Going Gone
by Abraham Lopez
The Mindset
by Ace Bowers
The Futility of Vengeance
by Adam Guest
The Dinosaur Lawyer
by Adam Van Susteren
by Adrian del valle
By Hook or BY Crook
by Al Marsiglia
An American Conspiracy
by Alan C. Moore
Free Will, Do You Have It?
by Albertus Kral
Inspector Mage
by Aleese Hughes
Silent Lee and the Adventure of the Side Door Key
by Alex Hiam
Deadly Odds 4.0
by Allen Wyler
The Little Book of Bad Intentions
by Allison Basile
We Don't Just Eat Lettuce!
by Allyn Raifstanger
Once An Insider, Now Without a Church Home
by Amanda Farmer
Immigrant Hustle
by Amine Rahal
The Consummate Communicator
by Amy S Hamilton
The Eye of Ra & The Children of Isis
by Andrea Franks
Walt Disney's Way
by Andrew Lock
The Billionaires’ Handbook
by Andrew Stevenson
That One Person
by Annie Farris
It's Easier to Dance
by Annie Harris-Meachem
Good Sexual Hygiene & Spiritual Attitude
by Anthony A. Morris
All the Light We Cannot See
by Anthony Doerr
Catapulting Commissions
by Anthony Garcia
The Disembodied
by Anthony Hains
Magic Blue Rocks
by April Shprintz
The Great Awakening
by Arthur F Seymour
Happiness is All We Want!
by Ashutosh Mishra
The Message?
by Avam Hale
by Ayn Cates Sullivan
Sonar The Surge
by B. Truly
Temptation Trials Rebellion
by B. Truly
Shifting Sands
by Barry Litherland
by Beatriz M. Robles
Trapped in Pairadice
by Becky Bronson
When North Becomes South
by Becky Bronson
Genesis (The Infinity Series, Vol.2)
by Bellamy Westbay
The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci
by Belle Ami
Vengeance (Tip of the Spear Book 2)
by Belle Ami
Chrome Mountain
by Ben Schneider
Realm Journey
by Ben Schneider
In the Land of Myth
by Bernard Kuckuck
Christmas Murder
by Betty Schultz
What's College About Anyway?
by Betty Thomas Patterson
Indian Immigrant
by Biku Ghosh
Abate the Nuisance
by Bill Sage
Links in the Chain
by Billy Christie
Utopia Project
by Billy Dering
My Enemy in Vietnam
by Billy Springer
Pursuing a Better Tomorrow
by Blanca M De La Rosa
What Makes America Great
by Bob Dowell
Bama Boy
by Bobby Morrison
Tales from Piney Grove
by Bobby Morrison
Keys to Healthy Communication
by Bobby R Patton, Rusalyn H Andrews, Jennifer Page Daily
by Booth Milovnik
Wandering Feelings
by Boyko Ovcharov
Mysteries you can't put down
by Brad Bennett
The Fifth Strain
by Brady Moore
The Fourth Kinetic
by Brady Moore
The Alienation of Courtney Hoffman
by Brady Stefani
The Limitless Real Estate Leader
by Brenda Fontaine
Flicker World
by Brian Cramer
Homecoming: The Unari Experiment Book 1
by Brian L. Harad
Spirit of the Season
by Brian Lamont
The 11.05 Murders
by Brian O'Hare
The Dark Web Murders
by Brian O'Hare
Individual Advantages
by Brian S Smith
Expecting the Good
by Brigitte Cutshall
Make Me Exist: A Heart-Pounding Sci-Fi Romance (Lost in Time Book 1)
by Brittany Ziegler
Solar Winds: Providence Ends
by Bryan G. Shewmaker
The Making of Evil
by C. Ross Dutton
Kill Abby White! Now!
by C.B. Huesing
Hippocrates and The Hobgoblin
by C.S. Colvin
Monsters in the Hallway
by Capt. Jim Kosmo
Fossil Detectives and the Mysterious Skull
by Caren Bonds Hanson
The Site
by Carlos Valrand
Hippie Woman Wild
by Carol Schlanger
Eating Bull
by Carrie Rubin
Journey of a Bedroom Poet
by Catherine Napalai Faulder
Followers of Lightning
by Charles Bentley
by Charles J Haubner III
by Charles Williams
Strong Heart
by Charlie Sheldon
A Shield in the Shadows
by Cheryl Bristow
Registered Trademark
by Cheryl Hodgson J.D.
Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature, second edition
by Chet Shupe
The Bell Maker
by Chris Bowen
Commercial Property Made Easy
by Chris Lang
The Silence of Children
by Chris Lewando
Energy Dependence Day
by Christian F. Burton
by Christina Moss
Hemingway's Daughter
by Christine M. Whitehead
Collits' Inn: Uncovering the Past
by Christine Stewart
Almost Mortal
by Christopher Leibig
Whole Lot of Hullabaloo
by Christopher Fried
Anastasia’s Book of Days
by Cindy Maynard
Hallowed Ground
by Cindy Ziperman
The Toki-Girl and the Sparrow-Boy, Box Set
by Claire Youmans
by Clayton Graham
The Last Stop
by Clive La Pensée
Fatal Flaws
by Clyde Lawrence
Summer of the Second Coming
by Colin Hayward
Teachings of a Shaman
by Corey Stultz
by Craig Steele
by Craig B. Whelden
Massacre at Agua Caliente
by Craig Rainey
Terms of Service
by Craig W. Stanfill
Tales from the Gray Area
by Curtis Stephen Burdick
Ruby's Choice
by D.F.Jones
The Cartel Crusher
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Commander
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Good Fight
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Last Enemy
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Legend of Deputy Jim
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Living Legend
by Dan E. Hendrickson
Atonement to a Greater God
by Dan Martin
Highway to Love
by Dani Burke
The Candle Room
by Daniel K. Gentile
The Eclipsed
by Dara Kent
Rebranding Branding
by Darren Taylor & Mark Schreiber
Massacre Rocks
by Dave Lundgren
Journey to your Summit
by Dave Vetta
Mysteries of Brettenwood
by David Blank
A World Diverse lll
by David Edmond CD
Blind Evolution?
by David Frost
The Altitude Journals
by David J Mauro
by David L Wallace
Lincoln's Hat and the TEA Movement's Anger
by David Selcer
Inside the Mind of a Successful CEO
by David V. Mastran
The Eleventh Commandment
by David W. Florence, M.D.
Fire and Earth
by David West
Real Principals Have No Class
by DeLene Sholes
Seeds of Hope
by Debbie Tremel
Bad Karma
by Debi Chestnut
Tai Solarin
by Dele Babalola
Shame Off You
by Denise Pass
Claimed by Nicolai
by Denna Holm
Skullduggery at Quanah
by Dennis Boyd Call
Takes More Than Heart
by Dennis Mellen
Beyond the Clouds, the Sky is Blue
by Dennis Santos
by Dennis Santos
The Crystilleries of Echoland
by Dew Pellucid
Mistress Suffragette
by Diana Forbes
Thin Places
by Diane Owens Prettyman
The Fine Print and Other Yarns
by Dinesh Verma
Mirror, Mirror...? A Modern Day Fairy Tale
by Dodie Meister
Happy Healing
by Dominique Bourlet
The Assignment
by Don Chance
Wellness Toolbox
by Don Roberts
Commitment to Courage
by Donald L. Redden PhD
The Lady with a Shamrock
by Donaldl Ray Cobb
Personality and Personhood
by Donna Silveira
Cynthia and Dan
by Dorothy May Mercer
E M P Honeymoon
by Dorothy May Mercer
OUCH! The Pain of Modern Civilization
by Dr. Ajay Issar & Alka Issar
Once Upon a Scare
by Dr. Bon Blossman
The 5-Day Stage Fright Solution
by Dr. David Lee Fish
The Pro-Achievement Principle
by Dr. Deborah Bright
Daily Pulse: the rhythm of the Tao
by Dr. Debra Ford Msc.D
If Your Water Cooler Could Talk
by Dr. Jim Bohn
The Morning Mind
by Dr. Rob Carter III and Dr. Kirti Salwe Carter
Tactile Therapy: Volume One
by Durell Arrington
Harvard Heart of Gold
by Dustin Aguilar
The Mirrors
by E F Townsend
Looking Glass Friends
by E L Neve
The Aetherverse
by E. Bryan
Prints In the Snow
by E. F. Townsend
by E.W. Johnson M.D.
