
I am Abraham Lincoln
by Brad Meltzer and Christopher Eliopoulos
catlettsm's rating: 4
I am Rosa Parks
by Brad Meltzer and Christopher Eliopoulos
catlettsm's rating: 4
What Niall Saw
by Brian Cullen
catlettsm's rating: 4
No More Homework! No More Tests!
by Bruce Lansky and Stephen Carpenter
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Fall of the House of Dixie
by Bruce Levine
catlettsm's rating: 4
Cliffsnotes on Chaucer's the Canterbury Tales
by Bruce Nicoll and CliffsNotes and Geoffrey Chaucer and Bruce Nicoll
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Burton Raffel
catlettsm's rating: 4
Mary Chesnut's Civil War
by C. Vann Woodward and Mary Boykin Chesnut
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Trial Of Charles I
by C.V. Wedgwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
I Will Always Write Back
by Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda and Liz Welch
catlettsm's rating: 4
Ruth and the Green Book
by Calvin Alexander Ramsey and Floyd Cooper
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Family Romanov
by Candace Fleming
catlettsm's rating: 4
Snowmen at Christmas
by Caralyn Buehner
catlettsm's rating: 4
Alpha Betti
by Carlene Morton
catlettsm's rating: 4
Decision in Normandy
by Carlo D'Este
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Library Dragon
by Carmen Agra Deedy and Michael P. White
catlettsm's rating: 4
Copyright for Schools
by Carol Mann Simpson and Carol Simpson
catlettsm's rating: 4
Caddie Woodlawn
by Carol Ryrie Brink
catlettsm's rating: 4
Mr. Wiggle's Library, Grades PK - 2
by Carol Thompson
catlettsm's rating: 4
Blue Birds
by Caroline Starr Rose
catlettsm's rating: 4
Shades of Gray
by Carolyn Reeder
catlettsm's rating: 4
Lady Midnight
by Cassandra Clare
catlettsm's rating: 4
In the Shadow of Blackbirds
by Cat Winters
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Steep & Thorny Way
by Cat Winters
catlettsm's rating: 4
Night Fire
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Rebel Bride
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 4
War, Women, and the News
by Catherine Gourley
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Touch of Dead
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
All Together Dead
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
Club Dead
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dead Until Dark
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dead and Gone
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dead as a Doornail
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dead in the Family
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dead to the World
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
Definitely Dead
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
From Dead to Worse
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
Living Dead in Dallas
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
True Blood Collection
by Charlaine Harris
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Charles B. Cross Jr. and Eleanor P. Cross
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Tale of Two Cities
by Charles Dickens
catlettsm's rating: 4
Great Expectations
by Charles Dickens
catlettsm's rating: 4
Tale of Two Cities
by Charles Dickens
catlettsm's rating: 4
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
by Charles M. Schulz
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Charlie Brown Christmas
by Charles M. Schulz and Ron Fontes
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Littlest Angel
by Charles Tazewell and Paul Micich
catlettsm's rating: 4
Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Bronte
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Polar Express
by Chris Van Allsburg
catlettsm's rating: 4
Redcoats and Rebels
by Christopher Hibbert
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Warrior Heir
by Cinda Williams Chima
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Lion to Guard Us
by Clyde Robert Bulla
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fairytale News
by Colin Hawkins and Jacqui Hawkins
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Longman Companion to the French Revolution
by Colin Jones
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Causes of the English Civil War
by Conrad Russell
catlettsm's rating: 4
Everything Castles
by Crispin Boyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
First Voyage to America
by Cristoforo Colombo and Bartolomé de las Casas
catlettsm's rating: 4
My Lady Jane
by Cynthia Hand and Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Dan Wells
catlettsm's rating: 4
Like Water on Stone
by Dana Walrath
catlettsm's rating: 4
Math for the Gifted Student
by Danielle Denega and Flash Kids
catlettsm's rating: 4
Peter and the Starcatchers
by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson and Greg Call
catlettsm's rating: 4
The House That Jack Built
by David Cutts
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Hotbed of Genius
by David Daiches
catlettsm's rating: 4
Scottish Emigration to Colonial America, 1607-1785
by David Dobson
catlettsm's rating: 4
Interrupting Chicken
by David Ezra Stein
catlettsm's rating: 4
Simply Perfect Every Time
by David Herbest and David Herbest
catlettsm's rating: 4
Every Day
by David Levithan
catlettsm's rating: 4
Guide to Shakespeare
by David M. Zesmer
catlettsm's rating: 4
by David Macaulay
catlettsm's rating: 4
by David Macaulay
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Way Things Work
by David Macaulay
catlettsm's rating: 4
Irish in the South, 1815-1877
by David T. Gleeson
catlettsm's rating: 4
by David Wiesner
catlettsm's rating: 4
Sector 7
by David Wiesner
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Three Pigs
by David Wiesner
catlettsm's rating: 4
Eat This Not That! The Best
by David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Deborah Hopkinson
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Deborah Wiles
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Raglands, Wyatts and Parkers of Bibb, Hale & Tuscaloosa Counties, & Warrior, Alabama in the 1800's
by Denver Ragland
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
by Diana Gabaldon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dragonfly in Amber
by Diana Gabaldon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Drums of Autumn
by Diana Gabaldon
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Diana Gabaldon
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Fiery Cross
by Diana Gabaldon
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Diana Gabaldon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Everything I Need To Know I Learned From a Little Golden Book
by Diane Muldrow
catlettsm's rating: 4
Once Upon a Childhood
by Dolores C. Chupela
catlettsm's rating: 4
Alice Ramsey's Grand Adventure
by Don Brown
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Freedom Summer Murders
by Don Mitchell
catlettsm's rating: 4
Assassination and Its Aftermath
by Don Nardo
catlettsm's rating: 4
Blue Marble
by Don Nardo
catlettsm's rating: 4
Civil War Witness
by Don Nardo
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Relocation of the North American Indian
by Don Nardo
catlettsm's rating: 4
Introduction to Indexing and Abstracting
by Donald B. Cleveland
catlettsm's rating: 4
Colonial America
by Donald M. Silver and Patricia Wynne
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Jefferson Cup Award Turns 25
by Donna J. Hughes
catlettsm's rating: 4
Click, Clack, Moo
by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Click, Clack, Quackity-Quack
by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dooby Dooby Moo
by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Duck for President
by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Giggle, Giggle, Quack
by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Thump, Quack, Moo A Whacky Adventure
by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Martin's Big Words
by Doreen Rappaport and Bryan Collier
catlettsm's rating: 4
Lady Liberty
by Doreen Rappaport and Matt Tavares
catlettsm's rating: 4
Sixth-Grade Math Minutes
by Doug Stoffel
catlettsm's rating: 4
Checking for Understanding
by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey
catlettsm's rating: 4
Lee of Virginia
by Douglas Southall Freeman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Daisy-Head Mayzie
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
Green Eggs and Ham
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
Hop On Pop
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
Oh, The Places You'll Go!
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Butter Battle Book
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Cat in the Hat
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Cat in the Hat Songbook
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Lorax
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
Your Favorite Seuss
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
Enduring Harvests
by E. Barrie Kavasch
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Trumpet of the Swan
by E.B. White
catlettsm's rating: 4
Seven Blind Mice
by Ed Young
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Writings
by Edgar Allan Poe and David D. Galloway and David Galloway
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Edgar D. Mitchell and Ellen Mahoney and Brian Cox
catlettsm's rating: 4
Classics of Western Thought Series
by Edgar F. Knoebel
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Edith Hamilton and Steele Savage
catlettsm's rating: 4
Western Civilizations
by Edward Burns and J.B. Taylor
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Edward Rutherfurd
catlettsm's rating: 4
Shakespeare Aloud
by Edward S. Brubaker
catlettsm's rating: 4
Colonial Living
by Edwin Tunis
catlettsm's rating: 4
From Morning to Night
by Elizabeth L. O'Leary
catlettsm's rating: 4
Mirette on the High Wire
by Emily Arnold McCully
catlettsm's rating: 4
Wuthering Heights
by Emily Bronte
catlettsm's rating: 4
Stormy's Hat
by Eric A. Kimmel and Andrea U'Ren
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Fire-Eaters
by Eric H. Walther
catlettsm's rating: 4
My Friend Rabbit
by Eric Rohmann
catlettsm's rating: 4
Big Pumpkin
by Erica Silverman and S.D. Schindler
catlettsm's rating: 4
Peasants Into Frenchmen
by Eugen Weber
catlettsm's rating: 4
Three Little Wolves
by Eugene Trivizas and Helen Oxenbury
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Turkey for Thanksgiving
by Eve Bunting and Diane deGroat
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Snowy Day
by Ezra Jack Keats
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Faye Gibbons
catlettsm's rating: 4
Easy-to-Make Books That Target Specific Reading Needs
by Florence Miyamoto and Joan Novelli
catlettsm's rating: 4
American Presidency
by Forrest McDonald
catlettsm's rating: 4
E Pluribus Unum
by Forrest McDonald
catlettsm's rating: 4
Anybody Shining
by Frances O'Roark Dowell
catlettsm's rating: 4
Children of Dune
by Frank Herbert
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Frank Herbert
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dune Messiah
by Frank Herbert
catlettsm's rating: 4
God Emperor of Dune
by Frank Herbert
catlettsm's rating: 4
Encyclopedia of North American Indians
by Frederick E. Hoxie
catlettsm's rating: 4
As an Oak Tree Grows
by G. Brian Karas
catlettsm's rating: 4
Hello, I'm Johnny Cash
by G. Neri and A.G. Ford
catlettsm's rating: 4
Christmas Is...
by Gail Gibbons
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Pumpkin Book
by Gail Gibbons
catlettsm's rating: 4
Red Madness
by Gail Jarrow
catlettsm's rating: 4
Heart of the Dragon
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 4
Seduce the Darkness
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Darkest Pleasure
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Apple Pie
by Gennady Spirin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Eighteenth Century English Literature
by Geoffrey Tillotson
catlettsm's rating: 4
Tidewater Landfalls
by George Holbert Tucker
catlettsm's rating: 4
Anthology of American Literature, Third Edition, Volume 1
by George L. McMichael
catlettsm's rating: 4
Animal Farm
by George Orwell
catlettsm's rating: 4
George Washington's Rules to Live By
by George Washington and K.M. Kostyal and Fred Harper and Lizzie Post
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Coming of the French Revolution
by Georges Lefebvre and R.R. Palmer
catlettsm's rating: 4
Devil's Cub
by Georgette Heyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
These Old Shades
by Georgette Heyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
Come August, Come Freedom
by Gigi Amateau
catlettsm's rating: 4
If You Lived Here
by Giles Laroche
catlettsm's rating: 4
Lives of the Artists
by Giorgio Vasari and George Bull
catlettsm's rating: 4
Your Pregnancy Week by Week
by Glade B. Curtis
catlettsm's rating: 4
Grid and Bear It, Grades 1 to 3
by Globe Fearon and Fearon Teacher Aids
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Listeners
by Gloria Whelan and Mike Benny
catlettsm's rating: 4
The War of the Worlds
by H.G. Wells and Arthur C. Clarke
catlettsm's rating: 4
A history of body armor
by Harold L. Peterson and Daniel D and Feaser
catlettsm's rating: 4
To Kill a Mockingbird
by Harper Lee
catlettsm's rating: 4
Bacon's Rebellion
by Harry Finestone
catlettsm's rating: 4
Storm is Coming!
