Book Cover for Prophase

Average Reviewer Rating: 4.1 out of 5
Based on published reviews.

Prophase: A Present Tale

  by Mitchel Street

Language: English

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Available Languages for Prophase

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Subgenre Hashtags for Prophase

#Werewolf, #Teenwolves, #ComingOfAge, #Thriller, #Teen, #ScienceFiction, #Magic, #Highschool, #Fantasy, #Epic, #YoungAdult

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Official Review

Prophase was officially reviewed by the Online Book Club review team!

Official Review by S dot Lennon ~ Rated 4 out of 5 ~ View the review

Featured Volunteer Reviews

Review by Krystal Pitcher ~ Rated 5 out of 5 ~ View review

ARA Reviews

Review by Leighah91 ~ Rated 5 out of 5 ~ View review

Review by hsprings ~ Rated 5 out of 5 ~ View review

Review by hellonewuser ~ Rated 5 out of 5 ~ View review

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Prophase was book of the day on 2024-02-24!

The Mitosis Series Series

This book is book #1 in the The Mitosis Series series.

Original Quick Blurb for Prophase

Piper loses her mother but has to deal with her abusive drunkard dad. She manouvres between school, taking care of her younger brother and her music career. She has Jazz her cat who becomes her emotional confidant and Esther a widow living nearby.

Blurb added on February 13, 2022, at 2:24 am by Janelydia Mwangi.


Prophase was self-published.

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The First Ten

Because Prophase was Book of the Day, some of our most trusted reviewers have carefully looked over the cover, the description, and other aspects of this book. The reviewers even read at least the first 10 pages of the book. They have each written a short review explaining why they plan to read the whole book or not based on the sample they read and other aspects of the book. We call this awesome feature The First Ten.

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3-Star Shelf out of 4

Amy Luman

3-Star Shelf out of 4

Sushan Ekanayake

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Prophase was added to by S dot Lennon on January 6, 2015, at 7:51 am.

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