Storm Front Over Atlantis
by E.W. Roberts
Too Many Secrets
by EB Corbin
The Kings' Assassin
by Ed Cannon
A Story Of Bad
by Edward M. Krauss
Carrasco '67
by Elaine Broun
The Cult Next Door
by Elizabeth R. Burchard, Judith L. Carlone
Code Name: Dodger
by Eric Auxier
The Last Bush Pilots
by Eric Auxier
The Kahler Files #1--More or Less than Human
by Eric Safflind
The Kahler Files #4
by Eric Safflind
The Kahler Files #5 -- Maxwell's Silver Hammer
by Eric Safflind
Success with Goals
by Eric T. Whitmoyer
The Intelligence Factor
by Erik Fisher
Covet Not
by Errin P. Stowell
A Tough Journey
by Evelyn Cole
Man Mission
by Eytan Uliel
Riding Shotgun on the Normal Stage
by F. Richard Allen
The Last Valentine
by Felix Alexander
The Memoir Man
by Frances Webb
Double Redemption
by Francis Gene Collins
Terror In Manila
by Frank Q. Aurillo Jr
Desert Sanctuary
by Fred G. Baker
Zona: The Forbidden Land
by Fred G. Baker
Transforming Faith
by Fred Howard
Agatha the Beloved Queen
by Fred Pilcher
The Queen of Xana
by Fred Pilcher
by Fred Witzgall
The Watchmaker’s Doctor
by G. M. T. Schuilling
The Sound of Spring
by G.X. Chen
The Exfiltrator
by Garner Simmons
Darkness of Blue
by Gary A James
Stone of Gabriel
by Gary A. Pattillo
Sheppard's Quest
by Gary Caplan
The Machine
by Gary Green
Stranded In The Wild
by Gary Rodriguez
Awakening A Leader's Soul: Learnings Through Immortal Poems
by Gaurav Bhalla
Beyond Balancing The Books
by George Marino, CPA, CFP
Beyond Pipe Dreams and Platitudes
by Geraldine K. Piorkowski, Ph.D.
Black Hat/White Hat: A tale of Good is Evil
by Glenn Della-Monica
Think Like A Wall Street Analyst
by Glenn Engel
Arsenic and Old Men
by Glenn Ickler
The Courier
by Gordon J. Campbell
Predator; The Man Who Didn't Exist; Do You Know How to Fly?
by Gordon L Kuhn
Conflict on the Yangtze
by Greg Kater
Skills of the Warramunga
by Greg Kater
The Warramunga's Aftermath of War
by Greg Kater
Voice of the Elders
by Greg Ripley
Dark Vanity
by Gregory E Seller
Conquering your Stress & Fears
by Gustavo Kinrys, MD
Twinkle twinkle little starr
by H. M. Irwing
A Song on the Road Home
by H.N. Lawrence
The Promise
by Hank Ellis
Shattered Perfection
by Heather Guimond
The Refuge
by Heidi Martin
The Bright One of the Skillful Hand
by Hugh Marchand
The Crimson Heirlooms
by Hunter Dennis
Killing Vincent; The Man, The Myth, and The Murder
by I. Kaufman Arenberg MD
The Judge Part 1
by Ian R B Morris
Mark of the Remaker
by Ian Yamagata
We Won't Forget You Mr. McGillicuddy
by Ira L. White
Last Seen
by J L Doucette
Noble Traitor
by J R Tomlin
The Four Powers
by J. A. Cummings
Something About Ann
by J. Everett Prewitt
Within the Crystal Mountain
by J. L. Putney
A Kingdom's Cost
by J. R. Tomlin
Final Diagnosis
by J. T. Madicus
Slave to King
by J.E. Hibpshman
The Curious Spell of Madam Genova
by J.G. Schwartz
The Trials of Frank Strong, Attorney at Law
by J.T. Hartman
Save the Last Bullet for God
by JT Alblood
The Copyist
by Jack Karasch
Death in Central America
by Jack L Hafferkamp
Through A Lens Darkly: Vietnam
by Jack R. Stanley
Consciousness Unbundled
by Jack Veffer
Devil Among Us
by Jack Winnick
Devil in False Colors
by Jack Winnick
East Wind, 2nd Edition
by Jack Winnick
The Date Farm
by Jack Winnick
Shadow Wolves
by Jake Kaminski
Christina Powers American Goddess
by James Aiello
The Demon of the Well
by James B. Hendricks
The Last Assassination
by James E Doucette
Russia's Biggest Hack
by James E. Doucette
The Not So Great American Novel
by James E. Doucette
The Reject Bench
by James H Morgan
The Ping-Pong Champion of Chinatown
by James Hanna
The Alex Cave Series Book 5. Pandora’s Eyes
by James M. Corkill
No Pit So Deep
by James Nathaniel Miller II
Managing With Respect
by James P DuBreuil
A Ton of Gold
by James R. Callan
by James Ross Godbe
Drowning a Ghost
by Janson Mancheski
The Maltese Attack
by Jay Perin
by Jayme A. Oliveira Filho and Jayme S. Alencar
All in the Head
by Jean Francois Rogeon
by Jeannie Nicholas
The Part That Burns
by Jeannine Ouellette
The Way Forward to a New Global Economy
by Jeff Kolber
Blue Sky Lightning
by Jeff Kuhn
The Dream Primer
by Jeff Meyer
The Adults in the Room
by Jeffrey D. Mechling
Squeeze Plays
by Jeffrey Marshall
The Handler
by Jeffrey S. Stephens
Operation Olive Tree
by Jemil Metti
Do you know how another knows to be?