by Heather Tekavec and Margaret Spengler
catlettsm's rating: 4
Art Through the Ages
by Helen Gardner and Fred S. Kleiner and Christin J. Mamiya
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fighting Men
by Henry Treece and Ewart Oakeshott
catlettsm's rating: 4
Outlines of Shakespeare's Plays
by Homer A. Watt and Homer A. Eatt
catlettsm's rating: 4
Organizing Thinking
by Howard Black and Sandra Black
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Huntsville Times and Birmingham News and Press-Register
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fun Flaps
by Immacula Rhodes
catlettsm's rating: 4
Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
by Ivor H. Evans
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Hobbit
by J R R Tolkien
catlettsm's rating: 4
Witness to the Civil War
by J.G. Lewin and P.J. Huff and Stuart Murray
catlettsm's rating: 4
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
by J.K. Rowling
catlettsm's rating: 4
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
by J.K. Rowling
catlettsm's rating: 4
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
by J.K. Rowling
catlettsm's rating: 4
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
by J.K. Rowling
catlettsm's rating: 4
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
by J.K. Rowling
catlettsm's rating: 4
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
by J.K. Rowling
catlettsm's rating: 4
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
by J.K. Rowling
catlettsm's rating: 4
Day By Day Armageddon
by J.L. Bourne
catlettsm's rating: 4
Day by Day Armageddon
by J.L. Bourne
catlettsm's rating: 4
Stuart England
by J.P. Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Guide for Using Johnny Tremain in the Classroom
by JEAN HAACK and Keith Vasconcelles
catlettsm's rating: 4
Colonial British America
by Jack P. Greene
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Jack Prelutsky and Peter Sís
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders
by Jack Prelutsky and Petra Mathers
catlettsm's rating: 4
Goldie Socks and the Three Libearians
by Jackie Mims Hopkins
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Shelf Elf
by Jackie Mims Hopkins
catlettsm's rating: 4
Joe Bright and the Seven Genre Dudes
by Jackie Mims Hopkins and John Manders
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Shelf Elf Helps Out
by Jackie Mims Hopkins and Rebecca Thornburgh
catlettsm's rating: 4
Snowflake Bentley
by Jacqueline Briggs Martin and Mary Azarian
catlettsm's rating: 4
Tricking the Tallyman
by Jacqueline Davies and S.D. Schindler
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Jacquelyn Frank
catlettsm's rating: 4
Giving Thanks
by Jake Swamp
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Three Little Pigs
by James Marshall
catlettsm's rating: 4
Slavery in Alabama
by James Benson Sellers and Harriet E. Amos Doss
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Day Martin Luther King Jr. Was Shot
by James Haskins and James Haskins
catlettsm's rating: 4
"The President Has Been Shot!"
by James L. Swanson
catlettsm's rating: 4
Battle Cry of Freedom
by James M. McPherson
catlettsm's rating: 4
Winds of Change
by James Schultz
catlettsm's rating: 4
Human Poisoning from Native and Cultivated Plants
by James Walker Hardin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Here Comes the Big, Mean Dust Bunny!
by Jan Thomas
catlettsm's rating: 4
Rhyming Dust Bunnies
by Jan Thomas
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Jane Austen
catlettsm's rating: 4
Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen
catlettsm's rating: 4
Northanger Abbey
by Jane Austen and Alfred Mac Adam
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Jane Austen and James Kinsley and Deidre Shauna Lynch
catlettsm's rating: 4
The White House Is Burning
by Jane Sutcliffe
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fairy Tale Lunches
by Jane Yolen
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Jane Yolen and David Shannon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fairy Tale Dinners
by Jane Yolen and Heidi E.Y. Stemple and Philippe Béha
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fairy Tale Breakfasts
by Jane Yolen and Philippe Béha
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fairy Tale Desserts
by Jane Yolen and Philippe Béha
catlettsm's rating: 4
Each Peach Pear Plum
by Janet Ahlberg and Allan Ahlberg
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Jolly Christmas Postman
by Janet Ahlberg and Allan Ahlberg
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Highlander Christmas
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Charming the Highlander
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Loving the Highlander
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Only With a Highlander
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Secrets of the Highlander
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Tempting the Highlander
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Wedding the Highlander
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 4
All American Boys
by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely
catlettsm's rating: 4
Searching for Silverheels
by Jeannie Mobley
catlettsm's rating: 4
Bone Poems
by Jeff Moss and Tom Leigh
catlettsm's rating: 4
Gods and Generals
by Jeff Shaara
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Very Worst Road
by Jeffrey C. Benton
catlettsm's rating: 4
Hail! Aztecs, Vol. 5
by Jen Green
catlettsm's rating: 4
Little Red Riding Hood
by Jerry Pinkney
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Savage Thunder
by Jim Murphy
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Jim Murphy
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Great Fire
by Jim Murphy
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Long Road to Gettysburg
by Jim Murphy
catlettsm's rating: 4
The day the world came to town
by Jim Defede
catlettsm's rating: 4
An American Plague
by Jim Murphy
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Boys' War
by Jim Murphy
catlettsm's rating: 4
Sue MacDonald Had a Book
by Jim Tobin and Dave Coverly
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Read-Aloud Handbook
by Jim Trelease
catlettsm's rating: 4
You Are My Sunshine
by Jimmie Davis and Caroline Jayne Church
catlettsm's rating: 4
Planes of the Aces
by Joan Bowden
catlettsm's rating: 4
How to Make Super Pop-Ups
by Joan Irvine
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Orphan Queen
by Jodi Meadows
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Johanna Spyri and Angelo Rinaldi and Beverly Cleary
catlettsm's rating: 4
Interpreting Southern History
by John B. Boles
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
by John Boyne
catlettsm's rating: 4
Tudor England
by John Guy
catlettsm's rating: 4
Shooting at the Stars
by John Hendrix
catlettsm's rating: 4
Warfare in the Ancient World
by John W. Hackett
catlettsm's rating: 4
Anne Frank in the World
by Joke Kniesmeyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
Zen Shorts
by Jon J. Muth
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales
by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith
catlettsm's rating: 4
My Name is Not Friday
by Jon Walter
catlettsm's rating: 4
Gulliver's Travels and Other Writings
by Jonathan Swift
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Power of Myth
by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Josephine Angelini
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Josephine Angelini
catlettsm's rating: 4
Starcrossed City
by Josephine Angelini
catlettsm's rating: 4
Trial by Fire
by Josephine Angelini
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Daughter of Time
by Josephine Tey
catlettsm's rating: 4
Notorious in the Neighborhood
by Joshua D. Rothman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fairy Tale Sequencing
by Joy Evans
catlettsm's rating: 4
Swirl by Swirl
by Joyce Sidman and Beth Krommes
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Knight In Shining Armor
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 4
Highland Velvet
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Black Lyon
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Maiden
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Velvet Promise
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 4
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
by Judi Barrett and Ron Barrett
catlettsm's rating: 4
Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Secondary School Libraries
by Judi Moreillon
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Kingdom of Dreams
by Judith McNaught
catlettsm's rating: 4
Almost Heaven
by Judith McNaught
catlettsm's rating: 4
Until You
by Judith McNaught
catlettsm's rating: 4
Whitney, My Love
by Judith McNaught
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Reader's Guide to the Nineteenth Century English Novel
by Julia Prewitt Brown
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Inside-Outside Book of Libraries
by Julie Cummins and Roxie Munro
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
For the roses
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
Gentle Warrior
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
Guardian Angel
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
Honor's Splendour
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
One Pink Rose
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
One Red Rose
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
One White Rose
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
Prince Charming
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
Rebellious Desire
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
Saving Grace
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
Shadow Music
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Bride
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Gift
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Lion's Lady
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Prize
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Secret
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Wedding
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Julie Kagawa
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Julie Kagawa
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Julie Kagawa
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Julie Murphy
catlettsm's rating: 4
Upside Down in the Middle of Nowhere
by Julie T. Lamana
catlettsm's rating: 4
The History Of Western Painting
by Juliet Heslewood
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Passage
by Justin Cronin
catlettsm's rating: 4
12 Fabulously Funny Fairy Tale Plays
by Justin McCory Martin
catlettsm's rating: 4
by K.H. Grose and B.T. Oxley
catlettsm's rating: 4
Trial By Ice
by K.M. Kostyal
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Midwife's Apprentice
by Karen Cushman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Hana's Suitcase
by Karen Levine
catlettsm's rating: 4
Beyond the Highland Mist
by Karen Marie Moning
catlettsm's rating: 4
The 100
by Kass Morgan
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Kat Falls
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
by Kate DiCamillo
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Tale of Despereaux
by Kate DiCamillo
catlettsm's rating: 4
Court of Fives
by Kate Elliott
catlettsm's rating: 4
I Stink
by Kate McMullan and Jim McMullan
catlettsm's rating: 4
25 Solve The Riddle Science Mini Books
by Kathleen W. Kranking
catlettsm's rating: 4
Seeing Red
by Kathryn Erskine
catlettsm's rating: 4
Amy's Travels
by Kathryn Starke and Jennifer Carter and Laura Starke and Charity Wells
catlettsm's rating: 4
Voices from the Oregon Trail
by Kay Winters and Larry Day
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Missing Ring
by Keith Dunnavant
catlettsm's rating: 4
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 7
by Keith M. Baker and John W. Boyer and Keith Michael Baker and Keith M. Baker
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Beginner's Bible
by Kelly Pulley
catlettsm's rating: 4
Marching to Appomattox
by Ken Stark
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain
by Kenneth O. Morgan and Peter Salway and John Gillingham and John Blair and Ralph A. Griffiths and
catlettsm's rating: 4
Kitten's First Full Moon
by Kevin Henkes
catlettsm's rating: 4
Lucky Leaf
by Kevin O'Malley
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Selection
by Kiera Cass
catlettsm's rating: 4
Born in Sin
by Kinley MacGregor
catlettsm's rating: 4
Master of Desire
by Kinley MacGregor
catlettsm's rating: 4
Knight of Darkness
by Kinley MacGregor and Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Two Bobbies
by Kirby Larson and Jean Cassels and Mary Nethery
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Hunger Like No Other
by Kresley Cole
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dark Desires After Dusk
by Kresley Cole
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dark Needs at Night's Edge
by Kresley Cole
catlettsm's rating: 4
Demon from the Dark
by Kresley Cole
catlettsm's rating: 4
Kiss of a Demon King
by Kresley Cole
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Kresley Cole
catlettsm's rating: 4
No Rest for the Wicked
by Kresley Cole
catlettsm's rating: 4
Pleasure of a Dark Prince
by Kresley Cole
catlettsm's rating: 4
Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night
by Kresley Cole
catlettsm's rating: 4
Deep Kiss of Winter
by Kresley Cole and Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Other Side of Free
by Krista Russell
catlettsm's rating: 4
Oz, Complete Collection, Volume 1
by L. Frank Baum
catlettsm's rating: 4
Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 2
by L. Frank Baum
catlettsm's rating: 4
Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 3
by L. Frank Baum
catlettsm's rating: 4
Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 4
by L. Frank Baum
catlettsm's rating: 4
Wizard Of Oz Cl
by L. Frank Baum and Maraja
catlettsm's rating: 4
Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 5
by L. Frank Baum and Ruth Plumly Thompson
catlettsm's rating: 4
Complete Bros Grimm Fairy Tales
by L.L. Owens
catlettsm's rating: 4
Annie, Between the States
by L.M. Elliott
catlettsm's rating: 4
Da Vinci's Tiger
by L.M. Elliott
catlettsm's rating: 4
Anne of Avonlea
by L.M. Montgomery
catlettsm's rating: 4
Anne of Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables, #1)
by L.M. Montgomery
catlettsm's rating: 4
Anne of the Island
by L.M. Montgomery
catlettsm's rating: 4
Rilla of Ingleside
by L.M. Montgomery
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dave the Potter
by Laban Carrick Hill and Bryan Collier
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Past Speaks
by Lacey Baldwin Smith
catlettsm's rating: 4
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!
