
2024 Reading Goal Rankings | Regular Bookshelves Rankings

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Top 5 of Both (2018) | Most Ambitious (2018) | Most Complete (2018)

2018 Reading Goal Leaderboard

List last updated Wednesday, 2:40pm. After about one month into the year, readers who are significantly not on track to complete their goal will be hidden on the above list. For instance, if someone sets their reading goal at 24 books but only reads 3 in the first 6 months, they will not be shown above.

View "Most Ambitious" Reading Goal Leaderboard

List last updated Wednesday, 2:40pm. Reading goals under 6 books are hidden. Completion ratios over 100% are listed above as 100%. This is to prevent situations such as where someone sets their reading goal at one book, reads 8 books, and thus has a completion ratio of 800%.

View "Most Complete" Reading Goal Leaderboard