by Jennifer & Dennis Chong
Put Comfortable Shoes in my Coffin
by Jennifer Girardi McCloskey
The Inner CEO
by Jeremy Blain
My Special Day in Jasper,Texas USA
by Jermaine Kenyatta
Children of the Godlight
by Jerre Tanner
by Jerry A Greenberg
At Day's End, I'll Always Be Me
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Chasing the Rabbit
by Jerry A. Greenberg
Dreams Are to Be Lived
by Jerry A. Greenberg
The Bronze Bear
by Jerry A. Greenberg
The Truth Is Beyond Belief!
by Jerry Durr
Surviving Life As An Actor
by Jerry a. Greenberg
Hearts Set Free
by Jess Lederman
War Serenade
by Jill Wallace
The Biography of Her: The Story of My Husband's Ex Wife
by Jillie Jayroe
Fall Boys and Spring Girls
by Jim Gibbons
An Uphill Climb
by Jim Santos
Beyond Embarrassment
by JoAnne Lake with Julia Parker
Life in a Box
by JoDee Neathery
Before We Died
by Joan Schweighardt
Money Faucet
by Joe Calderwood
Altered Reality
by Joel Knox
Damn the Diagnosis
by Joel Nathan
Ocean Acidification and the Apocalypse
by John Arfstrom
Space Has No Frontier
by John Bromley-Davenport
Morals Clause
by John E. Riddle
SALES FIRST!: Growing Our Company the Old-Fashioned Way
by John Haugh and Michael Shaughnessy
Solstice Series
by John J Blenkush
Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise
by John K Danenbarger
Decide Success
by John M Baumann, BBA, JD
Cleared for Takeoff
by John R. “Rusty” Potter
Low Flying
by John Reynolds
The Arrow That Flies By Day
by John Servant
The Healer
by John Thomas Tuft
A Vanishing Kind
by John Wamsley and Stephen L Davey
Brendan Kinneen
by John Worth
by Jordan Harcourt-Hughes
The Origin
by Joseph DiPierro
by Joseph Eidelberg
The Selfie
by Juanita Tischendorf
by Jude Austin
Project Tau
by Jude Austin
Nettie Boo
by Judy Adams Brown
At the End of the Day
by Judy Condon
Piazza Carousel
by Jule Selbo
The Adventures of Oscar and the Lounge Lizard
by Julia Mary Clark
Diamonds and pearls
by Julian ayotte
Diamond and Pearls
by Julien Ayotte
by Julien Ayotte
The Treasure
by Julien Ayotte
House of Eire
by June Gillam
by Kadon Landon Peterson
Diamond in the Desert
by Karen Gilleland
When Lions Roar
by Karen Leigh Gruber
Salt of the Earth
by Kate Moschandreas
Grit & Granite
by Katherine Lee Johnson
Saving Superman
by Kathleen Sales
Resilience: A Workbook
by Kathryn Den Houter, Ph.D.