by Laura Amy Schlitz and Robert Byrd
catlettsm's rating: 4
Farmer Boy
by Laura Ingalls Wilder
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Little House Christmas
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Little House Christmas
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
By the Shores of Silver Lake
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
Little House in the Big Woods
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
Little House on the Prairie
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
Little House on the Prairie Boxed Set
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
Little Town on the Prairie
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
On the Banks of Plum Creek
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
The First Four Years
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Long Winter
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
These Happy Golden Years
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Garth Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
If You Give a Dog a Donut
by Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond
catlettsm's rating: 4
If You Give a Moose a Muffin
by Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond
catlettsm's rating: 4
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
by Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond
catlettsm's rating: 4
If You Give a Pig a Pancake
by Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond
catlettsm's rating: 4
If You Take a Mouse to School
by Laura Joffe Numeroff and Felicia Bond
catlettsm's rating: 4
Flowers from the Storm
by Laura Kinsale
catlettsm's rating: 4
Thank You, Sarah
by Laurie Halse Anderson and Matt Faulkner
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Complete Preparation Guide
by LearningExpress
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Caldecott Celebration
by Leonard S. Marcus
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Snow Bear
by Liliana Stafford
catlettsm's rating: 4
Emma's Poem
by Linda Glaser and Claire A. Nivola
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
by Linda Williams and Megan Lloyd
catlettsm's rating: 4
Song of the Sparrow
by Lisa Ann Sandell
catlettsm's rating: 4
I Love You Stinky Face Board Book
by Lisa McCourt and Cyd Moore
catlettsm's rating: 4
Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
by Lloyd Moss and Marjorie Priceman
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Scraps Book
by Lois Ehlert
catlettsm's rating: 4
Number the Stars
by Lois Lowry
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Giver (The Giver, #1)
by Lois Lowry
catlettsm's rating: 4
Teaching with Favorite Newbery Books Grades 4-8
by Lori Licciardo Musso and Lori Licciardo Musso
catlettsm's rating: 4
Boy Soup
by Loris Lesynski and Michael Martchenko
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Lou Belcher
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Round Dozen
by Louisa May Alcott
catlettsm's rating: 4
Little Women
by Louisa May Alcott
catlettsm's rating: 4
Literacy-Building Booklets
by Lucia Kemp Henry
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Dance Through Time
by Lynn kurland
catlettsm's rating: 4
Magical Library Lessons
by Lynne Farrell Stover
catlettsm's rating: 4
Magical Library Lessons
by Lynne Farrell Stover
catlettsm's rating: 4
More Magical Library Lessons
by Lynne Farrell Stover
catlettsm's rating: 4
Devil of the Highlands
by Lynsay Sands
catlettsm's rating: 4
by M.T. Anderson
catlettsm's rating: 4
Spirits of the Passage
by Madeleine Burnside and Madeleine Burnside
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Maggie Stiefvater
catlettsm's rating: 4
Thomas Jefferson
by Maira Kalman
catlettsm's rating: 4
History Pockets, Colonial America, Grades 4 6
by Marc Tyler Nobleman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Stories of the French Revolution
by Marcell Huismann and Georges Huisman and Barbara Whelpton and Pierre Noël
catlettsm's rating: 4
Master George's People
by Marfe Ferguson Delano and Lori Epstein and Mount Vernon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fables and Folklore
by Margaret Allen and Alaska Hults and Corbin Hillam and Amy Vangsgard
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Handmaid's Tale
by Margaret Atwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
Women of the Renaissance
by Margaret L. King
catlettsm's rating: 4
Gone With the Wind
by Margaret Mitchell
catlettsm's rating: 4
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
by Margaret Sidney
catlettsm's rating: 4
Goodnight Moon
by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Runaway Bunny
by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd
catlettsm's rating: 4
Piggie Pie!
by Margie Palatini and Howard Fine
catlettsm's rating: 4
Kissing in America
by Margo Rabb
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Complete Adventures of Curious George
by Margret Rey and H.A. Rey
catlettsm's rating: 4
25 Emergent Reader Mini-Books
by Maria Fleming
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales
by Maria Tatar and Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont and Jørgen Engebretsen Moe and Charles Perr
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Marie Lu
catlettsm's rating: 4
Words That Built a Nation
by Marilyn Miller
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Mists of Avalon
by Marion Zimmer Bradley
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Marissa Meyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Marissa Meyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Marissa Meyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Marissa Meyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
Stars Above
by Marissa Meyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Marissa Meyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
by Mark Haddon
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain
catlettsm's rating: 4
Life on the Mississippi
by Mark Twain and Harold Beaver
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Martin W. Sandler
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Martin W. Sandler
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Martina Boone
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Martina Boone
catlettsm's rating: 4
A House Is a House for Me
by Mary Ann Hoberman and Betty Fraser
catlettsm's rating: 4
You Read to Me, I'll Read to You
by Mary Ann Hoberman and Michael Emberley
catlettsm's rating: 4
You Read to Me, I'll Read to You
by Mary Ann Hoberman and Michael Emberley
catlettsm's rating: 4
Pure Grit
by Mary Cronk Farrell
catlettsm's rating: 4
Hear the Wind Blow
by Mary Downing Hahn
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dr. Seuss from Then to Now
by Mary Stofflet and Steven Brezzo
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Maryn McKenna
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Taste of Colored Water
by Matt Faulkner
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Matt Phelan
catlettsm's rating: 4
From the Hills of Georgia
by Mattie Lou O'Kelley
catlettsm's rating: 4
Where the Wild Things Are
by Maurice Sendak
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Zombie Survival Guide
by Max Brooks
catlettsm's rating: 4
World War Z
by Max Brooks
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Crippled Lamb
by Max Lucado and Jenna Lucado Bishop and Sara Lucado and Liz Bonham and Andrea Lucado
catlettsm's rating: 4
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
by Maya Angelou
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Spy Catchers of Maple Hill
by Megan Frazer Blakemore
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Melanie Crowder
catlettsm's rating: 4
Warriors Don't Cry
by Melba Pattillo Beals
catlettsm's rating: 4
Wicked Lovely
by Melissa Marr
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Melvin Burgess
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Andromeda Strain
by Michael Crichton
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Michael Crichton
catlettsm's rating: 4
Music in Motion
by Michael D. Wojcio and Gerilee Gustason
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Michael Grant
catlettsm's rating: 4
20 Hands-on Activities For Learning Idioms
by Michael Gravois
catlettsm's rating: 4
Regicide and Revolution
by Michael Walzer and Marian Rothstein
catlettsm's rating: 4
Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts
by Michelle P. Brown
catlettsm's rating: 4
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
by Mo Willems
catlettsm's rating: 4
Frozen Tides
by Morgan Rhodes and Michelle Rowen
catlettsm's rating: 4
I Love You, Little One
by Nancy Tafuri
catlettsm's rating: 4
The House of the Seven Gables
by Nathaniel Hawthorne
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Scarlet Letter
by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Thomas E. Connolly and Nina Baym
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Nazi Hunters
by Neal Bascomb
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Discourses
by Niccolò Machiavelli and Bernard Crick and Leslie J. Walker
catlettsm's rating: 4
Essential Militaria
by Nicholas Hobbes
catlettsm's rating: 4
Reconstruction And Redemption In The South
by Otto H. Olsen
catlettsm's rating: 4
by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
catlettsm's rating: 4
by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Cat in the Hat Beginner Book Dictionary
by P.D. Eastman and Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 4
Alas, Babylon
by Pat Frank
catlettsm's rating: 4
We're Going on a Book Hunt
by Pat Miller
catlettsm's rating: 4
January's Sparrow
by Patricia Polacco
catlettsm's rating: 4
Pink and Say
by Patricia Polacco
catlettsm's rating: 4
Coast to Coast With Alice
by Patricia Rusch Hyatt
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Patrick McDonnell
catlettsm's rating: 4
Daily Life in the Middle Ages
by Paul B. Newman
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Matchbox Diary
by Paul Fleischman and Bagram Ibatoulline
catlettsm's rating: 4
One Hundred Plus American Poems
by Paul Molloy
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Paul O. Zelinsky and Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm
catlettsm's rating: 4
Mr. Wiggle's Book
by Paula M. Craig and Carol L. Thompson
catlettsm's rating: 4
How To Be A Successful Fertility Patient
by Peggy Robin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Herbs for First Aid
by Penelope Ody
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Enlightenment- An Interpretation
by Peter Gay
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Science of Freedom
by Peter Gay
catlettsm's rating: 4
Amazing Buildings
by Philip Wilkinson and Paolo Donati
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Black Death
by Philip Ziegler
catlettsm's rating: 4
We Were There, Too!
by Phillip M. Hoose
catlettsm's rating: 4
Planet of the Apes
by Pierre Boulle and Xan Fielding
catlettsm's rating: 4
Glass Houses
by Rachel Caine
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Rough-Face Girl
by Rafe Martin and David Shannon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Eleanor & Park
by Rainbow Rowell
catlettsm's rating: 4
Finding Zasha
by Randi Barrow
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Hey Diddle Diddle Picture Book
by Randolf Caldecott
catlettsm's rating: 4
Library of Souls
by Ransom Riggs
catlettsm's rating: 4
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
by Ransom Riggs
catlettsm's rating: 4
Characters in Children's Literature
by Raymond E. Jones and Kevin S. Hile
catlettsm's rating: 4
Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love
by Raymond R. Mitsch and Lynn Brookside
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Rose & the Dagger
by Renee Ahdieh
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Wrath & the Dawn
by Renee Ahdieh
catlettsm's rating: 4
PRAXIS II PLT Grades 7-12
by Research & Education Association and Anita Price Davis
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Bachman Books
by Richard Bachman and Stephen King
catlettsm's rating: 4
Foundations of Library and Information Science
by Richard E. Rubin
catlettsm's rating: 4
London 100 years ago
by Richard Lovett
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Lightning Thief
by Rick Riordan
catlettsm's rating: 4
The 5th Wave
by Rick Yancey
catlettsm's rating: 4
James and the Giant Peach
by Roald Dahl
catlettsm's rating: 4
Revolting Rhymes
by Roald Dahl
catlettsm's rating: 4
Poems and Songs
by Robert Burns
catlettsm's rating: 4
Z for Zachariah
by Robert C. O'Brien
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Road Not Taken and Other Poems
by Robert Frost
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Walking Dead, Compendium 1
by Robert Kirkman
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Walking Dead, Compendium 2
by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard
catlettsm's rating: 4
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Holiday Song Book
by Robert M. Quackenbush
catlettsm's rating: 4
Blueberries for Sal
by Robert McCloskey
catlettsm's rating: 4
Make Way For Ducklings
by Robert McCloskey
catlettsm's rating: 4
Love You Forever
by Robert Munsch and Sheila McGraw
catlettsm's rating: 4
All the King's Men
by Robert Penn Warren and Noel Polk
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Silent Witness
by Robin Friedman and Claire A. Nivola
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Robin McKinley
catlettsm's rating: 4
Lies We Tell Ourselves
by Robin Talley
catlettsm's rating: 4
Her Mother's Face
by Roddy Doyle and Freya Blackwood
catlettsm's rating: 4
Robert the Bruce, King of Scots
by Ronald McNair Scott
catlettsm's rating: 4
A History of Scotland
by Rosalind Mitchison
catlettsm's rating: 4
Rose's Heavenly Cakes
by Rose Levy Beranbaum
catlettsm's rating: 4
Lincoln and His Boys
by Rosemary Wells
catlettsm's rating: 4
Through My Eyes
by Ruby Bridges and Margo Lundell
catlettsm's rating: 4
Immigrant Kids
by Russell Freedman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Lafayette and the American Revolution
by Russell Freedman
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Russell Freedman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Between Shades of Gray
by Ruta Sepetys
catlettsm's rating: 4
Out of the Easy
by Ruta Sepetys
catlettsm's rating: 4
salt to the sea
by Ruta Sepetys
catlettsm's rating: 4
An Ember in the Ashes
by Sabaa Tahir
catlettsm's rating: 4
The White Doe
by Sallie Southall Cotten
catlettsm's rating: 4
Written in Bone
by Sally M. Walker
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Sandra Neil Wallace
catlettsm's rating: 4
Ice Like Fire
by Sara Raasch
catlettsm's rating: 4
Snow Like Ashes
by Sara Raasch
catlettsm's rating: 4
Just Listen
by Sarah Dessen
catlettsm's rating: 4
That Summer
by Sarah Dessen
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Court of Mist and Fury
by Sarah J. Maas
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Court of Thorns and Roses
by Sarah J. Maas
catlettsm's rating: 4
Crown of Midnight
by Sarah J. Maas
catlettsm's rating: 4
Heir of Fire
by Sarah J. Maas
catlettsm's rating: 4
Queen of Shadows
by Sarah J. Maas
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Assassin's Blade
by Sarah J. Maas
catlettsm's rating: 4
Throne of Glass
by Sarah J. Maas
catlettsm's rating: 4
Ash & Bramble
by Sarah Prineas
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Medieval Tailor's Assistant
by Sarah Thursfield
catlettsm's rating: 4
From Civil War to Civil Rights, Alabama 1860–1960
by Sarah Woolfolk Wiggins
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Scalawag In Alabama Politics, 1865–1881
by Sarah Woolfolk Wiggins
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dear Children of the Earth
by Schim Schimmel
catlettsm's rating: 4
History News
by Scott Steedman
catlettsm's rating: 4
Pretties (The Uglies Series)
by Scott Westerfeld
catlettsm's rating: 4
Uglies (Uglies, #1)
by Scott Westerfeld
catlettsm's rating: 4
Inside the Personal Computer
by Sharon Gallagher
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Light in the Attic
by Shel Silverstein
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Giving Tree
by Shel Silverstein
catlettsm's rating: 4
Where the Sidewalk Ends
by Shel Silverstein
catlettsm's rating: 4
Through The Eyes Of The Explorers Minds On Math And Mapping
by Sheldon Erickson
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Born of Fire
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dance with the Devil
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Dark Side of the Moon
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Devil May Cry
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fantasy Lover
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
In Other Worlds
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Kiss of the Night
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Night Embrace
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Night Play
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Night Pleasures
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Seize the Night
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Sins of the Night
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Son of No One
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Dream Hunter
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Unleash the Night
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
Upon the Midnight Clear
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Dark-Hunter Companion
by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Alethea Kontis
catlettsm's rating: 4
Voices of Pearl Harbor
by Sherry Garland and Layne Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 4
25 Science Plays for Beginning Readers
by Sheryl Ann Crawford and Nancy I. Sanders
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Lottery and Other Stories
by Shirley Jackson
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Sir Walter Scott
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Three Theban Plays
by Sophocles and Robert Fagles and Bernard Knox
catlettsm's rating: 4
Colonial America
by Stanley N. Katz and John M. Murrin
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Match for Marcus Cynster
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Rake's Vow
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Rogue's Proposal
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Secret Love
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
All About Love
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
All About Passion
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
Devil's Bride
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
Impetuous Innocent
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
On a Wicked Dawn
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
On a Wild Night
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
Scandal's Bride
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
Temptation and Surrender
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Ideal Bride
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Perfect Lover
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Promise in a Kiss
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Taste of Innocence
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Truth About Love
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
What Price Love?
