Book Cover for Alexandria Adieu

Average Bookshelves Rating: 3.5 out of 4

Alexandria Adieu: A Personal History 1939-1960

  by Adel Darwish

Language: English

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#Alexandria, #SuezWar, #History, #Forster, #Durrell, #CosmopolitanAlexandria, #Cavafy, #AlexandrianJews, #AlexandrianGreeks, #TheSecondExodus

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Original Quick Blurb for Alexandria Adieu

A nostalgic memoir of Alexandria that since Greek and Roman times has been a beacon of learning, culture and religious inspiration, the cosmopolitan capital of East Mediterranean with Jews, Greeks and hotchpotch of races identifying as Alexandrians

Blurb added on June 29, 2022, at 6:24 am by Alexandria_AD.


Alexandria Adieu was published by Nomad Publishing.

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Gideon Olomofe

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Alexandria Adieu was added to by Gideon Olomofe on June 28, 2022, at 11:54 am.

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