A Day in Eternity
by Kathryn Gabriel Loving
The Pocket Guide to Minimalism
by Katy Moeggenberg
by Kaylin McFarren
High Flying
by Kaylin McFarren
Soul Seeker
by Kaylin McFarren
Small Change
by Keddie Hughes
You Say Goodbye
by Keith Steinbaum
Rough Way to the High Way
by Kelly Mack McCoy
by Kevin Vodden
Shepherds of Destiny
by Kiel Barnekov
Callaghan, vol. 1 & 2
by Kim Ekemar
Making Waves
by Kim J Boland
Natural Cures: Stay Healthy Naturally
by Kimley Armour
Breaking Sandcastles
by Kirk Burris
The Quantum Cartographer
by Kristen Keenon Fisher
by L. Anthony Skelton
Walking with Angels
by L. S. Stanley
Lost Bastards
by L. Todd Wood
The Juicy Fruit Man
by LaMar Going
by Lamar Rutherford
Marc Marci
by Larry G. Goldsmith
Into Autumn
by Larry Landgraf
Call of the Couch
by Larry Schneiderman
The Engine Woman's Light
by Laurel Anne Hill
Beneath the Muscle
by Lauren Powers
The Last Consort
by Lauren Schultz
Asia's Financial Industry 1986-2016
by Lawrence Au
Finding The Exit
by Lea A. Ellermeier
The Writer's Roadmap
by Leigh Shulman
Four Funny Potatoes!
by Len Foley
Girl with the Flat Tire
by Leon Loy
Texas Summer
by Leslie Hachtel
The Broadcast
by Liam Fialkov
The Newton Code
by Liam Fialkov
The Everett Exorcism
by Lincoln Cole
The Vatican Children
by Lincoln Cole
by Linda Eatmon-Jones
by Linda Heavner Gerald
Pogo's Tale: The Life of a Therapy Dog
by Linda Lutes
by Lindah Mogeni
Amulet's Rapture
by Linnea Tanner
Apollo's Raven
by Linnea Tanner
Dagger's Destiny
by Linnea Tanner
The Mist Rises Over Notchey Creek
by Liz Andrews
Lingering Poets
by Logan Lamech
by Lucas Sterling
The Blackest Blue
by Luna Wright
Out of Darkness
by M A Richards
Days of Future Found
by M. K. Wark
Rescue Her Heart
by M. L. Taylor
Key to Eternity
by Mallory M. O'Connor
by Marc J. Seifer
The Maple Seed Helicopter
by Marco Collina
The Quetzal's Skull
by Margaret Gill
Breast Cancer, an Emotional Journey
by Margaret Phalor Barnhart
Midwinter Turns to Spring
by Maria Veloso
Plume of Fire
by Marie Fostino
How to Generate and Earn Royalty Income
by Marina Peters
The Ordinary Doll
by Mario Kiefer
The Ordinary Life
by Mario Kiefer
The Mars Debacle
by Mark Dean Stratus
A New American Evolution
by Mark Landau
Riven Calyx
by Mark Leon Collins
The Mask of Perpetuity
by Martin Jones
by Martin Wyatt
by Martins Agbonlahor
Formatting Your Fantastic Book
by Mary Korte
Tales from the Aether
by Matthew C. Woodruff
We are Voulhire: A New Arrival under Great Skies
by Matthew Tysz
by McKinley Aspen
The McTavish Regressions
by McTavish & Buret
Butterfly Awakens
by Meg Nocero
The Buried Secrets of Peonies
by Mernegar Dorgoly
The Champagne Tales
by Michael Amon
Everything Solid Has a Shadow
by Michael Antman
The Decision
by Michael D. Komeshak
by Michael Waddington
by Michele I. Khoury
A Girl Like You
by Michelle Cox
The Reel Sisters
by Michelle Cummings
by Mike J.B.
Your Money and Your Life
by Mike LeGassick
Control Room
by Mike Miller Jr.