by Stephanie Laurens
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Red Badge of Courage and Selected Prose and Poetry
by Stephen Crane and William M. Gibson
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Stephen King
catlettsm's rating: 4
Danse Macabre
by Stephen King
catlettsm's rating: 4
Different Seasons
by Stephen King
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Stephen King
catlettsm's rating: 4
Nightmares and dreamscapes
by Stephen King
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Green Mile
by Stephen King
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Stand
by Stephen King
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Talisman (The Talisman, #1)
by Stephen King and Peter Straub
catlettsm's rating: 4
How Santa Got His Job
by Stephen Krensky
catlettsm's rating: 4
Breaking Dawn
by Stephenie Meyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Host
by Stephenie Meyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Stephenie Meyer
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Steve Jenkins
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Steve Sheinkin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Sally Ann Thunder and Whirlwind Crockett
by Steven Kellogg
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Island of the Skog
by Steven Kellogg
catlettsm's rating: 4
I Went Walking
by Sue Williams and Julie Vivas
catlettsm's rating: 4
You Are My Work of Art
by Sue DiCicco
catlettsm's rating: 4
Life As We Knew It
by Susan Beth Pfeffer
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Dead and the Gone
by Susan Beth Pfeffer
catlettsm's rating: 4
This World We Live In
by Susan Beth Pfeffer
catlettsm's rating: 4
Places in Time
by Susan Buckley and Elspeth Leacock and Randy Jones
catlettsm's rating: 4
Hitler Youth
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Dark is Rising Sequence
by Susan Cooper
catlettsm's rating: 4
Freedom Summer
by Susan Goldman Rubin
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Anne Frank Case
by Susan Goldman Rubin
catlettsm's rating: 4
Three Jovial Huntsmen
by Susan Jeffers
catlettsm's rating: 4
15 Easy Biography Mini-Books
by Susan Washburn Buckley
catlettsm's rating: 4
Medieval Underpants and Other Blunders
by Susanne Alleyn
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games Series #1)
by Suzanne Collins
catlettsm's rating: 4
Cooking Up U.S. History
by Suzanne I. Barchers and Patricia C. Marden
catlettsm's rating: 4
Library Lil
by Suzanne Williams and Stephen Kellogg and Steven Kellogg
catlettsm's rating: 4
Lincoln and His Generals
by T. Harry Williams
catlettsm's rating: 4
Almost Astronauts
by Tanya Lee Stone and Margaret A. Weitekamp
catlettsm's rating: 4
A Plump And Perky Turkey
by Teresa Bateman and Jeff Shelly
catlettsm's rating: 4
The American Spirit
by Thomas A. Bailey
catlettsm's rating: 4
The American Spirit
by Thomas A. Bailey
catlettsm's rating: 4
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
by Thomas Hardy and Tim Dolin and Margaret R. Higonnet
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Wolf's Story
by Toby Forward and Izhar Cohen
catlettsm's rating: 4
How to Get Rich in the California Gold Rush
by Tod Olson
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Todd Strasser
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fire Up with Reading! [With Sticker and Scale Pattern]
by Toni Buzzeo
catlettsm's rating: 4
Our Librarian Won't Tell Us Anything!
by Toni Buzzeo and Sachiko Yoshikawa
catlettsm's rating: 4
Taking Charge of Your Fertility
by Toni Weschler
catlettsm's rating: 4
Foucault's Pendulum
by Umberto Eco and William Weaver
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Death of King Arthur
by Unknown and James Cable
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Song of Roland
by Unknown and Robert Harrison
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Uri Shulevitz
catlettsm's rating: 4
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears
by Verna Aardema and Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Veronica Roth
catlettsm's rating: 4
Bibb County
by Vicky Clemmons and David Daniel and Centreville Historic Preservation Commission
catlettsm's rating: 4
Red Queen
by Victoria Aveyard
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Women Jefferson Loved
by Virginia Scharff
catlettsm's rating: 4
Reluctant Revolutionaries
by W.A. Speck
catlettsm's rating: 4
by W.B. Marsh and Bruce Carrick
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Mind of the South
by W.J. Cash
catlettsm's rating: 4
Fundamentals of Information Studies
by Wallace C. Koehler and Wallace C. Koehler Jr. and Wallace C. Koehler
catlettsm's rating: 4
Poisonous Plants of the United States
by Walter Conrad Muenscher and Elfriede Abbe and Helen Hill Craig
catlettsm's rating: 4
Britain Yesterday and Today
by Walter L Arnstein
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Walter Scott
catlettsm's rating: 4
Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer
by Warren St. John
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Anchor Atlas of World History, Vol 1
by Werner Hilgemann and Hermann Kinder and Ernest A. Menze and Harald Bukor and Ruth Bukor
catlettsm's rating: 4
Ante-Bellum Alabama
by Weymouth T. Jordan and Kenneth R. Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 4
Medieval Epics
by William Alfred and W.S. Merwin and Helen M. Mustard
catlettsm's rating: 4
Little House Country
by William Anderson and Leslie A. Kelly
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Age of Aristocracy, 1688 to 1830
by William B. Willcox and Walter L. Arnstein
catlettsm's rating: 4
A history of two Virginia families transplanted from county Kent, England. Thomas Baytop, Tenterden, 1638, and John Catlett,
by William Carter Stubbs
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Oxford History of the French Revolution
by William Doyle
catlettsm's rating: 4
Collected Stories Of William Faulkner
by William Faulkner
catlettsm's rating: 4
by William Ferguson
catlettsm's rating: 4
Lord of the Flies
by William Golding
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Children's Book of Virtues
by William J. Bennett and Michael Hague
catlettsm's rating: 4
Great Maps of the Civil War
by William J. Miller
catlettsm's rating: 4
One Second After
by William R. Forstchen
catlettsm's rating: 4
by William Ritter
catlettsm's rating: 4
by William Shakespeare
catlettsm's rating: 4
Romeo and Juliet
by William Shakespeare
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
catlettsm's rating: 4
by William Steig
catlettsm's rating: 4
The Amazing Bone
by William Steig
catlettsm's rating: 4
by William Warren Rogers and Leah Rawls Atkins and Robert D. Ward and Wayne Flynt
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Willian Shakespeare
catlettsm's rating: 4
White Over Black
by Winthrop D. Jordan
catlettsm's rating: 4
by Alan Bullock
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Flim-Flam Fairies
by Alan Katz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Treasures of the Vatican Collections
by Alan Levy
catlettsm's rating: 3
Slave Religion
by Albert J. Raboteau and Raboteau and Albert J. Raboteau and Albert J.
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Volcano Beneath the Snow
by Albert Marrin
catlettsm's rating: 3
Thomas Paine
by Albert Marrin
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Two-Party South
by Alexander P. Lamis
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Darkest Minds
by Alexandra Bracken
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Simon & Schuster Book of Greek Gods and Heroes
by Alice Low
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Family Read-Aloud Christmas Treasury
by Alice Low and Marc Brown
catlettsm's rating: 3
American Indian Mythology
by Alice Marriot and Carol K. Rachlin
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Lovely Bones
by Alice Sebold
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Alicia Potter and Matt Tavares
catlettsm's rating: 3
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie
by Alison Jackson and Judy Schachner
catlettsm's rating: 3
New Found Land
by Allan Wolf and Max Grafe
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Matched Trilogy
by Ally Condie
catlettsm's rating: 3
Extra! Extra!
by Alma Flor Ada and Leslie Tryon
catlettsm's rating: 3
With Love, Little Red Hen
by Alma Flor Ada and Leslie Tryon
catlettsm's rating: 3
Yours Truly, Goldilocks
by Alma Flor Ada and Leslie Tryon
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Little Red Hen/Help Yourself, Little Red Hen
by Alvin Granowsky
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Three Billy Goats Gruff/Just a Friendly Old Troll
by Alvin Granowsky
catlettsm's rating: 3
Goldilocks & Three Bears
by Alvin Granowsky and Anne Lunsford and Lyn Martin and Annie Lunsford and J. Lyn Martin
catlettsm's rating: 3
Tortoise and the Hare/Friends at the End
by Alvin Granowsky and Delana Bettoli and Normand Cartier
catlettsm's rating: 3
Jack and the Beanstalk/Giants Have Feelings, Too
by Alvin Granowsky and Linda Graves and Henry Buerchkholtz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Brainy Bird Saves the Day!
