Island Games
by Caleb J. Boyer
by Calix Leigh-Reign
Split Adam
by Calix Leigh-Reign
Sandy's Story
by D.F.Jones
The Bible in a Nutshell
by Dele Babalola
Happy Healing
by Dominique Bourlet
What is Sure to Follow
by Donald N Burton
Lord I Surrender
by Dr. Esther Ula Cofer
The Accelerating World: Speed vs. Control
by Emmanuel Cassimatis
Success with Goals
by Eric T. Whitmoyer
Everlasting Spring: Beyond Olympus: Book One, Benjamin & Boudica
by Frank Audrain
Children of Covenant
by Fred Howard
Transforming Faith
by Fred Howard
by Garon Whited
by Garon Whited
The Tissue Trail Conspiracy
by Garth Gunston
A Gathering of Warriors
by George Vigileos
Twinkle twinkle little starr
by H. M. Irwing
Wrong Turn, Right Guy
by Haylie B. Fox
Shattered Perfection
by Heather Guimond
The Refuge
by Heidi Martin
Role Reversal
by Iris Waichler, MSW, LCSW
From The Sky
by J. E.Nicassio
Chasing Diana - Perception Vs. Reality
by Jack & Robin Firestone
Through A Lens Darkly: Vietnam
by Jack R. Stanley
Goodnight Irene
by James Scott Byrnside
The FBI Inspector
by Jay Dubya
King's Warrior
by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt
King's Warrior
by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt and Jenelle Schmidt
Shellbee's Story
by Jennifer Flynn-Campbell, PhD
Kaleidoscope of Being
by Jennifer Toth
Out of the Storm
by Jillian Elizabeth
My Thirty Years In New York City
by John Joseph Strangi
Cancer, Faith & Butterflies
by Johnny M. Sanchez
Love, Time Is Gone
by Joseph Bartley Haltom III
Gideon: The Sound and The Glory
by Joseph Ganci
Write Your Family Story
by Judy Helm Wright
City of Redemption
by June Ahern
How To Talk With Spirits: Séances • Mediums • Ghost Hunts
by June Ahern
The Skye in June
by June Ahern
Desert Hunt
by K S R Menon
by Karen Glista
In the Fullness of Time
by Katherine P. Stillerman
Banished Threads
by Kaylin McFarren
Flaherty's Crossing
by Kaylin McFarren
Natural Cures: Stay Healthy Naturally
by Kimley Armour
For the Love of Suzanne
by Kristi Hudecek-Ashwill
Lost Bastards
by L. Todd Wood
30 Minute Body
by Lance McCullough
Taken - A Many Lives Story
by Laxmi Hariharan
The Broadcast
by Liam Fialkov
Out of Rushmore's Shadow: The Luigi Del Bianco Story
by Lou Del Bianco
by Lucas Sterling
The House of Trysts
by Lucy white
The Sword and the Dragon
by M. R. Mathias
The Mighty Blue Saves Christmas
by M.A. Baer
American River: Tributaries
by Mallory M. O'Connor
by Marc Secchia
The Quetzal's Skull
by Margaret Gill
Am I a Man Yet?
