Behind The Door
by A. Gavazzoni
The Worst Pet Peeve Ever
by Anne Marie Hanlon Cook
What's College About Anyway?
by Betty Thomas Patterson
Modify Destiny
by Bill Higgins
Empower Yourself for an Amazing Career
by Blanca M De La Rosa
The Oregon Kids
by Bob Richley
Judas and Jezabel
by C.Y.Brown
A Book for Oreo
by Caralee Jardine
Eating Bull
by Carrie Rubin
Rethink Happy
by Doug Kisgen
Lord I Surrender
by Dr. Esther Ula Cofer
Ian, CEO, North Pole
by Eric Dana Hansen
Success with Goals
by Eric T. Whitmoyer
Hello, My Love
by Evy Journey
An Arabian Night
by Garon Whited
The Nepali Flat
by Gordon Alexander
The Wicked Wives
by Gus Pelagatti
Invisible Me
by H M Irwing
Shattered Perfection
by Heather Guimond
A Second, Less Capable Head
by James Hanna
No Pit So Deep
by James Nathaniel Miller II
by James Schannep
Cracking the CODE to Marital Bliss
by James T. Horning with Kimberly A. Horning
Solaris Seethes (Solaris Saga book 1)
by Janet McNulty
All in the Head
by Jean Francois Rogeon
Shellbee's Story
by Jennifer Flynn-Campbell, PhD
Green Lady
by Jennifer Julander
Neworld Papers: The Arrears' Tale
by KB Shaw
Banished Threads
by Kaylin McFarren
Breaking Sandcastles
by Kirk Burris
For the Love of Suzanne
by Kristi Hudecek-Ashwill
The Necklace
by Linda S. Rice
The Mighty Blue Saves Christmas
by M.A. Baer
My Ladybird Story
by Magus Tor
Granny's Stories
by Margaret Henderson
The Mask of Perpetuity
by Martin Jones
Forever Twelve
by Meg Kimball
Above the Clouds
by Michael C. Blackewell
Murder in Memory
by Mike Thorne
Elastic Girl
by Olivia Rana
Constant Guests
by Patricia Nedelea
Think-Engage-Thrive: Marketing Actions To Skyrocket Your Brand In The Digital Age
by Philip Masiello
My Trip To Adele
by R.I.Alyaseer and A. I Alyaseer
The Secret
by Rhonda Byrne
One Last Lie
by Rob Kaufman
Milk and Honey
by Rupi Kaur
Magical house for sale
by Sathvik Jarajapu
10 Step Plan to Promote Your Book
by Scott Hughes
Noah's Wife
by T.K. Thorne
Holding Fire
by Ten Awesome Writers!
Blue Valentine
by Thomas Cummings
Bluewater Walkabout
by Tina Dreffin
Building Your Financial Empire One Brick At A Time
by Wanda P Bowman
Against All Odds
by Willy Goellner
Snowman Paul at the Winter Olympics
by Yossi Lapid and Joanna Pasek