by Alvin Granowsky and Mike Krone and Eva V. Cockrille
catlettsm's rating: 3
Atlantis Awakening
by Alyssa Day
catlettsm's rating: 3
Atlantis Redeemed
by Alyssa Day
catlettsm's rating: 3
Atlantis Unleashed
by Alyssa Day
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
Don't Look Back
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
I Thee Wed
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
Late for the Wedding
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lie by Moonlight
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
Second Sight
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
Slightly Shady
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Paid Companion
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
Wait Until Midnight
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
Wicked Widow
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
With This Ring
by Amanda Quick
catlettsm's rating: 3
Wicked Plants
by Amy Stewart and Briony Morrow-Cribbs and Jonathon Rosen
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Jewel
by Amy Ewing
catlettsm's rating: 3
The White Rose
by Amy Ewing
catlettsm's rating: 3
Where Fish Go in Winter
by Amy Goldman Koss and Laura J. Bryant
catlettsm's rating: 3
Virginia Beach
by Amy Waters Yarsinke
catlettsm's rating: 3
Surviving Antarctica
by Andrea White
catlettsm's rating: 3
Great Spanish Stories
by Angel Flores
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Angela Knight
catlettsm's rating: 3
Jane's Warlord
by Angela Knight
catlettsm's rating: 3
Master of Dragons
by Angela Knight
catlettsm's rating: 3
Master of Fire
by Angela Knight
catlettsm's rating: 3
Master of Shadows
by Angela Knight
catlettsm's rating: 3
Master of Swords
by Angela Knight
catlettsm's rating: 3
Master of Wolves
by Angela Knight
catlettsm's rating: 3
Master of the Moon
by Angela Knight
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Angela Knight
catlettsm's rating: 3
How the Ancient Romans Lived
by Anita Ganeri
catlettsm's rating: 3
100 Best Books for Children
by Anita Silvey
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Ann Aguirre
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Here and Now
by Ann Brashares
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Three Silly Girls Grubb
by Ann Hassett and John Hassett
catlettsm's rating: 3
If You Lived With The Sioux Indians
by Ann McGovern
catlettsm's rating: 3
If You Lived In Colonial Times
by Ann McGovern and Brinton Turkle and June Otani
catlettsm's rating: 3
Abe Lincoln Remembers
by Ann Turner and Wendell Minor
catlettsm's rating: 3
Eight Hands Round
by Ann Whitford Paul and Jeanette Winter
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Anna Carey
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Anna Carey
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Anna Carey
catlettsm's rating: 3
Black Beauty
by Anna Sewell
catlettsm's rating: 3
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
by Anne Frank
catlettsm's rating: 3
Down In The Garden
by Anne Geddes
catlettsm's rating: 3
If You Were At The First Thanksgiving
by Anne Kamma and Bert Dodson
catlettsm's rating: 3
If You Lived With The Indians Of The Northwest Coast
by Anne Kamma and Pamela Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Eric the Red
by Anne Millard and Brian Watson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Memnoch the Devil
by Anne Rice
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Anne Rice
catlettsm's rating: 3
Servant of the Bones
by Anne Rice
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Anne Rice
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Queen of the Damned
by Anne Rice
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Tale Of The Body Thief
by Anne Rice
catlettsm's rating: 3
The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist
by Annie Heloise Abel and Theda Perdue and Michael D. Green
catlettsm's rating: 3
Tales from the Arabian Nights
by Anonymous and Andrew Lang
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Epic of Gilgamesh
by Anonymous and N.K. Sandars
catlettsm's rating: 3
Social Studies Through Children's Literature
by Anthony D. Fredericks
catlettsm's rating: 3
Who Was Frederick Douglass?
by April Jones Prince and Robert Squier and Nancy Harrison
catlettsm's rating: 3
Border Lord
by Arnette Lamb
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Arnette Lamb
catlettsm's rating: 3
Maiden of Inverness
by Arnette Lamb
catlettsm's rating: 3
Threads of Destiny
by Arnette Lamb
catlettsm's rating: 3
On the day Peter Stuyvesant Sailed into Town
by Arnold Lobel
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Book of Pigericks
by Arnold Lobel
catlettsm's rating: 3
Internet Power Research Using the Big6 Approach
by Art Wolinsky
catlettsm's rating: 3
Shen of the Sea
by Arthur Bowie Chrisman and Else Hasselriis
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Night Has Ears
by Ashley Bryan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Transcending Loss
by Ashley Davis Bush and Ashley Prend and Ashley Davis Prend
catlettsm's rating: 3
Information Power
by Association for Educational Communication and American Association of School Librarians
catlettsm's rating: 3
Alphabet Mystery
by Audrey Wood and Bruce Wood
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Islands at the End of the World
by Austin Aslan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Rachel of Old Louisiana
by Avery Odelle Craven
catlettsm's rating: 3
Iron Thunder
by Avi
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Avi
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Secret School
by Avi
catlettsm's rating: 3
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
by Avi
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Treasury of American Folklore
by B.A. Botkin and Carl Sandburg
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
by B.G. Hennessy and Boris Kulikov
catlettsm's rating: 3
Thomas Jefferson Builds a Library
by Barb Rosenstock and John O'Brien
catlettsm's rating: 3
Ben Franklin's Big Splash
by Barb Rosenstock and S.D. Schindler
catlettsm's rating: 3
If You Lived In Williamsburg in Colonial Days
by Barbara Brenner and Jenny Williams
catlettsm's rating: 3
Miss Rumphius
by Barbara Cooney
catlettsm's rating: 3
Party Food
by Barbara Kafka and Tom Eckerle
catlettsm's rating: 3
Savoring the Past
by Barbara Ketcham Wheaton
catlettsm's rating: 3
Pass the Energy, Please!
by Barbara Shaw McKinney
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Drop Around the World
by Barbara Shaw McKinney and Michael Maydak
catlettsm's rating: 3
The First Salute
by Barbara W. Tuchman
catlettsm's rating: 3
The First Voyage Of Christopher Columbus 1492
by Barry Smith
catlettsm's rating: 3
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
by Barry Denenberg
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Bender & Bender
catlettsm's rating: 3
Constitution Construction
by Bentley Boyd
catlettsm's rating: 3
Go West, Young Crab!
by Bentley Boyd
catlettsm's rating: 3
The First Americans
by Bentley Boyd
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution
by Bernard Bailyn
catlettsm's rating: 3
Strangers Within the Realm
by Bernard Bailyn and Philip D. Morgan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Scriptures and Quotations from Believing God
by Beth Moore
catlettsm's rating: 3
Scriptures and Quotations from Breaking Free
by Beth Moore
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Story of the Statue of Liberty
by Betsy Maestro
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Betsy Maestro and Giulio Maestro
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Story of Money
by Betsy Maestro and Giulio Maestro
catlettsm's rating: 3
Why Do Leaves Change Color?
by Betsy Maestro and Loretta Krupinski
catlettsm's rating: 3
Coming to America
by Betsy Maestro and Susannah Ryan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Summer of My German Soldier
by Bette Greene
catlettsm's rating: 3
Stubby the Dog Soldier
by Blake Hoena and Oliver Hurst
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Real Mother Goose
by Blanche Fisher Wright
catlettsm's rating: 3
Integrating literature series
by Bob Bernstein
catlettsm's rating: 3
19th Century Girls and Women
by Bobbie Kalman
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Visual Dictionary of a Colonial Community
by Bobbie Kalman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Colonial Life
by Bobbie Kalman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Colonial Times from A to Z
by Bobbie Kalman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Early Settler Children
by Bobbie Kalman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Early Settler Storybook
by Bobbie Kalman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Life on a Plantation
by Bobbie Kalman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Musical Instruments from A to Z
by Bobbie Kalman
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Child's Day
by Bobbie Kalman and Tammy Everts
catlettsm's rating: 3
Treasury of Literature for Children
by Bookthrift
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Bram Stoker
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Embrace
by Brenda Joyce
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Lover
by Brenda Joyce
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Rival
by Brenda Joyce
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Seduction
by Brenda Joyce
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Victory
by Brenda Joyce
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Brenda Ralph Lewis
catlettsm's rating: 3
Science in Colonial America
by Brendan January
catlettsm's rating: 3
House Atreides
by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Quest for the Past
by Brian M. Fagan
catlettsm's rating: 3
What Happened to Marion's Book?
by Brook Berg and Nathan Alberg
catlettsm's rating: 3
When Marion Copied
by Brook Berg and Nathan Alberg
catlettsm's rating: 3
Snoring Beauty
by Bruce Hale and Howard Fine
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Teacher's Guide to a Drop Around the World
by Bruce Malnor and Carol Malnor
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Teacher's Guide to A Walk in the Rainforest
by Bruce Malnor and Malnor and Kristin Joy Pratt and Carol Malnor
catlettsm's rating: 3
Miss Emily
by Burleigh Muten and Matt Phelan
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
by C.S. Lewis
catlettsm's rating: 3
Imogene's Last Stand
by Candace Fleming and Nancy Carpenter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom
by Carol Ann Tomlinson and Marcia B. Imbeau
catlettsm's rating: 3
Pilgrim Cat
by Carol Antoinette Peacock and Doris Ettlinger
catlettsm's rating: 3
Radio Girl
by Carol Brendler
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lunch Money
by Carol Diggory Shields
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Tree in the Ancient Forest
by Carol Reed-Jones and Christopher Canyon
catlettsm's rating: 3
Leontyne Price
by Carole Boston Weatherford
catlettsm's rating: 3
Sugar Hill
by Carole Boston Weatherford and R. Gregory Christie
catlettsm's rating: 3
Ambiguous Realities
by Carole Levin and Jeanie Watson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Barach Obama
by Carole Marsh
catlettsm's rating: 3
Abraham Lincoln
by Caroline Crosson Gilpin
catlettsm's rating: 3
Amelia Earhart
by Caroline Crosson Gilpin and National Geographic Kids
catlettsm's rating: 3
Great Harry
by Carolly Erickson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Diary of Carrie Berry
by Carrie Berry
catlettsm's rating: 3
City of Ashes
by Cassandra Clare
catlettsm's rating: 3
City of Bones
by Cassandra Clare
catlettsm's rating: 3
City of Fallen Angels
by Cassandra Clare
catlettsm's rating: 3
City of Lost Souls
by Cassandra Clare
catlettsm's rating: 3
Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, #1)
by Cassandra Clare
catlettsm's rating: 3
Born To Be Wild
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Earth Song
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Eleventh Hour
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lord Harry
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lord of Hawkfell Island
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lyon's Gate
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Mad Jack
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Moonspun Magic
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Night Shadow
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Night Storm
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Secret Song
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Aristocrat
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Countess
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Deception
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Duke
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Heir
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Heiress Bride
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Hellion Bride
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Nightingale Legacy
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Offer
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Penwyth Curse
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Scottish Bride
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Sherbrooke Bride
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Sherbrooke Twins
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Target
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Valentine Legacy
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Wild Baron
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Wyndham Legacy
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Warrior's Song
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Wizard's Daughter
by Catherine Coulter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Tales From Silver Lands
by Charles J. Finger
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Secret Life
by Charles Lachman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Recasting Bourgeois Europe
by Charles S. Maier
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Concise Handbook For Technical Writing
by Charles T. Brusaw
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Dead
by Charlie Higson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Accidents May Happen
by Charlotte Foltz Jones and John O'Brien
catlettsm's rating: 3
Everybody's Somebody's Lunch
by Cherie Mason and Gustav Moore
catlettsm's rating: 3
Stories from the Silk Road
by Cherry Gilchrist and Nilesh Mistry
catlettsm's rating: 3
Born to Grill
by Cheryl Alters Jamison and Bill Jamison
catlettsm's rating: 3
Mary Walker Wears the Pants
by Cheryl Harness and Carlo Molinari
catlettsm's rating: 3
Becoming a Library Teacher
by Cheryl Laguardia
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Chip Wood
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Day-Glo Brothers
by Chris Barton and Tony Persiani
catlettsm's rating: 3
Just as Good
by Chris Crowe and Mike Benny
catlettsm's rating: 3
Yo! Yes?