by Mark Butler
The Last Soldier
by Marsha Landreth
Light and Transient Causes
by Mel Hawkins
The Buried Secrets of Peonies
by Mernegar Dorgoly
Destructive Interference
by Michael Christopher Carter
Once in a Blue Year
by Michael D. Durkota
The Vampire Gaytooth
by Michael John
Two Dogs and a Blonde
by Michael Reid
Raquel Says (Something Entirely Unexpected)
by Mois benarroch
Alphabet Motivation
by Nakita Jackson
What Happened To Flynn
by Pat Muir
The Honorable Knight
by Patrick John Donahoe
That Place of Knowledge
by Philip Alan Shalka
Vacation To Graceland
by Phillip Cornell
Blood of your Blood
by Reza Ali
I'll Point to Heaven
by Rhett G. Wintch
When No One Else Believed
by Ron Tripodo
Bud by the Grace of God
by S.E. Sasaki
The Governor's Daughter
by Sambath Meas
10 Step Plan to Promote Your Book
by Scott Hughes
Model Marine
by Sondra Sykes Meek
Shot Down
by Steve Snyder
Another Summer
by Sue Lilley
A Home from Home
by Susan Barrett
First Fruits
by Susan Butler
A Bend In The Willow
by Susan Clayton-Goldner
Foretold: An Epic Spiritual Journey
by Susan Smith Davis
Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
Noah's Wife
by T.K. Thorne
The McCoys Before The Feud
by Thomas McCoy
Illustrated Short Fiction of William H. Coles: 2000-2016
by William H. Coles
The Pursuit of Time
by William H. May
Christmas with Snowman Paul
by Yossi Lapid
Opposites Attract
by Zahra Habib
Cowboy Ending
by Adam Knight
Love is the Answer, God is the Cure
by Aimee Cabo Nikolov
Contract Pending
by Al Marsiglia
The Thread of A Thousand Miles
by Alan Yang
Anti-Habit System
by Aleksandra Anonymous
Shadowline Drift
by Alexes Razevich
Somewhere the Sun is Shining
by Alexis and Norma Strong
First Family
by Alice Langholt
Miss Fancy Pants
by Alicia Gargaro-Magana
Barbra Streisand: On the Couch
by Alma H. Bond, Ph.D.
Like Saving Summer in a Jar
by Amy Mathis
Creature Of Habit
by Angel Lawson
It's Easier to Dance
by Annie Harris-Meachem
The Disembodied
by Anthony Hains
The Slope of Kongwa Hill
by Anthony R. Edwards
Fort Nowhere, Vietnam
by Arthur Wiederhold
The Time Traveler's Wife
by Audrey Niffenegger
Primeval Origins
by B.A. Vonsik
Genesis (The Infinity Series, Vol.2)
by Bellamy Westbay
The One (The Only One) #1
by Belle Ami
Chrome Mountain
by Ben Schneider
From Earth to Terra
by Beverly Jenness
Indian Immigrant
by Biku Ghosh
Modify Destiny
by Bill Higgins
Murder at Broadcast Park
by Bill L. Evans
Abate the Nuisance
by Bill Sage
Satan and Me and OBE
by Bob Dowell
Detoru to Justice
by Bob Hamer
The Oregon Kids
by Bob Richley
Bama Boy
by Bobby Morrison
Tales from Piney Grove
by Bobby Morrison
The Vatican Protocol
by Brian Gallagher
Aquarius Rising Book 2: Blood Tide
by Brian Burt
Hands Across The Sea
by Brian Cook
The Coven Murders
by Brian O'Hare
The Wolf of Dorian Gray
by Brian S. Ference
by Butros HANNA
The Dragon Ring
by C. Craig Coleman
Kill Abby White! Now!
by C.B. Huesing
Judas and Jezabel
by C.Y.Brown
Bear Company (Dark Corps) (Volume 1)
by Cameron Alexander
Monsters in the Hallway
by Capt. Jim Kosmo
Lunaria's Hope
by Cari Pearson
by Carmen Amato
Hope Deferred
by Carole Dougherty
Bard's Exile
by Carolyn Gross
Preda's Voice
by Carolyn Gross
The Secret Book of Designs
by Catamount Mayhugh
Moments Of Surrender
by Charlene Bolden
A Kingdom Forgotten
by Charles W. McDonald Jr.
