Break Your Self Help Addiction
by Brian D. Ridgway
YOUR Heart & Mind: Your Greatest Decisions
by C.J. Maritz
Living in the Space of Light
by Caarna
The Paradigm Success Codes For Life
by Carla Wynn
Wishful Drinking
by Carrie Fisher
The power of habit
by Charles Duhigg
There Is No Time Like The Present To Create Your Future
by Chineme Noke
The Book Of Signing
by Christopher Brown
The Awakening of Awareness
by D A Ellis
The Universe in a Single Atom
by Dalai Lama XIV
The Book of Joy
by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu and Douglas Carlton Abrams
Self-Improvement 2016: 44 Techniques to Find Your Purpose, Reach Your Goals, Master Your Emotions and Improve Your Relationsh
by Dan Amerson
The Honest Truth About Dishonesty
by Dan Ariely
The Cry of the Soul: How Our Emotions Reveal Our Deepset Questions about God
by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III and Mike Edwards and Larry Mead
10% Happier
by Dan Harris
working with emotional intelligence
by Daniel Goldman
God's Plan For Your Future
by David Charles Cole
The Mindfulness Approach
by Dean Nelson
The Mindfulness Approach
by Dean Nelson
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
by Deepak Chopra
The Codependent Relationship
by Devin Blue
The Four Agreements
by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mind's I
by Douglas R. Hofstadter
Breaking the habit of being yourself
by Dr. Joe Dispenza
The Essential Guide to Energy Healing
by Dr. Michael Andron and Ben Andron
The Map of Heaven
by Eban Alexander
A New Earth
by Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now
by Eckhart Tolle
The Meaning of Human Existence
by Edward O. Wilson
The Highly Sensitive Person
by Elaine N. Aron
The Mind-Gut Connection
by Emeran Mayer MD
Acquiesce to love peace gratitude
by Fabiola Piedad Maria Alicia Reynales de Berry
The Transformation of a Lost Soul
by Forrest Beverly
The 5 Love Languages
by Gary Chapman
The Five Love Languages
by Gary Chapman
the grand key of archangel metatron
by Geoffrey Harris
The Afterlife: Hereafter and Here at Hand
by Giulia Jeary Knap
How to Dance with the Universe
by Goran Spasa
The Happiness Project
by Gretchen rubin
Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life
by H. Spencer Lewis
the Wisdom of Forgiveness
by His Holiness The Dalai Lama and Victor Chan
Soul Studies: Etymology and Story
by Jacquelyn Elizabeth
The Soul's Code
by James Hillman
With Love and Light
by Jamie Butler
Sober and Pissed Off
by Jane Zarse
Stepping Stones to Spiritual Freedom
by Janet Doane
You Are A Badass
by Jen Sincero
Your Soul Is Calling: Healing Our Ego Addiction
by Jerry Hirschfield, Ph.D.
Transform Yourself and Achieve Greatness
by John F. Blodgett
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
by Joseph Murphy
Resilience: A Workbook
by Kathryn Den Houter, Ph.D.
Real Secrets Of Life
by Krishna Jagarnath
The Power is Within You
by Louise L. Hay
You Can Heal Your Life
by Louise Lynn Hay
Secret Teachings of All the Ages
by Manly P. Hall
Enchanted Love
by Marianne Williamson
The EFT Tapping Blueprint
by Marion Jaide
The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide
by Martin D. Weiss
To Heaven and Back
by Mary C. Neal
The Liars' Club
by Mary Karr
The Wisdom and Peace of the Teachings of the Tao Te Ching
by Matthew S Barnes
The Untethered Soul
by Michael A. Singer
Storm Before the Calm
by Neale Donald Walsch
The Caregiving Trap
by Pamela D. Wilson
Training your mind to realize it's potential
by Paul Davies
Essence of Existence
by Paul Roman
The Secret Book
by Rhonda Byrne
The Heart of Grief Relief Journal
by Richard Ballo
Spiritual Teachings of the Purpose of Life on Earth
by Richard Durham
The Gratitude Effect
by Richard J. Cavaness
The Unbound Soul
by Richard L. Haight
The Happy Workshop
by Rivka Levy
God? Very Probably
by Robert H. Nelson
Secret Mind Tools
by Roland Gugganig
The Awakening
by Sameer Ram
by Samuel Smiles
The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck
by Sarah Knight
The Happiness Advantage
by Shawn Achor
The story of Depression in our society-Live Opinions
by Shishir Gupta
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
by Sogyal Rinpoche and Andrew Harvey
Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man
by Steve Harvey
Turning Your Scars into Stars: A Journey from Mourning to Joy
by Sue Hamby, PhD
The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
by Timothy Ferriss
Speed Reading
by Tony Buzan
The Little Girl Inside Owning My Role in My Own Pain
by Tonya Barbee
Tell-Tale Brain Tales of the Unexpected from Inside Your Mind
by V.S. Ramachandran
The Grief Helpline
by Vernessa Blackwell
What the Buddha Taught
by Walpola Rahula
Real Magic
by Wayne W. Dyer
The Essential Wayne Dyer Collection
by Wayne W. Dyer
The Bates Method for Better Eyesight Without Glasses
by William H. Bates