by Chris Raschka
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Z Was Zapped
by Chris Van Allsburg
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Everything Guide to Writing a Romance Novel
by Christie Craig and Faye Hughes
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Knight to Remember
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Well Favored Gentleman
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
Candle in the Window
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
In My Wildest Dreams
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
Move Heaven and Earth
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
My Fair Temptress
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
My Favorite Bride
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
Rules of Attraction
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
Rules of Engagement
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
Some Enchanted Evening
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
Storm of Visions
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
That Scandalous Evening
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Prince Kidnaps a Bride
by Christina Dodd
catlettsm's rating: 3
Scottish Brides
by Christina Dodd and Stephanie Laurens and Julia Quinn and Karen Ranney
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Genealogy
by Christine Rose and Kay G. Ingalls and Rose Ingalls
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Christine Feehan Holiday Treasury
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Celebration
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Curse
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Desire
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Destiny
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Guardian
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Hunger
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Prince
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Slayer
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Symphony
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lair of the Lion
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Safe Harbor
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Turbulent Sea
by Christine Feehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Elizabeth I
by Christopher Haigh
catlettsm's rating: 3
Bud, Not Buddy
by Christopher Paul Curtis
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Madman of Piney Woods
by Christopher Paul Curtis
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963
by Christopher Paul Curtis
catlettsm's rating: 3
100 Things Crimson Tide Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die
by Christopher Walsh
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Dragon Heir
by Cinda Williams Chima
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Wizard Heir
by Cinda Williams Chima
catlettsm's rating: 3
Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone
by Cindy Neuschwander and Wayne Geehan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Spanish Empire in America
by Clarence Henry Haring
catlettsm's rating: 3
Simple Foods for the Pack
by Claudia Axcell and Diana Cooke and Vikki Kinmont Kath and Bob Kinmont
catlettsm's rating: 3
Old Dominion University Men's Basketball, Virginia
by Clay Shampoe
catlettsm's rating: 3
Ladies of Liberty
by Cokie Roberts
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Thorn Birds
by Colleen McCullough
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Cornelia Funke and Anthea Bell
catlettsm's rating: 3
All the Rage
by Courtney Summers
catlettsm's rating: 3
I, Columbus
by Cristoforo Colombo
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Laura Line
by Crystal Allen
catlettsm's rating: 3
Changing History
by Cynthia A. Kierner
catlettsm's rating: 3
Henry Hikes to Fitchburg
by D.B. Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lady from Savannah
by Daisy Gordon Lawrence and G.D. Schultz
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Da Vinci Code
by Dan Brown
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Dan North
catlettsm's rating: 3
Civil War Generals
by Daniel E. Harmon and Fred L. Israel
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Daniel José Older
catlettsm's rating: 3
Library Mouse
by Daniel Kirk
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Danielle Steel
catlettsm's rating: 3
Zom-B Angels
by Darren Shan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Zom-B Baby
by Darren Shan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Zom-B Fugitive
by Darren Shan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Zom-B Goddess
by Darren Shan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Zom-B Underground
by Darren Shan
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Dav Pilkey
catlettsm's rating: 3
Kat Kong
by Dav Pilkey
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Hallo-wiener
by Dav Pilkey
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Paperboy
by Dav Pilkey
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Ugly Pumpkin
by Dave Horowitz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt
by David A. Adler
catlettsm's rating: 3
by David Axton and Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Split Second
by David Baldacci
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Finisher
by David Baldacci
catlettsm's rating: 3
Wish You Well
by David Baldacci
catlettsm's rating: 3
Everyday Life in Early America
by David Freeman Hawke
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
by David Hume
catlettsm's rating: 3
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
by David Hume and Eric Steinberg
catlettsm's rating: 3
When Cows Come Home
by David L. Harrison
catlettsm's rating: 3
Old Ironsides
by David L. Weitzman
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Impending Crisis, 1848-1861
by David M. Potter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Kiss That Missed
by David Melling
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Omen
by David Seltzer
catlettsm's rating: 3
David Gets In Trouble
by David Shannon
catlettsm's rating: 3
David Goes To School
by David Shannon
catlettsm's rating: 3
Duck On A Bike
by David Shannon
catlettsm's rating: 3
You Wouldn't Want To Be A Roman Soldier!
by David Stewart
catlettsm's rating: 3
Revel, Riot, and Rebellion
by David Underdown
catlettsm's rating: 3
Taxonomies of the School Library Media Program
by David V. Loertscher
catlettsm's rating: 3
Vinnie and Abraham
by Dawn FitzGerald
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Dead House
by Dawn Kurtagich
catlettsm's rating: 3
Cold Fire
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Demon Seed
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Fear Nothing
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Night Chills
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
One Door Away From Heaven
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Strange Highways
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Bad Place
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Door to December
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Good Guy
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
The House of Thunder
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Mask
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Taking
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Voice of The Night
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Tick Tock
by Dean Koontz
catlettsm's rating: 3
George Washington's Teeth
by Deborah Chandra and Madeleine Comora and Brock Cole
catlettsm's rating: 3
Is Your Mama a Llama?
by Deborah Guarino and Steven Kellogg
catlettsm's rating: 3
Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek
by Deborah Hopkinson and John Hendrix
catlettsm's rating: 3
Children's Book of Art
by Deborah Lock
catlettsm's rating: 3
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
by Dee Brown
catlettsm's rating: 3
Servants of the Storm
by Delilah S. Dawson
catlettsm's rating: 3
In the After
by Demitria Lunetta
catlettsm's rating: 3
Test Item File to Accompany The Challenge of the West
by Denis Paz and Jachin Warner Thacker
catlettsm's rating: 3
My Teacher Likes to Say
by Denise Brennan-Nelson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Barnyard Banter
by Denise Fleming
catlettsm's rating: 3
Buster Goes to Cowboy Camp
by Denise Fleming
catlettsm's rating: 3
52 Programs for Preschoolers
by Diane Briggs
catlettsm's rating: 3
Discover the Seasons
by Diane Iverson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter
by Diane Stanley
catlettsm's rating: 3
The One Year Women of the Bible
by Dianne Neal Matthews
catlettsm's rating: 3
English Costume 1066-1830
by Dion Clayton Calthrop
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Don Freeman
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Don Lynch and Ken Marschall and Robert D. Ballard
catlettsm's rating: 3
Ox, House, Stick
by Don Robb and Anne Smith
catlettsm's rating: 3
Pirates on the Chesapeake
by Donald G. Shomette
catlettsm's rating: 3
Our Environment
by Donald Keith Fellows
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Donna Jo Napoli
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Donna Jo Napoli
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Donna Jo Napoli
catlettsm's rating: 3
Treasury of Greek Mythology
by Donna Jo Napoli and Christina Balit
catlettsm's rating: 3
Travel through Virginia
by Donna Mishler and James Melvin
catlettsm's rating: 3
Up North and Down South
by Doreen Gonzales
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Indispensable Librarian
by Doug A. Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dr. Seuss's ABC
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 3
Oh Say Can You Say?
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 3
Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 3
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 3
What Was I Scared Of?
by Dr. Seuss
catlettsm's rating: 3
I am Not Going to Get Up Today!
by Dr. Seuss and James Stevenson
catlettsm's rating: 3
We Were Liars
by E. Lockhart
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Story of Owen
by E.K. Johnston
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Jamestown Adventure
by Ed Southern
catlettsm's rating: 3
Honest Abe
by Edith Kunhardt and Malcah Zeldis
catlettsm's rating: 3
American Slavery - American Freedom
by Edmund S. Morgan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Inventing the People
by Edmund S. Morgan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Edward Eager's Tales of Magic
by Edward Eager
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction
by Edward L. Ferman
catlettsm's rating: 3
What Do Authors Do?
by Eileen Christelow
catlettsm's rating: 3
What Do Illustrators Do?
by Eileen Christelow
catlettsm's rating: 3
Two Lives of Charlemagne
by Einhard and Notker the Stammerer and Lewis Thorpe
catlettsm's rating: 3
Stowaway to the Mushroom Planet
by Eleanor Cameron
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Art of Coaching
by Elena Aguilar
catlettsm's rating: 3
Storm Warriors
by Elisa Carbone
catlettsm's rating: 3
Legend of the Ghost Dog
by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
by Elizabeth George Speare
catlettsm's rating: 3
Thomas Jefferson
by Elizabeth V. Chew
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Castle in the Attic
by Elizabeth Winthrop
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Dark of the Woods
by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
catlettsm's rating: 3
Voyage on the Great Titanic, RMS Titanic, 1912
by Ellen Emerson White
catlettsm's rating: 3
If You Lived With The Iroquois
by Ellen Levine
catlettsm's rating: 3
If You Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King
by Ellen Levine and Anna Rich
catlettsm's rating: 3
If You Lived At The Time Of The Great San Francisco Earthquake
by Ellen Levine and Richard Williams and Pat Grant Porter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Westing Game
by Ellen Raskin
catlettsm's rating: 3
Alabama Scrapbook
by Ellen Sullivan and Marie Stokes Jemison
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Elly Berkovits Gross
catlettsm's rating: 3
This Business of Relief
by Elna C. Green
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Little Bear Treasury
by Else Holmelund Minarik and Maurice Sendak
catlettsm's rating: 3
She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain
by Emily Coplon and Doris Orgel and Ellen Schecter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Meerkat Mail
by Emily Gravett
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Emily Gravett
catlettsm's rating: 3
Station Eleven
by Emily St. John Mandel
catlettsm's rating: 3
Anansi Goes Fishing
by Eric A. Kimmel and Janet Stevens
catlettsm's rating: 3
Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins
by Eric A. Kimmel and Trina Schart Hyman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Do You Want to Be My Friend?
by Eric Carle
catlettsm's rating: 3
My Own Very Quiet Cricket Coloring Book
by Eric Carle
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Grouchy Ladybug
by Eric Carle
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
by Eric Carle
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Rabbit And The Turtle
by Eric Carle and Aesop
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Short History of Reconstruction
by Eric Foner
catlettsm's rating: 3
Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men
by Eric Foner
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Eric Foner
catlettsm's rating: 3
American Canopy
by Eric Rutkow
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Little Red Schoolhouse
by Eric Sloane
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management
by Eric Verzuh
catlettsm's rating: 3
Isaac's Storm
by Erik Larson
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Scorpion Rules
by Erin Bow
catlettsm's rating: 3
Fairly Fairy Tales
by Esmé Raji Codell and Elisa Chavarri
catlettsm's rating: 3
Caps for Sale
by Esphyr Slobodkina
catlettsm's rating: 3
Information Literacy Instruction
by Esther S. Grassian
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Western Tradition, Vol. 2
by Eugen Weber
catlettsm's rating: 3
Johnny Appleseed
by Eva Moore
catlettsm's rating: 3
How Many Days to America?
by Eve Bunting and Beth Peck
catlettsm's rating: 3
That's What Leprechauns Do
by Eve Bunting and Emily Arnold McCully
catlettsm's rating: 3
Scary, Scary Halloween
by Eve Bunting and Jan Brett
catlettsm's rating: 3
In the Haunted House
by Eve Bunting and Susan Meddaugh
catlettsm's rating: 3
My Dream of Martin Luther King
by Faith Ringgold
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Redbird Christmas
by Fannie Flagg
catlettsm's rating: 3
Near a Thousand Tables
by Felipe Fernández-Armesto
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Felix Markham
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Jury
by Fern Michaels
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Fiona MacDonald
catlettsm's rating: 3
You Wouldn't Want to Meet a Body Snatcher!
by Fiona MacDonald and David Antram
catlettsm's rating: 3
You Wouldn't Want to Be a Medieval Knight!