by Charlie Green
by Charlie Sheldon
Protecting Elvis
by Charlotte Morgan
The Legend of the Dragon Child
by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait
The Green Knight
by Chris Dietzel
Tell Me When It Hurts
by Christine M. Whitehead
1 Man, 3 Hearts, 9 Lives
by Christophe Lafontant
Devil in the Grass
by Christopher Bowron
Trust Me, I’m a Careworker
by Christopher Bulteel
My Development Experiences in Asia, Africa and the Americas
by Christopher J. Roesel
The Boxcar Traveler
by Christopher Morosoff
Anastasia’s Book of Days
by Cindy Maynard
by Clayton Graham
Manifesto for a Cancer Patient
by Colleen Huber, NMD
Teachings of a Shaman
by Corey Stultz
by Courtney Shepard
A Wounded World
by Crit Kincaid
by Dan "Tito" Davis
Riding For The Brand
by Dan Arnold
The Cartel Crusher
by Dan E. Hendrickson
The Good Fight
by Dan E. Hendrickson
A Soul Divided
by Daniel M Quilter
The Yoke
by Darrell Dunham
Mysteries of Brettenwood
by David Blank
The Altitude Journals
by David J Mauro
by David L Wallace
Sabbatical of the Mind
by David L. Winters
The Tragedy of King Lewis the Sixteenth
by David Lane
Programmed To Kill
by David Murray
by David Taylor Black
Reaching the Shore
by Davin Jake Douma and BonnieJane Hall
When The Woman Abused Was You
by Dawn Scott Damon
Glimpses of a Black Op
by Dean Evans
The Experiential Approach
by Dean Nelson
The Blessing of Movement
by Deborah Konrad
Practice the Jealous Arts
by Delia C. Pitts
Willy's Ballgame
by Dennis N. Ricci
The Crystilleries of Echoland
by Dew Pellucid
Beyond the Fire
by Dewayne A. Jackson
Mistress Suffragette
by Diana Forbes
Thin Places
by Diane Owens Prettyman
Lost in the Reflecting Pool
by Diane Pomerantz
Of Illusions and Ink Spills
by Divya Hirani
Do a Little Wrong
by Don Dahler
by Don Foxe
Contact and Conflict
by Don Foxe
Hell Holes 2
by Donald Firesmith
Five Knocks
by Donna Vincent Roa
Rethink Happy
by Doug Kisgen
Hard Place
by Douglas Stewart
Dead-End Sex
by Dr. Arnold Holtzman
Solid Stone
by E.G. Patrick
50 Shades Freed
by E.L. James
Fifty Shades Darker
by E.L. James
Fifty Shades of Grey
by E.L. James
Growing Up Carrie
by ED Massey
The Deserving
by Efren O'Brien
Pastoring is Not What You Think
by Elijah Oladimeji
The Cult Next Door
by Elizabeth R. Burchard, Judith L. Carlone
Jihadi Hijacking
by Eric Auxier
A Tough Journey
by Evelyn Cole
The Underbelly
by Evelyn Cole
The Word Collector
by Evelyn Dunbar Webb
Hello, My Love
by Evy Journey
Riding Shotgun on the Normal Stage
by F. Richard Allen
Shadows of Time
by Felix Alexander
The Last Valentine
by Felix Alexander
Terror In Manila
by Frank Q. Aurillo Jr
by Frankie B. Rabbit
by Fred Emil Katz
The Watchmaker’s Doctor
by G. M. T. Schuilling
Escape Clause
by GA VanDruff
Jeep Tour
by Gail Ward Olmsted
An Arabian Night
by Garon Whited
by Garon Whited
The Attuned
by Gary B. Haley
The Five Love Languages
by Gary Chapman
Crude Currency
by Gary Stull
Awakening A Leader's Soul: Learnings Through Immortal Poems
by Gaurav Bhalla
Tookie Before Tim
by George Kaplan
The Honey Bubble
by George Putnam
Dibs and Dabs of my Life
by Gertrude Coulter
The Nepali Flat
by Gordon Alexander
Skills of the Warramunga
by Greg Kater
The Warramunga's Aftermath of War
by Greg Kater
Voice of the Elders
by Greg Ripley
Conquering your Stress & Fears
by Gustavo Kinrys, MD
The Maverick's Roundup
by Gwenneth Leane
A Little Lost A Little Found
by HM Irwing
Across the Ocean
by Hawa Crickmore
A Bucket of Warm Water
by Heather Allen
Tinder Stricken
by Heidi C. Vlach
Ghost Dog
by Helen Currie Foster
Defender of Jerusalem
by Helena P. Schrader
Envoy of Jerusalem
by Helena P. Schrader
The Crimson Heirlooms
by Hunter Dennis
Finding Miranda
by Iris Chacon
Last Seen
by J L Doucette
Too Bad She's a Girl
by J W Templeman
The Four Powers
by J. A. Cummings
Something About Ann
by J. Everett Prewitt
Don't Speak
by J. L. Brown
A Kingdom's Cost
by J. R. Tomlin
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
by J.K. Rowling
The Matriarch Saved
by J.Y. Olmos
Freedom Is For The Birds
by JM Sutherland
Life Expressed in 25 Words or Less
by Jack Cantwell
A Lifetime Of Fishing
by Jack Walsh
The Coal'd War
by James Alan Thompson
The Not So Great American Novel
by James E. Doucette
Digital Secrets
by James Lee
The Alex Cave Series Book 4. Gravity.