Killing Time
by Mike Murphey
Section Roads
by Mike Murphey
Wasting Time
by Mike Murphey
Different Family Structures
by Mildred Stallworth
The Senator's Suitcase
by Mitch Engel
Bird in a Snare
by N.L. Holmes
Scepter of Flint
by N.L. Holmes
Tears and Trombones
by Nanci Lee Woody
The Secret of Magic
by Natassa Louppou
The Relik
by Nathan J Keller
60th & Haverford
by Neal Goldstein
The Talking Baobab Tree
by Nelda LaTeef
Shine a Light
by Nicky Corcoran
A Witch in Time Saves Nine
by Nikki Broadwell
An Open Wound
by O Persaud
Bad Choices Make Good Stories
by Oliver Markus Malloy
A Book Without Dragons
by Olivia Berrier
Black Beach
by Olivia Rana
Elastic Girl
by Olivia Rana
If Truth Be Told : A Monk's Memoir
by Om Swami
Paradise Rising
by PG Shriver
What Happened To Flynn
by Pat Muir
The World of Ato
by Patrick Borosky
The Blacksmith's Daughter
by Patrick John Donahoe
The Honorable Knight
by Patrick John Donahoe
The Noble Mercenary
by Patrick John Donahoe
Confessions of a Llama
by Patrick Ntsime
by Pattie Palmer-Baker
A Long Night of Chaos
by Paul Clark
The Price of Dreams
by Paul Clark
Profiles in Kindness
by Paul E. Kotz
The Importance of Now
by Paul Schumacher
by Paul Steven Stone
A Fresh Hell: A Novel
by Pauline B Rogers
Penelopes Purple Passions
by Penelope Chaisson
A Trail of Blood
by Peter Goldman with Nicola Malatesta, PI
The LadyKillers War
by Peter Goldman, with Nicola Malatesta, PI
A New God in Athens
by Peter Kornis
A Child Left Behind
by Phil Hutcheon
King Donald Khrump
by Phil O. Reilly pen name (Brian David Hill)
Think-Engage-Thrive: Marketing Actions To Skyrocket Your Brand In The Digital Age
by Philip Masiello
Three Strike Runner
by Pierce Everett
The Five Musketeers
by Pierre Chevalier
by Priscilla B Shuler
The Face of Fear
by R. J. Torbert
Bishop's War
by Rafael Amadeus Hines
Don't Re 'Tire', Re 'Fresh'!
by Rafiq
Dancing with Sophia
by Ramalho Almeida
The Medinandi License
by Randall Reneau
Death Inside Diamond Head
by Randolph Mase
Short Poems, Long Tales
by Rashid Osmani
The Atheist and the Afterlife - an Autobiography
by Ray Catania
by Raymond Reed Hardy
The Bigfoot Paradox
by Rebecca Coyte
The Pre & Post College Student Pocket Guide to Success
by Renee J. Bey
Making Sense of Poetry
by Rex W Last
Hill of Souls
by Richard Davids
The Unbound Soul
by Richard L. Haight
Emotional Intelligence At Work
by Richard M Contino & Penelope J Holt
Somebody Wants To Kill Me
by Richard Rees
The Illuminati Conspiracy
by Richard Rees
Pearl River Mansion
by Richard Schwartz
In Your Dreams
by Rick Incorvia
The Wrong Side of the Glass
by Rick Incorvia
Can I Be Frank?
by Rob Wyatt
The Touch
by Robert Flynn III
by Robert L. Nelis
The Aftermath Of The King
by Robert Murray
The Sylvan Horn
by Robert Redinger
Time Warped Travelers Part Two Later That Month
by Robert Westfall
The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman
by Robin Gregory
Insights of a Madman
by Robin R Rabii
The Life and Times of a Black Prince in America
by Robin R Rabii
by Roger A Glasgow
4 Shots
by Roger C. Blomquist Ph.D.