by Fiona MacDonald and David Antram and David Salariya and Karen Barker Smith
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Presidency of George Washington
by Forrest McDonald
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Presidency of Thomas Jefferson
by Forrest McDonald
catlettsm's rating: 3
Life in a Medieval City
by Frances Gies and Joseph Gies
catlettsm's rating: 3
Ethnic Dress
by Frances Kennett
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Dodgeball Chronicles
by Frank Cammuso
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Frank Herbert
catlettsm's rating: 3
Heretics of Dune
by Frank Herbert and John Schoenherr
catlettsm's rating: 3
Media Literacy in the K-12 Classroom
by Frank W. Baker
catlettsm's rating: 3
Frederick of Prussia
by Frederick the Great
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Law
by Frédéric Bastiat
catlettsm's rating: 3
Economics For Historians
by G.R. Hawke
catlettsm's rating: 3
Etiquette & Espionage
by Gail Carriger
catlettsm's rating: 3
Manners & Mutiny
by Gail Carriger
catlettsm's rating: 3
Ella Enchanted
by Gail Carson Levine
catlettsm's rating: 3
America's Women
by Gail Collins
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Gail E. Haley
catlettsm's rating: 3
From Seed to Plant
by Gail Gibbons
catlettsm's rating: 3
As the Crow Flies
by Gail Hartman and Harvey Stevenson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Achieving National Board Certification for School Library Media Specialists
by Gail K. Dickinson
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Gary L. Blackwood
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Year of the Hangman
by Gary L. Blackwood
catlettsm's rating: 3
Caught by the Sea
by Gary Paulsen
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Gary Paulsen
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Couple's Guide to Fertility
by Gary S. Berger and Marc Goldstein and Mark L. Fuerst
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Jewel of Atlantis
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Last Kiss Goodnight
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Darkest Craving
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Darkest Kiss
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Darkest Lie
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Darkest Night
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Darkest Passion
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Darkest Touch
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Darkest Whisper
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Nymph King
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Stone Prince
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Vampire's Bride
by Gena Showalter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Renaissance Florence
by Gene A. Brucker
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Canterbury Tales
by Geoffrey Chaucer
catlettsm's rating: 3
Once Upon a Time, the End
by Geoffrey Kloske and Barry Blitt
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Beatles
by Geoffrey Stokes
catlettsm's rating: 3
The German Conception of History
by Georg G. Iggers
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Emergence of the New South, 1913-1945
by George Brown Tindall
catlettsm's rating: 3
Pumpkin Circle
by George Levenson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Earth Abides
by George R. Stewart
catlettsm's rating: 3
Science in Ancient China
by George W. Beshore
catlettsm's rating: 3
Science in Ancient Egypt
by Geraldine Woods
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Gerrie McCall
catlettsm's rating: 3
Creating an Inclusive Classroom
by Globe Fearon
catlettsm's rating: 3
Season's Griddings, Grades 1 - 6
by Globe Fearon
catlettsm's rating: 3
Atlantis Rising
by Gloria Craw
catlettsm's rating: 3
Friend on Freedom River
by Gloria Whelan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Homeless Bird
by Gloria Whelan
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Portable Victorian Reader
by Gordon S. Haight
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Greg Bear
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Forge of God
by Greg Bear
catlettsm's rating: 3
Facing the Wave
by Gretel Ehrlich
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Revolutionary War Set
by Grolier, Inc.
catlettsm's rating: 3
Hello, Hampton Roads
by Guy Friddell
catlettsm's rating: 3
What Is It about Virginia?
by Guy Friddell
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Little, Brown Handbook
by H. Ramsey Fowler
catlettsm's rating: 3
Henny Penny
by H. Werner Zimmermann
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Time Machine
by H.G. Wells and Greg Bear
catlettsm's rating: 3
by H.M. Castor
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Hans Kohn
catlettsm's rating: 3
Let's Meet Famous Artists, Grades 1 - 6
by Harriet Kinghorn and Lisa Lewis-Spicer and Jacqueline Badman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Return to Eden
by Harry Harrison
catlettsm's rating: 3
West of Eden
by Harry Harrison
catlettsm's rating: 3
Winter in Eden
by Harry Harrison
catlettsm's rating: 3
Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms
by Harry Shaw
catlettsm's rating: 3
In the Presence of Mine Enemies
by Harry Turtledove
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Guns of the South
by Harry Turtledove
catlettsm's rating: 3
What to Expect the First Year
by Heidi Murkoff and Arlene Eisenberg
catlettsm's rating: 3
What to Expect When You're Expecting
by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel
catlettsm's rating: 3
Pumpkin Soup
by Helen Cooper
catlettsm's rating: 3
Jack's Garden
by Henry Cole
catlettsm's rating: 3
Joseph Andrews
by Henry Fielding and R.F. Brissenden
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Ambassadors
by Henry James
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Portrait of a Lady
by Henry James
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Whig Interpretation of History
by Herbert Butterfield
catlettsm's rating: 3
Moby Dick;
by Herman Melville
catlettsm's rating: 3
The darkest part of the forest
by Holly Black
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
by Howard Pyle
catlettsm's rating: 3
Forging Freedom
by Hudson Talbott
catlettsm's rating: 3
United Tweets of America
by Hudson Talbott
catlettsm's rating: 3
Plain Folk in the New South
by I.A. Newby
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Scottish Covenanters, 1660-1688
by Ian Borthwick Cowan
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England
by Ian Mortimer
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Woman in the House
by Ilene Cooper
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Ilsa J. Bick
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Complete Library Skills
by Instructional Fair
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Complete Library Skills
by Instructional Fair
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Complete Library Skills
by Instructional Fair
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Complete Library Skills
by Instructional Fair
catlettsm's rating: 3
Complete Library Skills, Grades K - 2
by Instructional Fair and Instructional Fair
catlettsm's rating: 3
Storytime Connections
by International Reading Association
catlettsm's rating: 3
Many Thousands Gone
by Ira Berlin
catlettsm's rating: 3
Joy of Cooking
by Irma S. Rombauer and Marion Rombauer Becker and Ethan Becker
catlettsm's rating: 3
Words Of Science And The History Behind Them
by Isaac Asimov
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Shooting Party
by Isabel Colegate
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Troubles of Johnny Cannon
by Isaiah Campbell
catlettsm's rating: 3
Vunce Upon a Time
by J. Otto Seibold and Siobhan Vivian
catlettsm's rating: 3
Doodle Dandies
by J. Patrick Lewis and Lisa Desimini
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Path Begins
by J.A. White
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Whispering Trees
by J.A. White and Andrea Offermann
catlettsm's rating: 3
Well of Witches
by J.A. White and Andrea Offermann
catlettsm's rating: 3
Essential Dewey
by J.H. Bowman
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Tales of Beedle the Bard
by J.K. Rowling
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dark Lover
by J.R. Ward
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lover Awakened
by J.R. Ward
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lover Enshrined
by J.R. Ward
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lover Eternal
by J.R. Ward
catlettsm's rating: 3
Peter Pan
by JM Barrie
catlettsm's rating: 3
Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul
by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Brothers Grimm
by Jack D. Zipes
catlettsm's rating: 3
Spells of Enchantment
by Jack D. Zipes and Apuleius and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Johann Karl August Musäus and Christop
catlettsm's rating: 3
Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key
by Jack Gantos
catlettsm's rating: 3
What A Day It Was At School!
by Jack Prelutsky and Doug Cushman
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
by Jacob Burckhardt and Peter Burke and Samuel George Chetwynd Middlemore and Peter Murray
catlettsm's rating: 3
Virginia Gardeners Guide
by Jacqueline Hériteau
catlettsm's rating: 3
Science in Ancient Rome
by Jacqueline L. Harris
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Less than Perfect Peace
by Jacqueline Levering Sullivan
catlettsm's rating: 3
You Wouldn't Want to Be an American Colonist!
by Jacqueline Morley and David Antram and David Salariya
catlettsm's rating: 3
You Wouldn't Want to Be in the Forbidden City!
by Jacqueline Morley and David Salariya and David Antram
catlettsm's rating: 3
After Tupac and D Foster
by Jacqueline Woodson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Brown Girl Dreaming
by Jacqueline Woodson
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jacquelyn Frank
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jacquelyn Frank
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jacquelyn Frank
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jacquelyn Frank
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jacquelyn Frank
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jacquelyn Frank
catlettsm's rating: 3
Hunting Julian
by Jacquelyn Frank
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jacquelyn Frank
catlettsm's rating: 3
Stealing Kathryn
by Jacquelyn Frank
catlettsm's rating: 3
George and Martha
by James Marshall
catlettsm's rating: 3
Hansel and Gretel
by James Marshall
catlettsm's rating: 3
Stephen Crane
by James B. Colvert
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Life of Samuel Johnson
by James Boswell
catlettsm's rating: 3
Who Is Muhammad Ali?
by James Buckley Jr. and Stephen Marchesi and Nancy Harrison
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Most Southern Place on Earth
by James C. Cobb
catlettsm's rating: 3
George Washington
by James Cross Giblin and Michael Dooling
catlettsm's rating: 3
Black, Blue & Gray
by James Haskins
catlettsm's rating: 3
by James K. Lowers
catlettsm's rating: 3
Chasing Lincoln's Killer
by James L. Swanson
catlettsm's rating: 3
With Every Drop of Blood
by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier
catlettsm's rating: 3
For Liberty and Glory
by James R. Gaines
catlettsm's rating: 3
by James Wesley, Rawles
catlettsm's rating: 3
Gingerbread Baby
by Jan Brett
catlettsm's rating: 3
Gingerbread Friends
by Jan Brett
catlettsm's rating: 3
Stories Neverending
by Jan Irving and Joni Giarrantono
catlettsm's rating: 3
Abe Lincoln's Beard
by Jan Wahl and Fernando Krahn
catlettsm's rating: 3
Mansfield Park
by Jane Austen
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Win-Win Classroom
by Jane Bluestein
catlettsm's rating: 3
Susan Marcus Bends the Rules
by Jane Cutler
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Wicked Gentleman
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
Almost a Bride
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
Love's Charade
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
Reckless Angel
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Accidental Bride
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Bachelor List
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Bride Hunt
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Emerald Swan
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Hostage Bride
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Least Likely Bride
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Silver Rose
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Wedding Game
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Widow's Kiss
by Jane Feather
catlettsm's rating: 3
Archetypes and Motifs in Folklore and Literature
by Jane Garry and Hasan M. El-Shamy
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy
by Jane Thayer and Catherine Woolley
catlettsm's rating: 3
Sleeping Ugly
by Jane Yolen and Diane Stanley
catlettsm's rating: 3
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?
by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
catlettsm's rating: 3
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
catlettsm's rating: 3
How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?