by James M. Corkill
No Pit So Deep
by James Nathaniel Miller II
A Silver Medallion
by James R. Callan
by James Schannep
Caught Inside
by Jamie Deacon
Breaking Tecumseh's Curse
by Jan Marie Ritter with Bob Ritter
Love and Compassion Is My Religion
by Jane Zarse
Unspeakable Acts (Unpublished Old Edition)
by Janet Leigh Green
Solaris Seethes (Solaris Saga book 1)
by Janet McNulty
Eden: A Novel
by Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg
It's My Party
by Jeannette Watson
Second Son
by Jenelle Leanne Schmidt
Ironbark Hill
by Jennie Linnane
More Heavens Than One
by Jennie Linnane
River Kids
by Jennie Linnane
Rose Remembered
by Jennifer Button
Green Lady
by Jennifer Julander
Out of the Box Awakening
by Jennifer Theriot
For Just a Little While
by Jess Fulton
War Serenade
by Jill Wallace
Amanda Carter In The LAZ, Life After Zombies
by Jo Lee Auburne
Just in Time
by Joan L Jackson
Heads Will Roll
by Joanie Chevalier
by Jocelyn Tollefson
His Special Little Girl - Incest in a Christian Home
by Jody Lynn Rutherford
Damn the Diagnosis
by Joel Nathan
Executive Hoodlum
by John Costello
A Roadmap To Career Success
by John G Bendt
The Fault in Our Stars
by John Green
Alligator John D:
by John Hudson
Decide Success
by John M Baumann, BBA, JD
The First Five Days
by John O. and Archie A.
Saint George: Rusty Knight and Monster Tamer
by John Powell
The Reflection of Innocence
by John Tolliver
The Carbynarah Chronicles, Book #1
by Jon Franklyn
by Jordan Harcourt-Hughes
Blood and Roses
by Jordan Petrarca
Burn Zones
by Jorge P. Newbery
Piazza Carousel
by Jule Selbo
The Adventures of Oscar and the Lounge Lizard
by Julia Mary Clark
The Barnyard Buddies STOP for Peace
by Julie Penshorn
Secrets of the Home Wood
by Julie Whitley
A Life Before
by Julien Ayotte
A Promise Kept
by K. S. David
Soft Underbelly
by Kat Powell
Farmer Beau's Farm
by Kathleen Geiger
Penny Maybe
by Kathleen Martin
Journey with a Collection of Portraits
by Kathleen Notman
Buried Threads
by Kaylin McFarren
Severed Threads
by Kaylin McFarren
Border Post 99
by Kedar Patankar
An Obstinate Vanity
by Keddie Hughes
Small Change
by Keddie Hughes
Neworld Papers
by Keith B. Shaw
Truth Unveiled
by Kim Cleary
A Service Dog Life
by Kimberly Kiely
The Quantum Cartographer
by Kristen Keenon Fisher
Voices of Hope
by Kristine Irwin
by L. Anthony Skelton
Adventures of Little Yaga and Her Friends
by L.B. O'Milla
Into Autumn
by Larry Landgraf
Nobody Knows
by Larry Schneiderman
Strangers In Another Country
by Lawrence G. Taylor
Finding Poe
by Leigh M. Lane
Sigfried’s Smelly Socks!