Strange Stories II
by Roger Mannon
Spirit Women
by Rolando Garcia
California: On the Edge of American History
by Ronald Genini
by Ronald McQueen
The War and Hannah Thaller
by Ronald McQueen
His Bachelor's Party
by Ronald Reginald King
The Brotherhood of Merlin, Book Two
by Rory D. Nelson
Crown of Crimson
by Rose Reid
Make The Dirt Fly
by Rosina VanHardeveld
Short Stories from Saskatchewan and Beyond
by Ryan Thaddeus
The Last Lumenian
by S.G. Blaise
True Teryn
by S.G. Blaise
The 19th Bladesman
by S.J. Hartland
Lily's Quest
by S.J. Savage
Centaurius: The Prophecy
by SJ McGarry
The Millionaire's Cross
by Sal Nudo
Guardians of the Solar Shield
by Sam Bleicher
A Few Trivial Felonies
by Sandra Sperling
Pocket Dial
by Sandy Magner
Lizzy Baby
by Sarah P Blanchard
10 Step Plan to Promote Your Book
by Scott Hughes
The Different Kinds Of Monsters
by Seth Chambers
Hidden In Plain Sight
by Sharon D Moore
Dino's World
by Shawn Taverner
by Shea Rose
by Shira Shiloah
The Mountain and The Goat
by Siamak Taghaddos
Survival of Species
by Sol Rothman
by Stanley Michelsen
In the Time of the Feathered Serpent
by Stanley Struble
Exit the Labyrinth
by Stephanie Kay Bendel
The Navigator II
by Steve Coleman
André's Reboot
by Steve Coleman
The Great Migration
by Steve Ramirez
A Woman's Prerogative
by Steven C. Brandt
Omega Crisis
by Steven E. Wilde
Charles' Story
by Steven Wilkens
by Strobe Witherspoon
Deadly Focus
by Sue Hinkin
Callisto 2.0
by Susan English
No One Must Know
by Susan Frances
Anstey's Revenge
by Susan Hancock
Surviving Anstey
by Susan Hancock
Foretold: An Epic Spiritual Journey
by Susan Smith Davis
Pivotal Moments
by Susanne Birgersdotter
Idi & The Oracle's Quest
by T N Traynor
Pour L'amour de Dieu
by T-Jean Robert Pelletier
What If They Knew
by T.R.Hendrick
Ripcord Recovery
by T.T. Sawyer
by Tara Basi
Seven at Two Past Five
by Tara Basi
Do I Need a Will or a Trust
by Taylor Willingham
by Tayma Tameem
Gimble Spy
by Tayma Tameem
Honesty is Key
by Tayma Tameem
Memory Thieves
by Tayma Tameem
Mirrored Worlds
by Tayma Tameem
Rulers of the Galaxy
by Tayma Tameem
by Tayma Tameem
The Stolen Heir
by Tayma Tameem
The Unborn
by Tayma Tameem
The Unborn
by Tayma Tameem
The Impossible Mock Orange Trial
by Thad G. Long
Alien in the Delta
by Thankful Strother
The Northern Pike Story
by Thomas Ashmore
Damaged People
by Thomas Avant
Blue Valentine
by Thomas Cummings
The McCoys Before The Feud
by Thomas McCoy
Chasing Time
by Thomas Reilly
Salt Water and Spear Tips
by Thor F. Jensen
Fall of the Raven
by Thymournia
by Tim Smith & Dr. Richard
Bluewater Walkabout
by Tina Dreffin
Ark of the Apocalypse
by Tobin Marks
Endeavor’s Run
by Tobin Marks
World, Incorporated
by Tom Gariffo
On the Steps of St. Dymphna
by Tony Rocco
Two Hunters
by Tony Scott, MD
by Trevor Daffyd
Think and Live Longer
by Trip Goolsby, MD and LeNae Goolsby JD
Aunt Eleanor's Men
by V. E. Palm
The chip of knowledge
by Vaggelis Kaliosis
Tramps, Thieves and IT
by Val Grian
Killing Your Best Friend
by Valda Taurus
Final Chance
by Van Fleisher
by Vee (Vijaya) Kumari
Bet On Yourself
by Vernard L Hodges
Anna and the Snowglobe
by Vicki Jones
The Fear Doctor
by Vincent Stevenson
Merlin's Rings: Book One: Young Crusaders
by Virginia Hoyt
by W. D. County
The Scent of Distant Worlds
by W. D. County
Pity the Devil's Wife
by W. Hanelan
Hostile Intent
by W.M. Allen
Horse Manure Grows Great Roses
by W.roy sommerville
PYWRITE: A Contrarian's Approach to Investing
by Walter H. Weil
Restore Trust
by Werner NEFF
Big Things Have Small Beginnings
by Wes Berry
Sticks in the Clouds
by Willard Howe
Forensic Foraging
by William C. Crawford and Jim Provencher
Illustrated Short Fiction of William H. Coles: 2000-2016
by William H. Coles
by William H. Coles
The Spirit of Want
by William H. Coles
The Surgeon's Wife
by William H. Coles
Band in the Wind
by William John Rostron
Contagion Domination
by William Nisol
The Bellringer
by William Timothy Murray
The Secret of High Impact Leaders
by Yoshiharu Matsui
The End of the Beginning
by Zachary Eichholz
Warrior Entrepreneur
by Zachary L Green
From Muddy WATER
by allan davis