by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Janell Cannon
catlettsm's rating: 3
Moonlight Warrior
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Tempt Me If You Can
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Dangerous Protector
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Man Must Marry
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Seduction of His Wife
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Seductive Impostor
by Janet Chapman
catlettsm's rating: 3
One for the Money
by Janet Evanovich
catlettsm's rating: 3
Two for the Dough
by Janet Evanovich
catlettsm's rating: 3
Seven Miles to Freedom
by Janet Halfmann
catlettsm's rating: 3
My Beautiful Hippie
by Janet Nichols Lynch
catlettsm's rating: 3
Book Business
by Jason Epstein
catlettsm's rating: 3
Eclipse Bay
by Jayne Ann Krentz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Summer in Eclipse Bay
by Jayne Ann Krentz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Stories Of The Renaissance
by Jean Defrasne and Barbara Whelpton and Marcellin
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Man Who Loved Books
by Jean Fritz and Trina Schart Hyman
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Flame
by Jean Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Master
by Jean Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Song
by Jean Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Storm
by Jean Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Sword
by Jean Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Wolf
by Jean Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Plains of Passage
by Jean M. Auel
catlettsm's rating: 3
I Spy a Pumpkin
by Jean Marzollo
catlettsm's rating: 3
In 1776
by Jean Marzollo and Steve Björkman
catlettsm's rating: 3
I Love You
by Jean Marzollo and Suse MacDonald
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Fourth of July on the Plains
by Jean Van Leeuwen and Henri Sorensen
catlettsm's rating: 3
Mr. Cornell's Dream Boxes
by Jeanette Winter
catlettsm's rating: 3
Wangari's Trees of Peace
by Jeanette Winter
catlettsm's rating: 3
At Graves End
by Jeaniene Frost
catlettsm's rating: 3
Halfway to the Grave
by Jeaniene Frost
catlettsm's rating: 3
The City of Ember
by Jeanne DuPrau
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Diamond of Darkhold
by Jeanne DuPrau
catlettsm's rating: 3
The People of Sparks
by Jeanne DuPrau
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Prophet of Yonwood
by Jeanne DuPrau
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Handful of Beans
by Jeanne Steig and William Steig
catlettsm's rating: 3
Forge of Union, Anvil of Liberty
by Jeffrey St. John
catlettsm's rating: 3
Liven Up Your Library
by Jennifer A. Wetzel
catlettsm's rating: 3
Reading Response Trifolds for 40 Favorite Chapter Books
by Jennifer Cerra-Johansson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Don't Look Back
by Jennifer L. Armentrout
catlettsm's rating: 3
Summer's Bloodiest Days
by Jennifer L. Weber and James M. McPherson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Don't Breathe a Word
by Jennifer McMahon
catlettsm's rating: 3
From Lava to Life
by Jennifer Morgan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Hernando de Soto and the Indians of Florida
by Jerald T. Milanich and Charles M. Hudson
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dory Story
by Jerry Pallotta
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Lion and the Mouse
by Jerry Pinkney
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jerry Spinelli
catlettsm's rating: 3
Silver in the Blood
by Jessica Day George
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jessica Khoury
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Flu of 1918
by Jessica Rudolph
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Young Patriot
by Jim Murphy
catlettsm's rating: 3
Across America on an Emigrant Train
by Jim Murphy
catlettsm's rating: 3
Old Black Fly
by Jim Aylesworth and Stephen Gammell
catlettsm's rating: 3
Blood Rites
by Jim Butcher
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dead Beat
by Jim Butcher
catlettsm's rating: 3
Death Masks
by Jim Butcher
catlettsm's rating: 3
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
by Jim Butcher
catlettsm's rating: 3
Proven Guilty
by Jim Butcher
catlettsm's rating: 3
Storm Front
by Jim Butcher
catlettsm's rating: 3
Summer Knight
by Jim Butcher
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Bare Bones Bible ® Handbook
by Jim George
catlettsm's rating: 3
You Wouldn't Want to Be Cleopatra!
by Jim Pipe and David Antram
catlettsm's rating: 3
Tanks and Armored Fighting Vehicles of WWII
by Jim Winchester
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Gathering of Days
by Joan W. Blos
catlettsm's rating: 3
Healing remedies
by Joan Wilen
catlettsm's rating: 3
Subject Headings for School and Public Libraries
by Joanna F. Fountain and Stephen Haenel
catlettsm's rating: 3
Pioneer Women
by Joanna L. Stratton and Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
catlettsm's rating: 3
A History of the Modern World Since 1815
by Joel Colton and R. R. Palmer
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Swiss Family Robinson
by Johann David Wyss
catlettsm's rating: 3
Say You Love Me
by Johanna Lindsey
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Columbia History of the World
by John A. Garraty and Peter Gay
catlettsm's rating: 3
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
by John Berendt
catlettsm's rating: 3
Eyewitness to History
by John Carey
catlettsm's rating: 3
Side Orders
by John Egerton
catlettsm's rating: 3
Black Elk Speaks
by John G. Neihardt
catlettsm's rating: 3
by John Hamilton
catlettsm's rating: 3
Libraries and Reference Materials
by John Hamilton
catlettsm's rating: 3
by John Hopkins
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Cultural Introduction To Philosophy
by John J. McDermott
catlettsm's rating: 3
Susanna of the Alamo
by John Jakes and Paul Bacon
catlettsm's rating: 3
Fields of Battle
by John Keegan
catlettsm's rating: 3
How the Ancient Greeks Lived
by John Malam
catlettsm's rating: 3
You Wouldn't Want to Live in Pompeii! A Volcanic Eruption You'd Rather Avoid
by John Malam
catlettsm's rating: 3
You Wouldn't Want to Be a Roman Gladiator!
by John Malam and David Salariya and David Antram
catlettsm's rating: 3
Before You Conceive
by John R. Sussman
catlettsm's rating: 3
Thomas Jefferson
by Jon Meacham
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Frog Prince Continued
by Jon Scieszka and Steve Johnson
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jonathan Hunt
catlettsm's rating: 3
Froggy Goes To School
by Jonathan London and Frank Remkiewicz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Patient Zero
by Jonathan Maberry
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Dandelion Seed
by Joseph Anthony and Cris Arbo
catlettsm's rating: 3
Squanto's Journey
by Joseph Bruchac and Greg Shed
catlettsm's rating: 3
Keepers of the Earth
by Joseph Bruchac and Joseph Bruchac
catlettsm's rating: 3
Merchants & Moneymen
by Joseph Gies
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Joseph Howard and Michael Hodges
catlettsm's rating: 3
Sears List of Subject Headings
by Joseph Miller
catlettsm's rating: 3
Stephen King
by Joseph Reino
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Josephine Angelini
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Josephine Angelini
catlettsm's rating: 3
I Saw an Ant on the Railroad Track
by Joshua Prince and Macky Pamintuan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Chronicle Of America
by Joy Masoff
catlettsm's rating: 3
Chronicle Of America
by Joy Masoff
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lesson Plans for the Busy Librarian
by Joyce Keeling
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lesson Plans for the Busy Librarian
by Joyce Keeling
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Usual Rules
by Joyce Maynard
catlettsm's rating: 3
Song of the Water Boatman and Other Pond Poems
by Joyce Sidman and Beckie Prange
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
An Angel For Emily
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
Forever and Always
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lavender Morning
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lost Lady
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
Moonlight Masquerade
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
Mountain Laurel
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
Someone to Love
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Conquest
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Duchess
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Heiress
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Mulberry Tree
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
Velvet Song
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
Wild Orchids
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jude Deveraux
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Jude Deveraux.
catlettsm's rating: 3
Pickles to Pittsburgh
by Judi Barrett and Ron Barrett
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Marshmallow Incident
by Judi Barrett and Ron Barrett
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Judith McNaught
catlettsm's rating: 3
Remember When
by Judith McNaught
catlettsm's rating: 3
Something Wonderful
by Judith McNaught
catlettsm's rating: 3
once and always
by Judith McNaught
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Holiday of Love
by Judith McNaught and Jude Deveraux and Arnette Lamb and Jill Barnett
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Duel
by Judith St. George
catlettsm's rating: 3
Alexander, Who's Not
by Judith Viorst and Robin Preiss Glasser and Ray Cruz
catlettsm's rating: 3
Go to Sleep, Groundhog!
by Judy Cox and Paul Meisel
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Mean Hyena
by Judy Sierra and Michael Bryant
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 3
Murder List
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 3
Shadow Dance
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 3
Slow Burn
by Julie Garwood
catlettsm's rating: 3
The History Of Western Sculpture
by Juliet Heslewood
catlettsm's rating: 3
Day of Tears
by Julius Lester
catlettsm's rating: 3
How Can I Help?
by June Cerza Kolf
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Twelve
by Justin Cronin
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Kami Garcia
catlettsm's rating: 3
Beautiful Darkness
by Kami Garcia and Margaret Sthol
catlettsm's rating: 3
Beautiful Creatures
by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
catlettsm's rating: 3
Beautiful Redemption
by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
catlettsm's rating: 3
Beautiful Chaos
by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl and Paz Pruneda
catlettsm's rating: 3
Catherine, Called Birdy
by Karen Cushman
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Karen Marie Moning
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Karen Marie Moning
catlettsm's rating: 3
Kiss of the Highlander
by Karen Marie Moning
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Dark Highlander
by Karen Marie Moning
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Highlander's Touch
by Karen Marie Moning
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Immortal Highlander
by Karen Marie Moning
catlettsm's rating: 3
To Tame A Highland Warrior
by Karen Marie Moning
catlettsm's rating: 3
Green Eyes
by Karen Robards
catlettsm's rating: 3
Tiger's Eye
by Karen Robards
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Legacy of the Rose
by Kasey Michaels
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Kate Bedford
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Kate Chopin
catlettsm's rating: 3
These Lands Are Ours
by Kate Connell and CONNELL and Jan Naimo Jones
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Dragon in the Sock Drawer
by Kate Klimo and John Shroades
catlettsm's rating: 3
Dying to Meet You
by Kate Klise and M. Sarah Klise
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
by Kate L. Turabian
catlettsm's rating: 3
I'm Bad!
by Kate McMullan and Jim McMullan
catlettsm's rating: 3
I'm Dirty!
by Kate McMullan and Jim McMullan
catlettsm's rating: 3
Hands-On Culture of Ancient Greece and Rome
by Kate OHalloran
catlettsm's rating: 3
Hands-On Culture of Southeast Asia
by Kate OHalloran
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Katherine Howe
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Appearance of Annie van Sinderen
by Katherine Howe
catlettsm's rating: 3
The White House for Kids
by Katherine L. House
catlettsm's rating: 3
Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms
by Katherine Rundell
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Kathleen E Woodiwiss
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Flame and the Flower
by Kathleen E Woodiwiss
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Wolf and the Dove
by Kathleen E Woodiwiss
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Kathleen Fox
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lives of the Pirates
by Kathleen Krull and Kathryn Hewitt
catlettsm's rating: 3
Lives of the Presidents
by Kathleen Krull and Kathryn Hewitt
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Beach
by Kathleen M. Eighmey
catlettsm's rating: 3
Frank Lloyd Wright for Kids
by Kathleen Thorne-Thomsen
catlettsm's rating: 3
Science in Ancient Greece
by Kathlyn Gay
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Badger Knight
by Kathryn Erskine
catlettsm's rating: 3
Math Through Children's Literature
by Kathryn L. Braddon and Nancy J. Hall and Dale B. Taylor
catlettsm's rating: 3
A Journey To The New World
by Kathryn Lasky
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Librarian Who Measured the Earth
by Kathryn Lasky and Kevin Hawkes
catlettsm's rating: 3
Invitation to a Royal Wedding
by Kathryn Spink
catlettsm's rating: 3
Do Pirates Take Baths?
by Kathy Tucker and Nadine Bernard Westcott
catlettsm's rating: 3
Pumpkin Town!
by Katie McKy and Pablo Bernasconi
catlettsm's rating: 3
If You Lived At The Time Of The Civil War
by Kay Moore and Anni Matsick
catlettsm's rating: 3
If You Lived At The Time Of The American Revolution
by Kay Moore and Daniel O'Leary
catlettsm's rating: 3
Teaching Women's History Through Literature
by Kay A. Chick
catlettsm's rating: 3
Colonial Voices
by Kay Winters and Larry Day
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Teeny Tiny Ghost
by Kay Winters and Lynn Munsinger
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Wolf's Chicken Stew
by Keiko Kasza
catlettsm's rating: 3
How It Went Down
by Kekla Magoon
catlettsm's rating: 3
Empire of Night
by Kelley Armstrong
catlettsm's rating: 3
Forest of Ruin
by Kelley Armstrong
catlettsm's rating: 3
Sea of Shadows
by Kelley Armstrong
catlettsm's rating: 3
Grace for President
by Kelly DiPucchio and LeUyen Pham
catlettsm's rating: 3
by Kelly Gallagher and Richard L. Allington
catlettsm's rating: 3
Growing Up In Ancient China
by Ken Teague and Richard Hook
catlettsm's rating: 3
The Reluctant Dragon
by Kenneth Grahame and Michael Hague
catlettsm's rating: 3