by Len Foley
Raven's Rise
by Lincoln Cole
The Ninth Circle
by Lincoln Cole
Junior Inquisitor
by Lincoln Farish
by Linda Eatmon-Jones
The Dream Keepers
by Linda Keen
Pogo's Tale: The Life of a Therapy Dog
by Linda Lutes
The Necklace
by Linda S. Rice
Apollo's Raven
by Linnea Tanner
Dagger's Destiny
by Linnea Tanner
Out of Darkness
by M A Richards
The Fox
by M. N. J. Butler
Kidnapped by Columbus
by Marc Wilson
Granny's Stories
by Margaret Henderson
Personal Encounters with Cancer
by Margaret Phalor Barnhart
The Band 4 The Air We Breathe
by Marguerite Nardone Gruen
The Ordinary Life
by Mario Kiefer
The Fatness
by Mark A. Rayner
The Fourth Crusade
by Mark Butler
Kids Kids Kids
by Marlene L Burns
Miller's View: La Isla de la Muerte
by Marlene W Potts
In All Things
by Marta Curti
The Last Dragon Slayer
by Martyn Stanley
CBD Made Easy!
by Mary Minchin
Boxes For Beds
by Maryann Miller
Open Season
by Maryann Miller
Kind Nepenthe
by Matthew Brockmeyer
I Am Not Gog
by Matthew James Hunt
Gamers and Gods: The Complete Trilogy
by Matthew Kennedy
2 books same content: You'll Do Anything for Him. You'll Do Anything for Her
by Maureen E Hosier, Berta Hosier, Conger
An Undesirable Marriage
by Meriel Brooke
Everything Solid Has a Shadow
by Michael Antman
Above the Clouds
by Michael C. Blackewell
by Michael Campbell
Firing of the Crucible
by Michael Eves Shaffer
Full Circle for Mick
by Michael Kramer
Stillwell A Haunting on Long Island
by Michael Phillip Cash
Motions and Moments
by Michael Pronko
by Michael Van Cleve
by Michele I. Khoury
Effective Leaders and Leadership
by Mildred Stallworth
Shadow of the Raven (Book I of Sons of Kings trilogy)
by Millie Thom
Gates to Tangier
by Mois Benarroch
Andalusian in Jerusalem
by Mois benarroch
The Immigrant's Lament
by Mois benarroch
The Nobel Prize
by Mois benarroch
Behind Broken Glass Walls
by N. M. Aaroones
Gray Wolf Mate: League Of Gallize Shifters
by NYT bestseller Dianna Love
Tears and Trombones
by Nanci Lee Woody
The Relik
by Nathan J Keller
The Notebook
by Nicholas Sparks
James and the Birthday Balloon
by Nicola J Rowley
ADHD Can Be Improved With Your Bare Hands
by Norio Ando
Emotional Cure for Autism
by Norio Ando
Sleep then my Princess
by O. N. Stefan
A Book Without Dragons
by Olivia Berrier
Elastic Girl
by Olivia Rana
A Perfect Victim
by Patricia Dusenbury
Constant Guests
by Patricia Nedelea
The War Within, the Story of Josef
by Patricia Walkow
The Clouds Still Hang
by Patrick C Notchtree
The Noble Mercenary
by Patrick John Donahoe
Finding the Raven
by Patty Dickson Pieczka
If The Bed Falls In
by Paul Casselle
First Contact: Strings Attached
by Paul J. Nelson
Essence of Existence
by Paul Roman
The Tattered Box
by Paul Schumacher
Think-Engage-Thrive: Marketing Actions To Skyrocket Your Brand In The Digital Age
by Philip Masiello
The Compulsive Move
by Phillip Cornell
The Sage, the Swordsman and the Scholars
by Pierre Dimaculangan
Storm of Arranon
by R E Sheahan
No Dark Clouds
by R W Nelson
Diary of a Snoopy Cat
by R.F. Kristi
Ninja Spy Cats
by R.F. Kristi
Escape to Eden
by Rachel McClellan
The Devil's Fool
by Rachel McClellan
Deadly Waters: The Vietnam Naval War And Its Aftermath
by Randy Miller
The Bigfoot Paradox
by Rebecca Coyte
In His Way
by Rebecca Duvall
Iron Crossed
by Renata Rose and Phil Rose
Lemoncella Cocktail
by Rene Natan
The Pre & Post College Student Pocket Guide to Success
by Renee J. Bey
Thera and the Exodus
by Riaan Booysen
Adventures with Grandpa
by Richard Crowe
Inspirience: Meditation Unbound
by Richard L Haight
In Your Dreams
by Rick Incorvia
Patch Man
by Rick Stepp-Bolling
Daddy 3.0
by Rob Armstrong
One Last Lie
by Rob Kaufman
Can I Be Frank?
by Rob Wyatt
The Touch
by Robert Flynn III
by Robert L. Nelis
Misreading Judas
by Robert Wahler
The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman
by Robin Gregory
Rogue Captain
by Roger C. Dunham
Your Signal is Charley
by Ron Rypel
Notes To Jacqui
by Ronald A. Tomo
California: On the Edge of American History
by Ronald Genini
by Ronald McQueen
by Ronald McQueen
Errant Spark
by Ronelle Antoinette
The Brotherhood of Merlin
by Rory D Nelson
The Brotherhood of Merlin, Book Two
by Rory D. Nelson
The Mansion's Twins
by Rose M. Channing
The Moreva of Astoreth
by Roxanne Bland
The Underground: Second Edition
by Roxanne Bland
Dawn's Eerie Light
by Roy Ziegler
Voyage of Pearl of the Seas
by Ruth Finnegan
Why Do We Quote?
by Ruth Finnegan
Literacy and Orality
by Ruth finnegan
The Sins of Soldiers
by S J Hardman Lea
Ages of Invention Steampunk Series, Book 1:ENTANGLED
by S.B.K. Burns
Welcome To The Madhouse
by S.E. Sasaki
by Sam Venstone
Bending Nature
by Samantha Stone
Lessons From a Difficult Person
by Sarah H. Elliston
Rage and Mercy Part 1
by Scott Dresden
The Very Loving Caterpillar
by Sean Browne
by Sebastian Michael
The Journey
by Shadahyah Elizabeth
Something (Wisteria 1)
by Shelby Lamb
How To Train Your Knight
by Stella Marie Alden
Exit the Labyrinth
by Stephanie Kay Bendel
Raging Falcon
by Stephen Perkins
The Navigator II
by Steve Coleman
Citizen Cárdenas
by Steve Cole
Rodrigo's Land
by Steven Farrington
Charles' Story
by Steven Wilkens
The Diary Of Harri Foxx
by Sue Lloyd
Bella Vita
by Susan Lynn Solomon
Catching Fire
by Suzanne Collins
by Suzanne Collins
Pour L'amour de Dieu
by T-Jean Robert Pelletier
Veil of Darkness
by T.C. Metivier
Ripcord Recovery
by T.T. Sawyer
Alien in the Delta
by Thankful Strother
Shifting in the Realms
by Theresa Snyder
Chip’s World: Complex #31 and The Caretaker
by Thomas Hill
Butternut to Bionic: A Resource Guide for Hip Replacement Surgery
by Tiffany Anderson
Ad Majorem
by Tom Beattie
World, Incorporated
by Tom Gariffo
Gypsy Magic
by Tonya Royston
by Tracey Brame
The Vampire Secret
by Tricia Barr
Grace Poured Out
by Valerie M. Herndon
Perky Girl: The Amazing Life of Bienna Molo
by Vera I. Roberts
Outland Exile: Book 1 of Old Men and Infidels
by W. Clark Boutwell
Guardian of Paradise
by W.E. Lawrence
Hostile Intent
by W.M. Allen
The Remnants
by W.P. Osborn
Horse Manure Grows Great Roses
by W.roy sommerville
PYWRITE: A Contrarian's Approach to Investing
by Walter H. Weil
Building Your Financial Empire One Brick At A Time
by Wanda P Bowman
One for the Road
by Will Roberts
The Cocaspore Project
by William Claypool
The Spirit of Want
by William H. Coles
The Surgeon's Wife
by William H. Coles
The Bellringer
by William Timothy Murray
The End of the Beginning
by Zachary Eichholz
The Royal Secret
by john bentley